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2024-07-31 13:12:38 +07:00
namespace Elementor\Modules\Usage;
use Elementor\Modules\System_Info\Reporters\Base;
use Elementor\Utils;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
* Elementor usage report.
* Elementor system report handler class responsible for generating a report for
* the user.
class Usage_Reporter extends Base {
const RECALC_ACTION = 'elementor_usage_recalc';
public function get_title() {
return esc_html__( 'Elements Usage', 'elementor' );
public function get_fields() {
return [
'usage' => '',
public function print_html_label( $label ) {
$title = $this->get_title();
if ( empty( $_GET[ self::RECALC_ACTION ] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore -- nonce validation is not required here.
$nonce = wp_create_nonce( self::RECALC_ACTION );
$url = add_query_arg( [
self::RECALC_ACTION => 1,
'_wpnonce' => $nonce,
] );
$title .= '<a id="elementor-usage-recalc" href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '#elementor-usage-recalc" class="box-title-tool">Recalculate</a>';
} else {
$title .= $this->get_remove_recalc_query_string_script();
parent::print_html_label( $title );
public function get_usage() {
/** @var Module $module */
$module = Module::instance();
if ( ! empty( $_GET[ self::RECALC_ACTION ] ) ) {
// phpcs:ignore
$nonce = Utils::get_super_global_value( $_GET, '_wpnonce' );
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, self::RECALC_ACTION ) ) {
wp_die( 'Invalid Nonce', 'Invalid Nonce', [
'back_link' => true,
] );
$usage = '';
foreach ( $module->get_formatted_usage() as $doc_type => $data ) {
$usage .= '<tr><td>' . $data['title'] . ' ( ' . $data['count'] . ' )</td><td>';
foreach ( $data['elements'] as $element => $count ) {
$usage .= $element . ': ' . $count . PHP_EOL;
$usage .= '</td></tr>';
return [
'value' => $usage,
public function get_raw_usage() {
/** @var Module $module */
$module = Module::instance();
$usage = PHP_EOL;
foreach ( $module->get_formatted_usage( 'raw' ) as $doc_type => $data ) {
$usage .= "\t{$data['title']} : " . $data['count'] . PHP_EOL;
foreach ( $data['elements'] as $element => $count ) {
$usage .= "\t\t{$element} : {$count}" . PHP_EOL;
return [
'value' => $usage,
* Removes the "elementor_usage_recalc" param from the query string to avoid recalc every refresh.
* When using a redirect header in place of this approach it throws an error because some components have already output some content.
* @return string
private function get_remove_recalc_query_string_script() {
// Origin file: modules/usage/usage-reporter.php - get_remove_recalc_query_string_script()
const url = new URL( window.location );
url.hash = '';
url.searchParams.delete( 'elementor_usage_recalc' );
url.searchParams.delete( '_wpnonce' );
history.replaceState( '', window.title, url.toString() );
return ob_get_clean();