diff --git a/src/app/content/hemat-app/device/device.component.html b/src/app/content/hemat-app/device/device.component.html
index 65942b0..9641fde 100644
--- a/src/app/content/hemat-app/device/device.component.html
+++ b/src/app/content/hemat-app/device/device.component.html
@@ -1,74 +1,171 @@
- {{element.id}}
- {{element.name}}
- {{element.position}}
- {{element.office}}
- {{element.age}}
- {{element.salary}}
- {{element.startdate}}
+ {{ element.id }}
+ {{ element.name }}
+ {{ element.position }}
+ {{ element.office }}
+ {{ element.age }}
+ {{ element.salary }}
+ {{ element.startdate }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/content/hemat-app/device/device.component.ts b/src/app/content/hemat-app/device/device.component.ts
index 31c4a1a..02deaf9 100644
--- a/src/app/content/hemat-app/device/device.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/content/hemat-app/device/device.component.ts
@@ -1,28 +1,35 @@
-import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
-import { NgBlockUI, BlockUI } from 'ng-block-ui';
-import { PerfectScrollbarDirective, PerfectScrollbarComponent, PerfectScrollbarConfigInterface } from 'ngx-perfect-scrollbar';
-import { TableApiService } from 'src/app/_services/table-api.service';
+import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from "@angular/core";
+import { log } from "console";
+import { NgBlockUI, BlockUI } from "ng-block-ui";
+import {
+ PerfectScrollbarDirective,
+ PerfectScrollbarComponent,
+ PerfectScrollbarConfigInterface,
+} from "ngx-perfect-scrollbar";
+import { TableApiService } from "src/app/_services/table-api.service";
- selector: 'app-device',
- templateUrl: './device.component.html',
- styleUrls: ['./device.component.css']
+ selector: "app-device",
+ templateUrl: "./device.component.html",
+ styleUrls: ["./device.component.css"],
-export class DeviceComponent implements OnInit{
+export class DeviceComponent implements OnInit {
data: any;
- @BlockUI('addRows') blockUIAddRows: NgBlockUI;
- @BlockUI('rowSelection') blockUIRowSelection: NgBlockUI;
+ @BlockUI("addRows") blockUIAddRows: NgBlockUI;
+ @BlockUI("rowSelection") blockUIRowSelection: NgBlockUI;
public config: PerfectScrollbarConfigInterface = { wheelPropagation: true };
- @ViewChild(PerfectScrollbarComponent) componentRef?: PerfectScrollbarComponent;
- @ViewChild(PerfectScrollbarDirective, { static: true }) directiveRef?: PerfectScrollbarDirective;
+ @ViewChild(PerfectScrollbarComponent)
+ componentRef?: PerfectScrollbarComponent;
+ @ViewChild(PerfectScrollbarDirective, { static: true })
+ directiveRef?: PerfectScrollbarDirective;
options = {
close: true,
expand: true,
minimize: true,
- reload: true
+ reload: true,
temp = [];
selected = [];
@@ -33,171 +40,49 @@ export class DeviceComponent implements OnInit{
row: any;
public breadcrumb: any;
- constructor(private tableApiservice: TableApiService) { }
+ constructor(private tableApiservice: TableApiService) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.breadcrumb = {
- 'mainlabel': 'Device List',
- 'links': [
+ mainlabel: "Device List",
+ links: [
- 'name': 'Home',
- 'isLink': false,
- 'link': '/dashboard/sales'
+ name: "Home",
+ isLink: false,
+ link: "/dashboard/sales",
- 'name': 'Device',
- 'isLink': false
- }
- ]
+ name: "Device",
+ isLink: false,
+ },
+ ],
- this.tableApiservice.getTableApiData().subscribe(Response => {
+ this.tableApiservice.getTableApiData().subscribe((Response) => {
+ console.log(Response);
this.data = Response;
- });
+ });
getTabledata() {
this.rows = this.data.rows;
this.row = this.data.row;
- updateFiltername(event) {
- const val = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
- // filter our data
- const temp = this.rows.filter(function (d) {
- return d.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val;
- });
- this.rows = temp;
- }
- updateFilterposition(event) {
- const val = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
- // filter our data
- const temp = this.rows.filter(function (d) {
- return d.position.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val;
- });
- this.rows = temp;
- }
- updateFilteroffice(event) {
- const val = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
- // filter our data
- const temp = this.rows.filter(function (d) {
- return d.office.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val;
- });
- this.rows = temp;
- }
- updateFilterage(event) {
- const val = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
- // filter our data
- const temp = this.rows.filter(function (d) {
- return d.age.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val;
- });
- this.rows = temp;
- }
- updateFiltersalary(event) {
- const val = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
- // filter our data
- const temp = this.rows.filter(function (d) {
- return d.salary.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val;
- });
- this.rows = temp;
- }
- updateFilterstartdate(event) {
- const val = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
- // filter our data
- const temp = this.rows.filter(function (d) {
- return d.startdate.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val;
- });
- this.rows = temp;
- }
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/member-ordering
- private newAttribute = { 'id': 15, name: 'Mark', position: 'Otto', office: '@mdo', age: '31', salary: '12000', startdate: '16/05/2017' };
+ private newAttribute = {
+ id: 15,
+ name: "Mark",
+ position: "Otto",
+ office: "@mdo",
+ age: "31",
+ salary: "12000",
+ startdate: "16/05/2017",
+ };
addFieldValue() {
this.rows = [...this.rows];
- deleteFieldValue(index) {
- this.rows.splice(index, 1);
- }
- deleteRow(id) {
- let i = 0;
- for (const row of this.rows) {
- if (row.id === id) {
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- const temp = [...this.rows];
- temp.splice(i, 1);
- this.rows = temp;
- }
- updateValue(event, cell, rowIndex) {
- this.editing[rowIndex + '-' + cell] = false;
- this.row[rowIndex][cell] = event.target.value;
- const temp = [...this.row];
- this.row = temp;
- }
- reloadAddRows() {
- this.blockUIAddRows.start('Loading..');
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.blockUIAddRows.stop();
- }, 2500);
- }
- onSelect({ selected }) {
- this.selected.splice(0, this.selected.length);
- this.selected.push(...selected);
- }
- reloadRowSelection() {
- this.blockUIRowSelection.start('Loading..');
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.blockUIRowSelection.stop();
- }, 2500);
- }
- deleteCheckedRow() {
- let index = 0;
- const removedIndex = [];
- const temp = [...this.rows];
- for (const row of temp) {
- for (const selectedRow of this.selected) {
- if (row.id === selectedRow.id) {
- removedIndex.push(index);
- }
- }
- index++;
- }
- for (let i = removedIndex.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- temp.splice(removedIndex[i], 1);
- }
- this.rows = temp;
- this.selected = [];
- }