761 lines
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761 lines
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/* global woocommerce_admin */
( function ( $, woocommerce_admin ) {
$( function () {
if ( 'undefined' === typeof woocommerce_admin ) {
// Add buttons to product screen.
var $product_screen = $( '.edit-php.post-type-product' ),
$title_action = $product_screen.find( '.page-title-action:first' ),
$blankslate = $product_screen.find( '.woocommerce-BlankState' );
if ( 0 === $blankslate.length ) {
if ( woocommerce_admin.urls.add_product ) {
.attr( 'href', woocommerce_admin.urls.add_product );
if ( woocommerce_admin.urls.export_products ) {
'<a href="' +
woocommerce_admin.urls.export_products +
'" class="page-title-action">' +
woocommerce_admin.strings.export_products +
if ( woocommerce_admin.urls.import_products ) {
'<a href="' +
woocommerce_admin.urls.import_products +
'" class="page-title-action">' +
woocommerce_admin.strings.import_products +
} else {
// Progress indicators when showing steps.
$( '.woocommerce-progress-form-wrapper .button-next' ).on(
function () {
$( '.wc-progress-form-content' ).block( {
message: null,
overlayCSS: {
background: '#fff',
opacity: 0.6,
} );
return true;
// Field validation error tips
$( document.body )
.on( 'wc_add_error_tip', function ( e, element, error_type ) {
var offset = element.position();
if ( element.parent().find( '.wc_error_tip' ).length === 0 ) {
'<div class="wc_error_tip ' +
error_type +
'">' +
woocommerce_admin[ error_type ] +
.find( '.wc_error_tip' )
offset.left +
element.width() -
element.width() / 2 -
$( '.wc_error_tip' ).width() / 2
.css( 'top', offset.top + element.height() )
.fadeIn( '100' );
} )
.on( 'wc_remove_error_tip', function ( e, element, error_type ) {
.find( '.wc_error_tip.' + error_type )
.fadeOut( '100', function () {
$( this ).remove();
} );
} )
.on( 'click', function () {
$( '.wc_error_tip' ).fadeOut( '100', function () {
$( this ).remove();
} );
} )
'.wc_input_decimal[type=text], .wc_input_price[type=text], .wc_input_country_iso[type=text]',
function () {
$( '.wc_error_tip' ).fadeOut( '100', function () {
$( this ).remove();
} );
'.wc_input_price[type=text], .wc_input_decimal[type=text], .wc-order-totals #refund_amount[type=text], ' +
function () {
var regex,
decimailPoint = woocommerce_admin.decimal_point;
if (
$( this ).is( '.wc_input_price' ) ||
$( this ).is( '.wc_input_variations_price' ) ||
$( this ).is( '#refund_amount' )
) {
decimailPoint = woocommerce_admin.mon_decimal_point;
regex = new RegExp(
'[^-0-9%\\' + decimailPoint + ']+',
decimalRegex = new RegExp(
'\\' + decimailPoint + '+',
var value = $( this ).val();
var newvalue = value
.replace( regex, '' )
.replace( decimalRegex, decimailPoint );
if ( value !== newvalue ) {
$( this ).val( newvalue );
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
'.wc_input_price[type=text], .wc_input_decimal[type=text], .wc_input_country_iso[type=text], .wc-order-totals #refund_amount[type=text], .wc_input_variations_price[type=text]',
function () {
var regex, error, decimalRegex;
var checkDecimalNumbers = false;
if (
$( this ).is( '.wc_input_price' ) ||
$( this ).is( '.wc_input_variations_price' ) ||
$( this ).is( '#refund_amount' )
) {
checkDecimalNumbers = true;
regex = new RegExp(
'[^-0-9%\\' +
woocommerce_admin.mon_decimal_point +
decimalRegex = new RegExp(
'[^\\' + woocommerce_admin.mon_decimal_point + ']',
error = 'i18n_mon_decimal_error';
} else if ( $( this ).is( '.wc_input_country_iso' ) ) {
regex = new RegExp( '([^A-Z])+|(.){3,}', 'im' );
error = 'i18n_country_iso_error';
} else {
checkDecimalNumbers = true;
regex = new RegExp(
'[^-0-9%\\' +
woocommerce_admin.decimal_point +
decimalRegex = new RegExp(
'[^\\' + woocommerce_admin.decimal_point + ']',
error = 'i18n_decimal_error';
var value = $( this ).val();
var newvalue = value.replace( regex, '' );
// Check if newvalue have more than one decimal point.
if (
checkDecimalNumbers &&
1 < newvalue.replace( decimalRegex, '' ).length
) {
newvalue = newvalue.replace( decimalRegex, '' );
if ( value !== newvalue ) {
$( document.body ).triggerHandler( 'wc_add_error_tip', [
$( this ),
] );
} else {
).triggerHandler( 'wc_remove_error_tip', [
$( this ),
] );
'#_sale_price.wc_input_price[type=text], .wc_input_price[name^=variable_sale_price]',
function () {
var sale_price_field = $( this ),
if (
.attr( 'name' )
.indexOf( 'variable' ) !== -1
) {
regular_price_field = sale_price_field
.parents( '.variable_pricing' )
} else {
regular_price_field = $( '#_regular_price' );
var sale_price = parseFloat(
var regular_price = parseFloat(
if ( sale_price >= regular_price ) {
$( this ).val( '' );
'#_sale_price.wc_input_price[type=text], .wc_input_price[name^=variable_sale_price]',
function () {
var sale_price_field = $( this ),
if (
.attr( 'name' )
.indexOf( 'variable' ) !== -1
) {
regular_price_field = sale_price_field
.parents( '.variable_pricing' )
} else {
regular_price_field = $( '#_regular_price' );
var sale_price = parseFloat(
var regular_price = parseFloat(
if ( sale_price >= regular_price ) {
$( document.body ).triggerHandler( 'wc_add_error_tip', [
$( this ),
] );
} else {
).triggerHandler( 'wc_remove_error_tip', [
$( this ),
] );
.on( 'init_tooltips', function () {
$( '.tips, .help_tip, .woocommerce-help-tip' ).tipTip( {
attribute: 'data-tip',
fadeIn: 50,
fadeOut: 50,
delay: 200,
keepAlive: true,
} );
$( '.column-wc_actions .wc-action-button' ).tipTip( {
fadeIn: 50,
fadeOut: 50,
delay: 200,
} );
// Add tiptip to parent element for widefat tables
$( '.parent-tips' ).each( function () {
$( this )
.closest( 'a, th' )
.attr( 'data-tip', $( this ).data( 'tip' ) )
.tipTip( {
attribute: 'data-tip',
fadeIn: 50,
fadeOut: 50,
delay: 200,
keepAlive: true,
} )
.css( 'cursor', 'help' );
} );
} )
.on( 'click', '.wc-confirm-delete', function ( event ) {
if (
! window.confirm( woocommerce_admin.i18n_confirm_delete )
) {
} );
// Tooltips
$( document.body ).trigger( 'init_tooltips' );
// wc_input_table tables
$( '.wc_input_table.sortable tbody' ).sortable( {
items: 'tr',
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axis: 'y',
scrollSensitivity: 40,
forcePlaceholderSize: true,
helper: 'clone',
opacity: 0.65,
placeholder: 'wc-metabox-sortable-placeholder',
start: function ( event, ui ) {
ui.item.css( 'background-color', '#f6f6f6' );
stop: function ( event, ui ) {
ui.item.removeAttr( 'style' );
} );
// Focus on inputs within the table if clicked instead of trying to sort.
$( '.wc_input_table.sortable tbody input' ).on( 'click', function () {
$( this ).trigger( 'focus' );
} );
$( '.wc_input_table .remove_rows' ).on( 'click', function () {
var $tbody = $( this ).closest( '.wc_input_table' ).find( 'tbody' );
if ( $tbody.find( 'tr.current' ).length > 0 ) {
var $current = $tbody.find( 'tr.current' );
$current.each( function () {
$( this ).remove();
} );
return false;
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var hasFocus = false;
$( document.body ).on( 'keyup keydown', function ( e ) {
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$( '.wc_input_table' )
.on( 'focus click', 'input', function ( e ) {
var $this_table = $( this ).closest( 'table, tbody' );
var $this_row = $( this ).closest( 'tr' );
if (
( e.type === 'focus' && hasFocus !== $this_row.index() ) ||
( e.type === 'click' && $( this ).is( ':focus' ) )
) {
hasFocus = $this_row.index();
if ( ! shifted && ! controlled ) {
$( 'tr', $this_table )
.removeClass( 'current' )
.removeClass( 'last_selected' );
.addClass( 'current' )
.addClass( 'last_selected' );
} else if ( shifted ) {
$( 'tr', $this_table ).removeClass( 'current' );
.addClass( 'selected_now' )
.addClass( 'current' );
if ( $( 'tr.last_selected', $this_table ).length > 0 ) {
if (
$this_row.index() >
$( 'tr.last_selected', $this_table ).index()
) {
$( 'tr', $this_table )
.addClass( 'current' );
} else {
$( 'tr', $this_table )
).index() + 1
.addClass( 'current' );
$( 'tr', $this_table ).removeClass( 'last_selected' );
$this_row.addClass( 'last_selected' );
} else {
$( 'tr', $this_table ).removeClass( 'last_selected' );
if (
controlled &&
$( this ).closest( 'tr' ).is( '.current' )
) {
$this_row.removeClass( 'current' );
} else {
.addClass( 'current' )
.addClass( 'last_selected' );
$( 'tr', $this_table ).removeClass( 'selected_now' );
} )
.on( 'blur', 'input', function () {
hasFocus = false;
} );
// Additional cost and Attribute term tables
'.woocommerce_page_wc-settings .shippingrows tbody tr:even, table.attributes-table tbody tr:nth-child(odd)'
).addClass( 'alternate' );
// Show order items on orders page
$( document.body ).on( 'click', '.show_order_items', function () {
$( this ).closest( 'td' ).find( 'table' ).toggle();
return false;
} );
// Select availability
$( 'select.availability' )
.on( 'change', function () {
if ( $( this ).val() === 'all' ) {
$( this ).closest( 'tr' ).next( 'tr' ).hide();
} else {
$( this ).closest( 'tr' ).next( 'tr' ).show();
} )
.trigger( 'change' );
// Hidden options
$( '.hide_options_if_checked' ).each( function () {
$( this )
.find( 'input:eq(0)' )
.on( 'change', function () {
if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
$( this )
.closest( 'fieldset, tr' )
'.hide_options_if_checked, .show_options_if_checked',
} else {
$( this )
.closest( 'fieldset, tr' )
'.hide_options_if_checked, .show_options_if_checked',
} )
.trigger( 'change' );
} );
$( '.show_options_if_checked' ).each( function () {
$( this )
.find( 'input:eq(0)' )
.on( 'change', function () {
if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
$( this )
.closest( 'fieldset, tr' )
'.hide_options_if_checked, .show_options_if_checked',
} else {
$( this )
.closest( 'fieldset, tr' )
'.hide_options_if_checked, .show_options_if_checked',
} )
.trigger( 'change' );
} );
// Reviews.
$( 'input#woocommerce_enable_reviews' )
.on( 'change', function () {
if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
$( '#woocommerce_enable_review_rating' )
.closest( 'tr' )
} else {
$( '#woocommerce_enable_review_rating' )
.closest( 'tr' )
} )
.trigger( 'change' );
// Attribute term table
$( 'table.attributes-table tbody tr:nth-child(odd)' ).addClass(
// Toggle gateway on/off.
$( '.wc_gateways' ).on(
function () {
var $link = $( this ),
$row = $link.closest( 'tr' ),
$toggle = $link.find( '.woocommerce-input-toggle' );
var data = {
action: 'woocommerce_toggle_gateway_enabled',
security: woocommerce_admin.nonces.gateway_toggle,
gateway_id: $row.data( 'gateway_id' ),
$toggle.addClass( 'woocommerce-input-toggle--loading' );
$.ajax( {
url: woocommerce_admin.ajax_url,
data: data,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
success: function ( response ) {
if ( true === response.data ) {
'woocommerce-input-toggle--enabled, woocommerce-input-toggle--disabled'
} else if ( false === response.data ) {
'woocommerce-input-toggle--enabled, woocommerce-input-toggle--disabled'
} else if ( 'needs_setup' === response.data ) {
window.location.href = $link.attr( 'href' );
} );
return false;
$( '#wpbody' ).on( 'click', '#doaction, #doaction2', function () {
var action = $( this ).is( '#doaction' )
? $( '#bulk-action-selector-top' ).val()
: $( '#bulk-action-selector-bottom' ).val();
if ( 'remove_personal_data' === action ) {
return window.confirm(
} );
var marketplaceSectionDropdown = $(
var marketplaceSectionName = $( '#marketplace-current-section-name' );
var marketplaceMenuIsOpen = false;
// Add event listener to toggle Marketplace menu on touch devices
if ( marketplaceSectionDropdown.length ) {
if ( isTouchDevice() ) {
marketplaceSectionName.on( 'click', function () {
marketplaceMenuIsOpen = ! marketplaceMenuIsOpen;
if ( marketplaceMenuIsOpen ) {
marketplaceSectionDropdown.addClass( 'is-open' );
$( document ).on( 'click', maybeToggleMarketplaceMenu );
} else {
marketplaceSectionDropdown.removeClass( 'is-open' );
$( document ).off(
} );
} else {
document.body.classList.add( 'no-touch' );
// Close menu if the user clicks outside it
function maybeToggleMarketplaceMenu( e ) {
if (
! marketplaceSectionDropdown.is( e.target ) &&
marketplaceSectionDropdown.has( e.target ).length === 0
) {
marketplaceSectionDropdown.removeClass( 'is-open' );
marketplaceMenuIsOpen = false;
$( document ).off( 'click', maybeToggleMarketplaceMenu );
function isTouchDevice() {
return (
'ontouchstart' in window ||
navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 ||
navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0
} );
$( function() {
* Handles heartbeat integration of order locking when HPOS is enabled.
var wc_order_lock = {
init: function() {
// Order screen.
this.$lock_dialog = $( '.woocommerce_page_wc-orders #post-lock-dialog.order-lock-dialog' );
if ( 0 !== this.$lock_dialog.length && 'undefined' !== typeof woocommerce_admin_meta_boxes ) {
// We do not want WP's lock to interfere.
$( document ).off( 'heartbeat-send.refresh-lock' );
$( document ).off( 'heartbeat-tick.refresh-lock' );
$( document ).on( 'heartbeat-send', this.refresh_order_lock );
$( document ).on( 'heartbeat-tick', this.check_order_lock );
// Orders list table.
this.$list_table = $( '.woocommerce_page_wc-orders table.wc-orders-list-table' );
if ( 0 !== this.$list_table.length ) {
$( document ).on( 'heartbeat-send', this.send_orders_in_list );
$( document ).on( 'heartbeat-tick', this.check_orders_in_list );
refresh_order_lock: function( e, data ) {
delete data['wp-refresh-post-lock'];
data['wc-refresh-order-lock'] = woocommerce_admin_meta_boxes.post_id;
check_order_lock: function( e, data ) {
var lock_data = data['wc-refresh-order-lock'];
if ( ! lock_data || ! lock_data.error ) {
// No lock request in heartbeat or lock refreshed ok.
if ( wc_order_lock.$lock_dialog.is( ':visible' ) ) {
if ( lock_data.error.user_avatar_src ) {
wc_order_lock.$lock_dialog.find( '.post-locked-avatar' ).empty().append(
'<img />',
'class': 'avatar avatar-64 photo',
width: 64,
height: 64,
alt: '',
src: lock_data.error.user_avatar_src,
srcset: lock_data.error.user_avatar_src_2x ? lock_data.error.user_avatar_src_2x + ' 2x' : undefined
wc_order_lock.$lock_dialog.find( '.currently-editing' ).text( lock_data.error.message );
wc_order_lock.$lock_dialog.find( '.wp-tab-first' ).trigger( 'focus' );
send_orders_in_list: function( e, data ) {
data['wc-check-locked-orders'] = wc_order_lock.$list_table.find( 'tr input[name="id[]"]' ).map(
function() { return this.value; }
check_orders_in_list: function( e, data ) {
var locked_orders = data['wc-check-locked-orders'] || {};
wc_order_lock.$list_table.find( 'tr' ).each( function( i, tr ) {
var $tr = $( tr );
var order_id = $tr.find( 'input[name="id[]"]' ).val();
if ( locked_orders[ order_id ] ) {
if ( ! $tr.hasClass( 'wp-locked' ) ) {
$tr.find( '.check-column checkbox' ).prop( 'checked', false );
$tr.addClass( 'wp-locked' );
} else {
$tr.removeClass( 'wp-locked' ).find( '.locked-info span' ).empty();
} );
} );
} )( jQuery, woocommerce_admin );