7014 lines
265 KiB
7014 lines
265 KiB
/*! elementor - v3.23.0 - 25-07-2024 */
(self["webpackChunkelementor"] = self["webpackChunkelementor"] || []).push([["vendors-node_modules_react-query_devtools_index_js"],{
/***/ "../node_modules/match-sorter/dist/match-sorter.esm.js":
!*** ../node_modules/match-sorter/dist/match-sorter.esm.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ defaultBaseSortFn: () => (/* binding */ defaultBaseSortFn),
/* harmony export */ matchSorter: () => (/* binding */ matchSorter),
/* harmony export */ rankings: () => (/* binding */ rankings)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
/* harmony import */ var remove_accents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! remove-accents */ "../node_modules/match-sorter/node_modules/remove-accents/index.js");
/* harmony import */ var remove_accents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(remove_accents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
var rankings = {
matchSorter.rankings = rankings;
var defaultBaseSortFn = function defaultBaseSortFn(a, b) {
return String(a.rankedValue).localeCompare(String(b.rankedValue));
* Takes an array of items and a value and returns a new array with the items that match the given value
* @param {Array} items - the items to sort
* @param {String} value - the value to use for ranking
* @param {Object} options - Some options to configure the sorter
* @return {Array} - the new sorted array
function matchSorter(items, value, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
var _options = options,
keys = _options.keys,
_options$threshold = _options.threshold,
threshold = _options$threshold === void 0 ? rankings.MATCHES : _options$threshold,
_options$baseSort = _options.baseSort,
baseSort = _options$baseSort === void 0 ? defaultBaseSortFn : _options$baseSort,
_options$sorter = _options.sorter,
sorter = _options$sorter === void 0 ? function (matchedItems) {
return matchedItems.sort(function (a, b) {
return sortRankedValues(a, b, baseSort);
} : _options$sorter;
var matchedItems = items.reduce(reduceItemsToRanked, []);
return sorter(matchedItems).map(function (_ref) {
var item = _ref.item;
return item;
function reduceItemsToRanked(matches, item, index) {
var rankingInfo = getHighestRanking(item, keys, value, options);
var rank = rankingInfo.rank,
_rankingInfo$keyThres = rankingInfo.keyThreshold,
keyThreshold = _rankingInfo$keyThres === void 0 ? threshold : _rankingInfo$keyThres;
if (rank >= keyThreshold) {
matches.push((0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, rankingInfo, {
item: item,
index: index
return matches;
* Gets the highest ranking for value for the given item based on its values for the given keys
* @param {*} item - the item to rank
* @param {Array} keys - the keys to get values from the item for the ranking
* @param {String} value - the value to rank against
* @param {Object} options - options to control the ranking
* @return {{rank: Number, keyIndex: Number, keyThreshold: Number}} - the highest ranking
function getHighestRanking(item, keys, value, options) {
if (!keys) {
// if keys is not specified, then we assume the item given is ready to be matched
var stringItem = item;
return {
// ends up being duplicate of 'item' in matches but consistent
rankedValue: stringItem,
rank: getMatchRanking(stringItem, value, options),
keyIndex: -1,
keyThreshold: options.threshold
var valuesToRank = getAllValuesToRank(item, keys);
return valuesToRank.reduce(function (_ref2, _ref3, i) {
var rank = _ref2.rank,
rankedValue = _ref2.rankedValue,
keyIndex = _ref2.keyIndex,
keyThreshold = _ref2.keyThreshold;
var itemValue = _ref3.itemValue,
attributes = _ref3.attributes;
var newRank = getMatchRanking(itemValue, value, options);
var newRankedValue = rankedValue;
var minRanking = attributes.minRanking,
maxRanking = attributes.maxRanking,
threshold = attributes.threshold;
if (newRank < minRanking && newRank >= rankings.MATCHES) {
newRank = minRanking;
} else if (newRank > maxRanking) {
newRank = maxRanking;
if (newRank > rank) {
rank = newRank;
keyIndex = i;
keyThreshold = threshold;
newRankedValue = itemValue;
return {
rankedValue: newRankedValue,
rank: rank,
keyIndex: keyIndex,
keyThreshold: keyThreshold
}, {
rankedValue: item,
rank: rankings.NO_MATCH,
keyIndex: -1,
keyThreshold: options.threshold
* Gives a rankings score based on how well the two strings match.
* @param {String} testString - the string to test against
* @param {String} stringToRank - the string to rank
* @param {Object} options - options for the match (like keepDiacritics for comparison)
* @returns {Number} the ranking for how well stringToRank matches testString
function getMatchRanking(testString, stringToRank, options) {
testString = prepareValueForComparison(testString, options);
stringToRank = prepareValueForComparison(stringToRank, options); // too long
if (stringToRank.length > testString.length) {
return rankings.NO_MATCH;
} // case sensitive equals
if (testString === stringToRank) {
return rankings.CASE_SENSITIVE_EQUAL;
} // Lower casing before further comparison
testString = testString.toLowerCase();
stringToRank = stringToRank.toLowerCase(); // case insensitive equals
if (testString === stringToRank) {
return rankings.EQUAL;
} // starts with
if (testString.startsWith(stringToRank)) {
return rankings.STARTS_WITH;
} // word starts with
if (testString.includes(" " + stringToRank)) {
return rankings.WORD_STARTS_WITH;
} // contains
if (testString.includes(stringToRank)) {
return rankings.CONTAINS;
} else if (stringToRank.length === 1) {
// If the only character in the given stringToRank
// isn't even contained in the testString, then
// it's definitely not a match.
return rankings.NO_MATCH;
} // acronym
if (getAcronym(testString).includes(stringToRank)) {
return rankings.ACRONYM;
} // will return a number between rankings.MATCHES and
// rankings.MATCHES + 1 depending on how close of a match it is.
return getClosenessRanking(testString, stringToRank);
* Generates an acronym for a string.
* @param {String} string the string for which to produce the acronym
* @returns {String} the acronym
function getAcronym(string) {
var acronym = '';
var wordsInString = string.split(' ');
wordsInString.forEach(function (wordInString) {
var splitByHyphenWords = wordInString.split('-');
splitByHyphenWords.forEach(function (splitByHyphenWord) {
acronym += splitByHyphenWord.substr(0, 1);
return acronym;
* Returns a score based on how spread apart the
* characters from the stringToRank are within the testString.
* A number close to rankings.MATCHES represents a loose match. A number close
* to rankings.MATCHES + 1 represents a tighter match.
* @param {String} testString - the string to test against
* @param {String} stringToRank - the string to rank
* @returns {Number} the number between rankings.MATCHES and
* rankings.MATCHES + 1 for how well stringToRank matches testString
function getClosenessRanking(testString, stringToRank) {
var matchingInOrderCharCount = 0;
var charNumber = 0;
function findMatchingCharacter(matchChar, string, index) {
for (var j = index, J = string.length; j < J; j++) {
var stringChar = string[j];
if (stringChar === matchChar) {
matchingInOrderCharCount += 1;
return j + 1;
return -1;
function getRanking(spread) {
var spreadPercentage = 1 / spread;
var inOrderPercentage = matchingInOrderCharCount / stringToRank.length;
var ranking = rankings.MATCHES + inOrderPercentage * spreadPercentage;
return ranking;
var firstIndex = findMatchingCharacter(stringToRank[0], testString, 0);
if (firstIndex < 0) {
return rankings.NO_MATCH;
charNumber = firstIndex;
for (var i = 1, I = stringToRank.length; i < I; i++) {
var matchChar = stringToRank[i];
charNumber = findMatchingCharacter(matchChar, testString, charNumber);
var found = charNumber > -1;
if (!found) {
return rankings.NO_MATCH;
var spread = charNumber - firstIndex;
return getRanking(spread);
* Sorts items that have a rank, index, and keyIndex
* @param {Object} a - the first item to sort
* @param {Object} b - the second item to sort
* @return {Number} -1 if a should come first, 1 if b should come first, 0 if equal
function sortRankedValues(a, b, baseSort) {
var aFirst = -1;
var bFirst = 1;
var aRank = a.rank,
aKeyIndex = a.keyIndex;
var bRank = b.rank,
bKeyIndex = b.keyIndex;
var same = aRank === bRank;
if (same) {
if (aKeyIndex === bKeyIndex) {
// use the base sort function as a tie-breaker
return baseSort(a, b);
} else {
return aKeyIndex < bKeyIndex ? aFirst : bFirst;
} else {
return aRank > bRank ? aFirst : bFirst;
* Prepares value for comparison by stringifying it, removing diacritics (if specified)
* @param {String} value - the value to clean
* @param {Object} options - {keepDiacritics: whether to remove diacritics}
* @return {String} the prepared value
function prepareValueForComparison(value, _ref4) {
var keepDiacritics = _ref4.keepDiacritics;
// value might not actually be a string at this point (we don't get to choose)
// so part of preparing the value for comparison is ensure that it is a string
value = "" + value; // toString
if (!keepDiacritics) {
value = remove_accents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default()(value);
return value;
* Gets value for key in item at arbitrarily nested keypath
* @param {Object} item - the item
* @param {Object|Function} key - the potentially nested keypath or property callback
* @return {Array} - an array containing the value(s) at the nested keypath
function getItemValues(item, key) {
if (typeof key === 'object') {
key = key.key;
var value;
if (typeof key === 'function') {
value = key(item);
} else if (item == null) {
value = null;
} else if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(item, key)) {
value = item[key];
} else if (key.includes('.')) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
return getNestedValues(key, item);
} else {
value = null;
} // because `value` can also be undefined
if (value == null) {
return [];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value;
return [String(value)];
* Given path: "foo.bar.baz"
* And item: {foo: {bar: {baz: 'buzz'}}}
* -> 'buzz'
* @param path a dot-separated set of keys
* @param item the item to get the value from
function getNestedValues(path, item) {
var keys = path.split('.');
var values = [item];
for (var i = 0, I = keys.length; i < I; i++) {
var nestedKey = keys[i];
var nestedValues = [];
for (var j = 0, J = values.length; j < J; j++) {
var nestedItem = values[j];
if (nestedItem == null) continue;
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(nestedItem, nestedKey)) {
var nestedValue = nestedItem[nestedKey];
if (nestedValue != null) {
} else if (nestedKey === '*') {
// ensure that values is an array
nestedValues = nestedValues.concat(nestedItem);
values = nestedValues;
if (Array.isArray(values[0])) {
// keep allowing the implicit wildcard for an array of strings at the end of
// the path; don't use `.flat()` because that's not available in node.js v10
var result = [];
return result.concat.apply(result, values);
} // Based on our logic it should be an array of strings by now...
// assuming the user's path terminated in strings
return values;
* Gets all the values for the given keys in the given item and returns an array of those values
* @param item - the item from which the values will be retrieved
* @param keys - the keys to use to retrieve the values
* @return objects with {itemValue, attributes}
function getAllValuesToRank(item, keys) {
var allValues = [];
for (var j = 0, J = keys.length; j < J; j++) {
var key = keys[j];
var attributes = getKeyAttributes(key);
var itemValues = getItemValues(item, key);
for (var i = 0, I = itemValues.length; i < I; i++) {
itemValue: itemValues[i],
attributes: attributes
return allValues;
var defaultKeyAttributes = {
maxRanking: Infinity,
minRanking: -Infinity
* Gets all the attributes for the given key
* @param key - the key from which the attributes will be retrieved
* @return object containing the key's attributes
function getKeyAttributes(key) {
if (typeof key === 'string') {
return defaultKeyAttributes;
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, defaultKeyAttributes, key);
no-continue: "off",
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/match-sorter/node_modules/remove-accents/index.js":
!*** ../node_modules/match-sorter/node_modules/remove-accents/index.js ***!
/***/ ((module) => {
var characterMap = {
"À": "A",
"Á": "A",
"Â": "A",
"Ã": "A",
"Ä": "A",
"Å": "A",
"Ấ": "A",
"Ắ": "A",
"Ẳ": "A",
"Ẵ": "A",
"Ặ": "A",
"Æ": "AE",
"Ầ": "A",
"Ằ": "A",
"Ȃ": "A",
"Ç": "C",
"Ḉ": "C",
"È": "E",
"É": "E",
"Ê": "E",
"Ë": "E",
"Ế": "E",
"Ḗ": "E",
"Ề": "E",
"Ḕ": "E",
"Ḝ": "E",
"Ȇ": "E",
"Ì": "I",
"Í": "I",
"Î": "I",
"Ï": "I",
"Ḯ": "I",
"Ȋ": "I",
"Ð": "D",
"Ñ": "N",
"Ò": "O",
"Ó": "O",
"Ô": "O",
"Õ": "O",
"Ö": "O",
"Ø": "O",
"Ố": "O",
"Ṍ": "O",
"Ṓ": "O",
"Ȏ": "O",
"Ù": "U",
"Ú": "U",
"Û": "U",
"Ü": "U",
"Ý": "Y",
"à": "a",
"á": "a",
"â": "a",
"ã": "a",
"ä": "a",
"å": "a",
"ấ": "a",
"ắ": "a",
"ẳ": "a",
"ẵ": "a",
"ặ": "a",
"æ": "ae",
"ầ": "a",
"ằ": "a",
"ȃ": "a",
"ç": "c",
"ḉ": "c",
"è": "e",
"é": "e",
"ê": "e",
"ë": "e",
"ế": "e",
"ḗ": "e",
"ề": "e",
"ḕ": "e",
"ḝ": "e",
"ȇ": "e",
"ì": "i",
"í": "i",
"î": "i",
"ï": "i",
"ḯ": "i",
"ȋ": "i",
"ð": "d",
"ñ": "n",
"ò": "o",
"ó": "o",
"ô": "o",
"õ": "o",
"ö": "o",
"ø": "o",
"ố": "o",
"ṍ": "o",
"ṓ": "o",
"ȏ": "o",
"ù": "u",
"ú": "u",
"û": "u",
"ü": "u",
"ý": "y",
"ÿ": "y",
"Ā": "A",
"ā": "a",
"Ă": "A",
"ă": "a",
"Ą": "A",
"ą": "a",
"Ć": "C",
"ć": "c",
"Ĉ": "C",
"ĉ": "c",
"Ċ": "C",
"ċ": "c",
"Č": "C",
"č": "c",
"C̆": "C",
"c̆": "c",
"Ď": "D",
"ď": "d",
"Đ": "D",
"đ": "d",
"Ē": "E",
"ē": "e",
"Ĕ": "E",
"ĕ": "e",
"Ė": "E",
"ė": "e",
"Ę": "E",
"ę": "e",
"Ě": "E",
"ě": "e",
"Ĝ": "G",
"Ǵ": "G",
"ĝ": "g",
"ǵ": "g",
"Ğ": "G",
"ğ": "g",
"Ġ": "G",
"ġ": "g",
"Ģ": "G",
"ģ": "g",
"Ĥ": "H",
"ĥ": "h",
"Ħ": "H",
"ħ": "h",
"Ḫ": "H",
"ḫ": "h",
"Ĩ": "I",
"ĩ": "i",
"Ī": "I",
"ī": "i",
"Ĭ": "I",
"ĭ": "i",
"Į": "I",
"į": "i",
"İ": "I",
"ı": "i",
"IJ": "IJ",
"ij": "ij",
"Ĵ": "J",
"ĵ": "j",
"Ķ": "K",
"ķ": "k",
"Ḱ": "K",
"ḱ": "k",
"K̆": "K",
"k̆": "k",
"Ĺ": "L",
"ĺ": "l",
"Ļ": "L",
"ļ": "l",
"Ľ": "L",
"ľ": "l",
"Ŀ": "L",
"ŀ": "l",
"Ł": "l",
"ł": "l",
"Ḿ": "M",
"ḿ": "m",
"M̆": "M",
"m̆": "m",
"Ń": "N",
"ń": "n",
"Ņ": "N",
"ņ": "n",
"Ň": "N",
"ň": "n",
"ʼn": "n",
"N̆": "N",
"n̆": "n",
"Ō": "O",
"ō": "o",
"Ŏ": "O",
"ŏ": "o",
"Ő": "O",
"ő": "o",
"Œ": "OE",
"œ": "oe",
"P̆": "P",
"p̆": "p",
"Ŕ": "R",
"ŕ": "r",
"Ŗ": "R",
"ŗ": "r",
"Ř": "R",
"ř": "r",
"R̆": "R",
"r̆": "r",
"Ȓ": "R",
"ȓ": "r",
"Ś": "S",
"ś": "s",
"Ŝ": "S",
"ŝ": "s",
"Ş": "S",
"Ș": "S",
"ș": "s",
"ş": "s",
"Š": "S",
"š": "s",
"Ţ": "T",
"ţ": "t",
"ț": "t",
"Ț": "T",
"Ť": "T",
"ť": "t",
"Ŧ": "T",
"ŧ": "t",
"T̆": "T",
"t̆": "t",
"Ũ": "U",
"ũ": "u",
"Ū": "U",
"ū": "u",
"Ŭ": "U",
"ŭ": "u",
"Ů": "U",
"ů": "u",
"Ű": "U",
"ű": "u",
"Ų": "U",
"ų": "u",
"Ȗ": "U",
"ȗ": "u",
"V̆": "V",
"v̆": "v",
"Ŵ": "W",
"ŵ": "w",
"Ẃ": "W",
"ẃ": "w",
"X̆": "X",
"x̆": "x",
"Ŷ": "Y",
"ŷ": "y",
"Ÿ": "Y",
"Y̆": "Y",
"y̆": "y",
"Ź": "Z",
"ź": "z",
"Ż": "Z",
"ż": "z",
"Ž": "Z",
"ž": "z",
"ſ": "s",
"ƒ": "f",
"Ơ": "O",
"ơ": "o",
"Ư": "U",
"ư": "u",
"Ǎ": "A",
"ǎ": "a",
"Ǐ": "I",
"ǐ": "i",
"Ǒ": "O",
"ǒ": "o",
"Ǔ": "U",
"ǔ": "u",
"Ǖ": "U",
"ǖ": "u",
"Ǘ": "U",
"ǘ": "u",
"Ǚ": "U",
"ǚ": "u",
"Ǜ": "U",
"ǜ": "u",
"Ứ": "U",
"ứ": "u",
"Ṹ": "U",
"ṹ": "u",
"Ǻ": "A",
"ǻ": "a",
"Ǽ": "AE",
"ǽ": "ae",
"Ǿ": "O",
"ǿ": "o",
"Þ": "TH",
"þ": "th",
"Ṕ": "P",
"ṕ": "p",
"Ṥ": "S",
"ṥ": "s",
"X́": "X",
"x́": "x",
"Ѓ": "Г",
"ѓ": "г",
"Ќ": "К",
"ќ": "к",
"A̋": "A",
"a̋": "a",
"E̋": "E",
"e̋": "e",
"I̋": "I",
"i̋": "i",
"Ǹ": "N",
"ǹ": "n",
"Ồ": "O",
"ồ": "o",
"Ṑ": "O",
"ṑ": "o",
"Ừ": "U",
"ừ": "u",
"Ẁ": "W",
"ẁ": "w",
"Ỳ": "Y",
"ỳ": "y",
"Ȁ": "A",
"ȁ": "a",
"Ȅ": "E",
"ȅ": "e",
"Ȉ": "I",
"ȉ": "i",
"Ȍ": "O",
"ȍ": "o",
"Ȑ": "R",
"ȑ": "r",
"Ȕ": "U",
"ȕ": "u",
"B̌": "B",
"b̌": "b",
"Č̣": "C",
"č̣": "c",
"Ê̌": "E",
"ê̌": "e",
"F̌": "F",
"f̌": "f",
"Ǧ": "G",
"ǧ": "g",
"Ȟ": "H",
"ȟ": "h",
"J̌": "J",
"ǰ": "j",
"Ǩ": "K",
"ǩ": "k",
"M̌": "M",
"m̌": "m",
"P̌": "P",
"p̌": "p",
"Q̌": "Q",
"q̌": "q",
"Ř̩": "R",
"ř̩": "r",
"Ṧ": "S",
"ṧ": "s",
"V̌": "V",
"v̌": "v",
"W̌": "W",
"w̌": "w",
"X̌": "X",
"x̌": "x",
"Y̌": "Y",
"y̌": "y",
"A̧": "A",
"a̧": "a",
"B̧": "B",
"b̧": "b",
"Ḑ": "D",
"ḑ": "d",
"Ȩ": "E",
"ȩ": "e",
"Ɛ̧": "E",
"ɛ̧": "e",
"Ḩ": "H",
"ḩ": "h",
"I̧": "I",
"i̧": "i",
"Ɨ̧": "I",
"ɨ̧": "i",
"M̧": "M",
"m̧": "m",
"O̧": "O",
"o̧": "o",
"Q̧": "Q",
"q̧": "q",
"U̧": "U",
"u̧": "u",
"X̧": "X",
"x̧": "x",
"Z̧": "Z",
"z̧": "z",
var chars = Object.keys(characterMap).join('|');
var allAccents = new RegExp(chars, 'g');
var firstAccent = new RegExp(chars, '');
var removeAccents = function(string) {
return string.replace(allAccents, function(match) {
return characterMap[match];
var hasAccents = function(string) {
return !!string.match(firstAccent);
module.exports = removeAccents;
module.exports.has = hasAccents;
module.exports.remove = removeAccents;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/devtools/index.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/devtools/index.js ***!
/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {
if (false) {} else {
module.exports = __webpack_require__(/*! ./development */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/index.js")
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/focusManager.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/focusManager.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ FocusManager: () => (/* binding */ FocusManager),
/* harmony export */ focusManager: () => (/* binding */ focusManager)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose.js");
/* harmony import */ var _subscribable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./subscribable */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/subscribable.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
var FocusManager = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Subscribable) {
(0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(FocusManager, _Subscribable);
function FocusManager() {
var _this;
_this = _Subscribable.call(this) || this;
_this.setup = function (onFocus) {
var _window;
if (!_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isServer && ((_window = window) == null ? void 0 : _window.addEventListener)) {
var listener = function listener() {
return onFocus();
}; // Listen to visibillitychange and focus
window.addEventListener('visibilitychange', listener, false);
window.addEventListener('focus', listener, false);
return function () {
// Be sure to unsubscribe if a new handler is set
window.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', listener);
window.removeEventListener('focus', listener);
return _this;
var _proto = FocusManager.prototype;
_proto.onSubscribe = function onSubscribe() {
if (!this.cleanup) {
_proto.onUnsubscribe = function onUnsubscribe() {
if (!this.hasListeners()) {
var _this$cleanup;
(_this$cleanup = this.cleanup) == null ? void 0 : _this$cleanup.call(this);
this.cleanup = undefined;
_proto.setEventListener = function setEventListener(setup) {
var _this$cleanup2,
_this2 = this;
this.setup = setup;
(_this$cleanup2 = this.cleanup) == null ? void 0 : _this$cleanup2.call(this);
this.cleanup = setup(function (focused) {
if (typeof focused === 'boolean') {
} else {
_proto.setFocused = function setFocused(focused) {
this.focused = focused;
if (focused) {
_proto.onFocus = function onFocus() {
this.listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
_proto.isFocused = function isFocused() {
if (typeof this.focused === 'boolean') {
return this.focused;
} // document global can be unavailable in react native
if (typeof document === 'undefined') {
return true;
return [undefined, 'visible', 'prerender'].includes(document.visibilityState);
return FocusManager;
var focusManager = new FocusManager();
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/hydration.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/hydration.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ dehydrate: () => (/* binding */ dehydrate),
/* harmony export */ hydrate: () => (/* binding */ hydrate)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
function dehydrateMutation(mutation) {
return {
mutationKey: mutation.options.mutationKey,
state: mutation.state
} // Most config is not dehydrated but instead meant to configure again when
// consuming the de/rehydrated data, typically with useQuery on the client.
// Sometimes it might make sense to prefetch data on the server and include
// in the html-payload, but not consume it on the initial render.
function dehydrateQuery(query) {
return {
state: query.state,
queryKey: query.queryKey,
queryHash: query.queryHash
function defaultShouldDehydrateMutation(mutation) {
return mutation.state.isPaused;
function defaultShouldDehydrateQuery(query) {
return query.state.status === 'success';
function dehydrate(client, options) {
var _options, _options2;
options = options || {};
var mutations = [];
var queries = [];
if (((_options = options) == null ? void 0 : _options.dehydrateMutations) !== false) {
var shouldDehydrateMutation = options.shouldDehydrateMutation || defaultShouldDehydrateMutation;
client.getMutationCache().getAll().forEach(function (mutation) {
if (shouldDehydrateMutation(mutation)) {
if (((_options2 = options) == null ? void 0 : _options2.dehydrateQueries) !== false) {
var shouldDehydrateQuery = options.shouldDehydrateQuery || defaultShouldDehydrateQuery;
client.getQueryCache().getAll().forEach(function (query) {
if (shouldDehydrateQuery(query)) {
return {
mutations: mutations,
queries: queries
function hydrate(client, dehydratedState, options) {
if (typeof dehydratedState !== 'object' || dehydratedState === null) {
var mutationCache = client.getMutationCache();
var queryCache = client.getQueryCache();
var mutations = dehydratedState.mutations || [];
var queries = dehydratedState.queries || [];
mutations.forEach(function (dehydratedMutation) {
var _options$defaultOptio;
mutationCache.build(client, (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, options == null ? void 0 : (_options$defaultOptio = options.defaultOptions) == null ? void 0 : _options$defaultOptio.mutations, {
mutationKey: dehydratedMutation.mutationKey
}), dehydratedMutation.state);
queries.forEach(function (dehydratedQuery) {
var _options$defaultOptio2;
var query = queryCache.get(dehydratedQuery.queryHash); // Do not hydrate if an existing query exists with newer data
if (query) {
if (query.state.dataUpdatedAt < dehydratedQuery.state.dataUpdatedAt) {
} // Restore query
queryCache.build(client, (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, options == null ? void 0 : (_options$defaultOptio2 = options.defaultOptions) == null ? void 0 : _options$defaultOptio2.queries, {
queryKey: dehydratedQuery.queryKey,
queryHash: dehydratedQuery.queryHash
}), dehydratedQuery.state);
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/index.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ CancelledError: () => (/* reexport safe */ _retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.CancelledError),
/* harmony export */ InfiniteQueryObserver: () => (/* reexport safe */ _infiniteQueryObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.InfiniteQueryObserver),
/* harmony export */ MutationCache: () => (/* reexport safe */ _mutationCache__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.MutationCache),
/* harmony export */ MutationObserver: () => (/* reexport safe */ _mutationObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.MutationObserver),
/* harmony export */ QueriesObserver: () => (/* reexport safe */ _queriesObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.QueriesObserver),
/* harmony export */ QueryCache: () => (/* reexport safe */ _queryCache__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.QueryCache),
/* harmony export */ QueryClient: () => (/* reexport safe */ _queryClient__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.QueryClient),
/* harmony export */ QueryObserver: () => (/* reexport safe */ _queryObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.QueryObserver),
/* harmony export */ dehydrate: () => (/* reexport safe */ _hydration__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__.dehydrate),
/* harmony export */ focusManager: () => (/* reexport safe */ _focusManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.focusManager),
/* harmony export */ hashQueryKey: () => (/* reexport safe */ _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.hashQueryKey),
/* harmony export */ hydrate: () => (/* reexport safe */ _hydration__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__.hydrate),
/* harmony export */ isCancelledError: () => (/* reexport safe */ _retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isCancelledError),
/* harmony export */ isError: () => (/* reexport safe */ _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__.isError),
/* harmony export */ notifyManager: () => (/* reexport safe */ _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.notifyManager),
/* harmony export */ onlineManager: () => (/* reexport safe */ _onlineManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__.onlineManager),
/* harmony export */ setLogger: () => (/* reexport safe */ _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.setLogger)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./retryer */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/retryer.js");
/* harmony import */ var _queryCache__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./queryCache */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryCache.js");
/* harmony import */ var _queryClient__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./queryClient */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryClient.js");
/* harmony import */ var _queryObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./queryObserver */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryObserver.js");
/* harmony import */ var _queriesObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./queriesObserver */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queriesObserver.js");
/* harmony import */ var _infiniteQueryObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./infiniteQueryObserver */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/infiniteQueryObserver.js");
/* harmony import */ var _mutationCache__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mutationCache */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/mutationCache.js");
/* harmony import */ var _mutationObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mutationObserver */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/mutationObserver.js");
/* harmony import */ var _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./logger */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/logger.js");
/* harmony import */ var _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _focusManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./focusManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/focusManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _onlineManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./onlineManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/onlineManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_12__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
/* harmony import */ var _hydration__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_13__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./hydration */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/hydration.js");
/* harmony import */ var _types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./types */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/types.js");
/* harmony import */ var _types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__);
/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ var __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__ = {};
/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ for(const __WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__ in _types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__) if(["default","CancelledError","QueryCache","QueryClient","QueryObserver","QueriesObserver","InfiniteQueryObserver","MutationCache","MutationObserver","setLogger","notifyManager","focusManager","onlineManager","hashQueryKey","isError","isCancelledError","dehydrate","hydrate"].indexOf(__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__) < 0) __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__[__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__] = () => _types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_14__[__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__]
/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__);
// Types
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/infiniteQueryBehavior.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/infiniteQueryBehavior.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ getNextPageParam: () => (/* binding */ getNextPageParam),
/* harmony export */ getPreviousPageParam: () => (/* binding */ getPreviousPageParam),
/* harmony export */ hasNextPage: () => (/* binding */ hasNextPage),
/* harmony export */ hasPreviousPage: () => (/* binding */ hasPreviousPage),
/* harmony export */ infiniteQueryBehavior: () => (/* binding */ infiniteQueryBehavior)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./retryer */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/retryer.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
function infiniteQueryBehavior() {
return {
onFetch: function onFetch(context) {
context.fetchFn = function () {
var _context$fetchOptions, _context$fetchOptions2, _context$fetchOptions3, _context$fetchOptions4, _context$state$data, _context$state$data2;
var refetchPage = (_context$fetchOptions = context.fetchOptions) == null ? void 0 : (_context$fetchOptions2 = _context$fetchOptions.meta) == null ? void 0 : _context$fetchOptions2.refetchPage;
var fetchMore = (_context$fetchOptions3 = context.fetchOptions) == null ? void 0 : (_context$fetchOptions4 = _context$fetchOptions3.meta) == null ? void 0 : _context$fetchOptions4.fetchMore;
var pageParam = fetchMore == null ? void 0 : fetchMore.pageParam;
var isFetchingNextPage = (fetchMore == null ? void 0 : fetchMore.direction) === 'forward';
var isFetchingPreviousPage = (fetchMore == null ? void 0 : fetchMore.direction) === 'backward';
var oldPages = ((_context$state$data = context.state.data) == null ? void 0 : _context$state$data.pages) || [];
var oldPageParams = ((_context$state$data2 = context.state.data) == null ? void 0 : _context$state$data2.pageParams) || [];
var abortController = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getAbortController)();
var abortSignal = abortController == null ? void 0 : abortController.signal;
var newPageParams = oldPageParams;
var cancelled = false; // Get query function
var queryFn = context.options.queryFn || function () {
return Promise.reject('Missing queryFn');
var buildNewPages = function buildNewPages(pages, param, page, previous) {
newPageParams = previous ? [param].concat(newPageParams) : [].concat(newPageParams, [param]);
return previous ? [page].concat(pages) : [].concat(pages, [page]);
}; // Create function to fetch a page
var fetchPage = function fetchPage(pages, manual, param, previous) {
if (cancelled) {
return Promise.reject('Cancelled');
if (typeof param === 'undefined' && !manual && pages.length) {
return Promise.resolve(pages);
var queryFnContext = {
queryKey: context.queryKey,
signal: abortSignal,
pageParam: param,
meta: context.meta
var queryFnResult = queryFn(queryFnContext);
var promise = Promise.resolve(queryFnResult).then(function (page) {
return buildNewPages(pages, param, page, previous);
if ((0,_retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isCancelable)(queryFnResult)) {
var promiseAsAny = promise;
promiseAsAny.cancel = queryFnResult.cancel;
return promise;
var promise; // Fetch first page?
if (!oldPages.length) {
promise = fetchPage([]);
} // Fetch next page?
else if (isFetchingNextPage) {
var manual = typeof pageParam !== 'undefined';
var param = manual ? pageParam : getNextPageParam(context.options, oldPages);
promise = fetchPage(oldPages, manual, param);
} // Fetch previous page?
else if (isFetchingPreviousPage) {
var _manual = typeof pageParam !== 'undefined';
var _param = _manual ? pageParam : getPreviousPageParam(context.options, oldPages);
promise = fetchPage(oldPages, _manual, _param, true);
} // Refetch pages
else {
(function () {
newPageParams = [];
var manual = typeof context.options.getNextPageParam === 'undefined';
var shouldFetchFirstPage = refetchPage && oldPages[0] ? refetchPage(oldPages[0], 0, oldPages) : true; // Fetch first page
promise = shouldFetchFirstPage ? fetchPage([], manual, oldPageParams[0]) : Promise.resolve(buildNewPages([], oldPageParams[0], oldPages[0])); // Fetch remaining pages
var _loop = function _loop(i) {
promise = promise.then(function (pages) {
var shouldFetchNextPage = refetchPage && oldPages[i] ? refetchPage(oldPages[i], i, oldPages) : true;
if (shouldFetchNextPage) {
var _param2 = manual ? oldPageParams[i] : getNextPageParam(context.options, pages);
return fetchPage(pages, manual, _param2);
return Promise.resolve(buildNewPages(pages, oldPageParams[i], oldPages[i]));
for (var i = 1; i < oldPages.length; i++) {
var finalPromise = promise.then(function (pages) {
return {
pages: pages,
pageParams: newPageParams
var finalPromiseAsAny = finalPromise;
finalPromiseAsAny.cancel = function () {
cancelled = true;
abortController == null ? void 0 : abortController.abort();
if ((0,_retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isCancelable)(promise)) {
return finalPromise;
function getNextPageParam(options, pages) {
return options.getNextPageParam == null ? void 0 : options.getNextPageParam(pages[pages.length - 1], pages);
function getPreviousPageParam(options, pages) {
return options.getPreviousPageParam == null ? void 0 : options.getPreviousPageParam(pages[0], pages);
* Checks if there is a next page.
* Returns `undefined` if it cannot be determined.
function hasNextPage(options, pages) {
if (options.getNextPageParam && Array.isArray(pages)) {
var nextPageParam = getNextPageParam(options, pages);
return typeof nextPageParam !== 'undefined' && nextPageParam !== null && nextPageParam !== false;
* Checks if there is a previous page.
* Returns `undefined` if it cannot be determined.
function hasPreviousPage(options, pages) {
if (options.getPreviousPageParam && Array.isArray(pages)) {
var previousPageParam = getPreviousPageParam(options, pages);
return typeof previousPageParam !== 'undefined' && previousPageParam !== null && previousPageParam !== false;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/infiniteQueryObserver.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/infiniteQueryObserver.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ InfiniteQueryObserver: () => (/* binding */ InfiniteQueryObserver)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose.js");
/* harmony import */ var _queryObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./queryObserver */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryObserver.js");
/* harmony import */ var _infiniteQueryBehavior__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./infiniteQueryBehavior */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/infiniteQueryBehavior.js");
var InfiniteQueryObserver = /*#__PURE__*/function (_QueryObserver) {
(0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(InfiniteQueryObserver, _QueryObserver);
// Type override
// Type override
// Type override
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor
function InfiniteQueryObserver(client, options) {
return _QueryObserver.call(this, client, options) || this;
var _proto = InfiniteQueryObserver.prototype;
_proto.bindMethods = function bindMethods() {
this.fetchNextPage = this.fetchNextPage.bind(this);
this.fetchPreviousPage = this.fetchPreviousPage.bind(this);
_proto.setOptions = function setOptions(options, notifyOptions) {
_QueryObserver.prototype.setOptions.call(this, (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, options, {
behavior: (0,_infiniteQueryBehavior__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.infiniteQueryBehavior)()
}), notifyOptions);
_proto.getOptimisticResult = function getOptimisticResult(options) {
options.behavior = (0,_infiniteQueryBehavior__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.infiniteQueryBehavior)();
return _QueryObserver.prototype.getOptimisticResult.call(this, options);
_proto.fetchNextPage = function fetchNextPage(options) {
var _options$cancelRefetc;
return this.fetch({
// TODO consider removing `?? true` in future breaking change, to be consistent with `refetch` API (see https://github.com/tannerlinsley/react-query/issues/2617)
cancelRefetch: (_options$cancelRefetc = options == null ? void 0 : options.cancelRefetch) != null ? _options$cancelRefetc : true,
throwOnError: options == null ? void 0 : options.throwOnError,
meta: {
fetchMore: {
direction: 'forward',
pageParam: options == null ? void 0 : options.pageParam
_proto.fetchPreviousPage = function fetchPreviousPage(options) {
var _options$cancelRefetc2;
return this.fetch({
// TODO consider removing `?? true` in future breaking change, to be consistent with `refetch` API (see https://github.com/tannerlinsley/react-query/issues/2617)
cancelRefetch: (_options$cancelRefetc2 = options == null ? void 0 : options.cancelRefetch) != null ? _options$cancelRefetc2 : true,
throwOnError: options == null ? void 0 : options.throwOnError,
meta: {
fetchMore: {
direction: 'backward',
pageParam: options == null ? void 0 : options.pageParam
_proto.createResult = function createResult(query, options) {
var _state$data, _state$data2, _state$fetchMeta, _state$fetchMeta$fetc, _state$fetchMeta2, _state$fetchMeta2$fet;
var state = query.state;
var result = _QueryObserver.prototype.createResult.call(this, query, options);
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, result, {
fetchNextPage: this.fetchNextPage,
fetchPreviousPage: this.fetchPreviousPage,
hasNextPage: (0,_infiniteQueryBehavior__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.hasNextPage)(options, (_state$data = state.data) == null ? void 0 : _state$data.pages),
hasPreviousPage: (0,_infiniteQueryBehavior__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.hasPreviousPage)(options, (_state$data2 = state.data) == null ? void 0 : _state$data2.pages),
isFetchingNextPage: state.isFetching && ((_state$fetchMeta = state.fetchMeta) == null ? void 0 : (_state$fetchMeta$fetc = _state$fetchMeta.fetchMore) == null ? void 0 : _state$fetchMeta$fetc.direction) === 'forward',
isFetchingPreviousPage: state.isFetching && ((_state$fetchMeta2 = state.fetchMeta) == null ? void 0 : (_state$fetchMeta2$fet = _state$fetchMeta2.fetchMore) == null ? void 0 : _state$fetchMeta2$fet.direction) === 'backward'
return InfiniteQueryObserver;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/logger.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/logger.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ getLogger: () => (/* binding */ getLogger),
/* harmony export */ setLogger: () => (/* binding */ setLogger)
/* harmony export */ });
var logger = console;
function getLogger() {
return logger;
function setLogger(newLogger) {
logger = newLogger;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/mutation.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/mutation.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ Mutation: () => (/* binding */ Mutation),
/* harmony export */ getDefaultState: () => (/* binding */ getDefaultState)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
/* harmony import */ var _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./logger */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/logger.js");
/* harmony import */ var _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./retryer */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/retryer.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
var Mutation = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function Mutation(config) {
this.options = (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, config.defaultOptions, config.options);
this.mutationId = config.mutationId;
this.mutationCache = config.mutationCache;
this.observers = [];
this.state = config.state || getDefaultState();
this.meta = config.meta;
var _proto = Mutation.prototype;
_proto.setState = function setState(state) {
type: 'setState',
state: state
_proto.addObserver = function addObserver(observer) {
if (this.observers.indexOf(observer) === -1) {
_proto.removeObserver = function removeObserver(observer) {
this.observers = this.observers.filter(function (x) {
return x !== observer;
_proto.cancel = function cancel() {
if (this.retryer) {
return this.retryer.promise.then(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.noop).catch(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.noop);
return Promise.resolve();
_proto.continue = function _continue() {
if (this.retryer) {
return this.retryer.promise;
return this.execute();
_proto.execute = function execute() {
var _this = this;
var data;
var restored = this.state.status === 'loading';
var promise = Promise.resolve();
if (!restored) {
type: 'loading',
variables: this.options.variables
promise = promise.then(function () {
// Notify cache callback
_this.mutationCache.config.onMutate == null ? void 0 : _this.mutationCache.config.onMutate(_this.state.variables, _this);
}).then(function () {
return _this.options.onMutate == null ? void 0 : _this.options.onMutate(_this.state.variables);
}).then(function (context) {
if (context !== _this.state.context) {
type: 'loading',
context: context,
variables: _this.state.variables
return promise.then(function () {
return _this.executeMutation();
}).then(function (result) {
data = result; // Notify cache callback
_this.mutationCache.config.onSuccess == null ? void 0 : _this.mutationCache.config.onSuccess(data, _this.state.variables, _this.state.context, _this);
}).then(function () {
return _this.options.onSuccess == null ? void 0 : _this.options.onSuccess(data, _this.state.variables, _this.state.context);
}).then(function () {
return _this.options.onSettled == null ? void 0 : _this.options.onSettled(data, null, _this.state.variables, _this.state.context);
}).then(function () {
type: 'success',
data: data
return data;
}).catch(function (error) {
// Notify cache callback
_this.mutationCache.config.onError == null ? void 0 : _this.mutationCache.config.onError(error, _this.state.variables, _this.state.context, _this); // Log error
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
return _this.options.onError == null ? void 0 : _this.options.onError(error, _this.state.variables, _this.state.context);
}).then(function () {
return _this.options.onSettled == null ? void 0 : _this.options.onSettled(undefined, error, _this.state.variables, _this.state.context);
}).then(function () {
type: 'error',
error: error
throw error;
_proto.executeMutation = function executeMutation() {
var _this2 = this,
this.retryer = new _retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Retryer({
fn: function fn() {
if (!_this2.options.mutationFn) {
return Promise.reject('No mutationFn found');
return _this2.options.mutationFn(_this2.state.variables);
onFail: function onFail() {
type: 'failed'
onPause: function onPause() {
type: 'pause'
onContinue: function onContinue() {
type: 'continue'
retry: (_this$options$retry = this.options.retry) != null ? _this$options$retry : 0,
retryDelay: this.options.retryDelay
return this.retryer.promise;
_proto.dispatch = function dispatch(action) {
var _this3 = this;
this.state = reducer(this.state, action);
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
_this3.observers.forEach(function (observer) {
return Mutation;
function getDefaultState() {
return {
context: undefined,
data: undefined,
error: null,
failureCount: 0,
isPaused: false,
status: 'idle',
variables: undefined
function reducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'failed':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
failureCount: state.failureCount + 1
case 'pause':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
isPaused: true
case 'continue':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
isPaused: false
case 'loading':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
context: action.context,
data: undefined,
error: null,
isPaused: false,
status: 'loading',
variables: action.variables
case 'success':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
data: action.data,
error: null,
status: 'success',
isPaused: false
case 'error':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
data: undefined,
error: action.error,
failureCount: state.failureCount + 1,
isPaused: false,
status: 'error'
case 'setState':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, action.state);
return state;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/mutationCache.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/mutationCache.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ MutationCache: () => (/* binding */ MutationCache)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose.js");
/* harmony import */ var _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _mutation__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mutation */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/mutation.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
/* harmony import */ var _subscribable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./subscribable */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/subscribable.js");
var MutationCache = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Subscribable) {
(0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(MutationCache, _Subscribable);
function MutationCache(config) {
var _this;
_this = _Subscribable.call(this) || this;
_this.config = config || {};
_this.mutations = [];
_this.mutationId = 0;
return _this;
var _proto = MutationCache.prototype;
_proto.build = function build(client, options, state) {
var mutation = new _mutation__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Mutation({
mutationCache: this,
mutationId: ++this.mutationId,
options: client.defaultMutationOptions(options),
state: state,
defaultOptions: options.mutationKey ? client.getMutationDefaults(options.mutationKey) : undefined,
meta: options.meta
return mutation;
_proto.add = function add(mutation) {
_proto.remove = function remove(mutation) {
this.mutations = this.mutations.filter(function (x) {
return x !== mutation;
_proto.clear = function clear() {
var _this2 = this;
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
_this2.mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
_proto.getAll = function getAll() {
return this.mutations;
_proto.find = function find(filters) {
if (typeof filters.exact === 'undefined') {
filters.exact = true;
return this.mutations.find(function (mutation) {
return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.matchMutation)(filters, mutation);
_proto.findAll = function findAll(filters) {
return this.mutations.filter(function (mutation) {
return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.matchMutation)(filters, mutation);
_proto.notify = function notify(mutation) {
var _this3 = this;
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
_this3.listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
_proto.onFocus = function onFocus() {
_proto.onOnline = function onOnline() {
_proto.resumePausedMutations = function resumePausedMutations() {
var pausedMutations = this.mutations.filter(function (x) {
return x.state.isPaused;
return _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
return pausedMutations.reduce(function (promise, mutation) {
return promise.then(function () {
return mutation.continue().catch(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.noop);
}, Promise.resolve());
return MutationCache;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/mutationObserver.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/mutationObserver.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ MutationObserver: () => (/* binding */ MutationObserver)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose.js");
/* harmony import */ var _mutation__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mutation */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/mutation.js");
/* harmony import */ var _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _subscribable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./subscribable */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/subscribable.js");
var MutationObserver = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Subscribable) {
(0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(MutationObserver, _Subscribable);
function MutationObserver(client, options) {
var _this;
_this = _Subscribable.call(this) || this;
_this.client = client;
return _this;
var _proto = MutationObserver.prototype;
_proto.bindMethods = function bindMethods() {
this.mutate = this.mutate.bind(this);
this.reset = this.reset.bind(this);
_proto.setOptions = function setOptions(options) {
this.options = this.client.defaultMutationOptions(options);
_proto.onUnsubscribe = function onUnsubscribe() {
if (!this.listeners.length) {
var _this$currentMutation;
(_this$currentMutation = this.currentMutation) == null ? void 0 : _this$currentMutation.removeObserver(this);
_proto.onMutationUpdate = function onMutationUpdate(action) {
this.updateResult(); // Determine which callbacks to trigger
var notifyOptions = {
listeners: true
if (action.type === 'success') {
notifyOptions.onSuccess = true;
} else if (action.type === 'error') {
notifyOptions.onError = true;
_proto.getCurrentResult = function getCurrentResult() {
return this.currentResult;
_proto.reset = function reset() {
this.currentMutation = undefined;
listeners: true
_proto.mutate = function mutate(variables, options) {
this.mutateOptions = options;
if (this.currentMutation) {
this.currentMutation = this.client.getMutationCache().build(this.client, (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, this.options, {
variables: typeof variables !== 'undefined' ? variables : this.options.variables
return this.currentMutation.execute();
_proto.updateResult = function updateResult() {
var state = this.currentMutation ? this.currentMutation.state : (0,_mutation__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.getDefaultState)();
var result = (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
isLoading: state.status === 'loading',
isSuccess: state.status === 'success',
isError: state.status === 'error',
isIdle: state.status === 'idle',
mutate: this.mutate,
reset: this.reset
this.currentResult = result;
_proto.notify = function notify(options) {
var _this2 = this;
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
// First trigger the mutate callbacks
if (_this2.mutateOptions) {
if (options.onSuccess) {
_this2.mutateOptions.onSuccess == null ? void 0 : _this2.mutateOptions.onSuccess(_this2.currentResult.data, _this2.currentResult.variables, _this2.currentResult.context);
_this2.mutateOptions.onSettled == null ? void 0 : _this2.mutateOptions.onSettled(_this2.currentResult.data, null, _this2.currentResult.variables, _this2.currentResult.context);
} else if (options.onError) {
_this2.mutateOptions.onError == null ? void 0 : _this2.mutateOptions.onError(_this2.currentResult.error, _this2.currentResult.variables, _this2.currentResult.context);
_this2.mutateOptions.onSettled == null ? void 0 : _this2.mutateOptions.onSettled(undefined, _this2.currentResult.error, _this2.currentResult.variables, _this2.currentResult.context);
} // Then trigger the listeners
if (options.listeners) {
_this2.listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
return MutationObserver;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ NotifyManager: () => (/* binding */ NotifyManager),
/* harmony export */ notifyManager: () => (/* binding */ notifyManager)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
var NotifyManager = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function NotifyManager() {
this.queue = [];
this.transactions = 0;
this.notifyFn = function (callback) {
this.batchNotifyFn = function (callback) {
var _proto = NotifyManager.prototype;
_proto.batch = function batch(callback) {
var result;
try {
result = callback();
} finally {
if (!this.transactions) {
return result;
_proto.schedule = function schedule(callback) {
var _this = this;
if (this.transactions) {
} else {
(0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.scheduleMicrotask)(function () {
* All calls to the wrapped function will be batched.
_proto.batchCalls = function batchCalls(callback) {
var _this2 = this;
return function () {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
_this2.schedule(function () {
callback.apply(void 0, args);
_proto.flush = function flush() {
var _this3 = this;
var queue = this.queue;
this.queue = [];
if (queue.length) {
(0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.scheduleMicrotask)(function () {
_this3.batchNotifyFn(function () {
queue.forEach(function (callback) {
* Use this method to set a custom notify function.
* This can be used to for example wrap notifications with `React.act` while running tests.
_proto.setNotifyFunction = function setNotifyFunction(fn) {
this.notifyFn = fn;
* Use this method to set a custom function to batch notifications together into a single tick.
* By default React Query will use the batch function provided by ReactDOM or React Native.
_proto.setBatchNotifyFunction = function setBatchNotifyFunction(fn) {
this.batchNotifyFn = fn;
return NotifyManager;
var notifyManager = new NotifyManager();
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/onlineManager.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/onlineManager.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ OnlineManager: () => (/* binding */ OnlineManager),
/* harmony export */ onlineManager: () => (/* binding */ onlineManager)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose.js");
/* harmony import */ var _subscribable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./subscribable */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/subscribable.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
var OnlineManager = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Subscribable) {
(0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(OnlineManager, _Subscribable);
function OnlineManager() {
var _this;
_this = _Subscribable.call(this) || this;
_this.setup = function (onOnline) {
var _window;
if (!_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isServer && ((_window = window) == null ? void 0 : _window.addEventListener)) {
var listener = function listener() {
return onOnline();
}; // Listen to online
window.addEventListener('online', listener, false);
window.addEventListener('offline', listener, false);
return function () {
// Be sure to unsubscribe if a new handler is set
window.removeEventListener('online', listener);
window.removeEventListener('offline', listener);
return _this;
var _proto = OnlineManager.prototype;
_proto.onSubscribe = function onSubscribe() {
if (!this.cleanup) {
_proto.onUnsubscribe = function onUnsubscribe() {
if (!this.hasListeners()) {
var _this$cleanup;
(_this$cleanup = this.cleanup) == null ? void 0 : _this$cleanup.call(this);
this.cleanup = undefined;
_proto.setEventListener = function setEventListener(setup) {
var _this$cleanup2,
_this2 = this;
this.setup = setup;
(_this$cleanup2 = this.cleanup) == null ? void 0 : _this$cleanup2.call(this);
this.cleanup = setup(function (online) {
if (typeof online === 'boolean') {
} else {
_proto.setOnline = function setOnline(online) {
this.online = online;
if (online) {
_proto.onOnline = function onOnline() {
this.listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
_proto.isOnline = function isOnline() {
if (typeof this.online === 'boolean') {
return this.online;
if (typeof navigator === 'undefined' || typeof navigator.onLine === 'undefined') {
return true;
return navigator.onLine;
return OnlineManager;
var onlineManager = new OnlineManager();
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queriesObserver.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queriesObserver.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ QueriesObserver: () => (/* binding */ QueriesObserver)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
/* harmony import */ var _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _queryObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./queryObserver */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryObserver.js");
/* harmony import */ var _subscribable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./subscribable */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/subscribable.js");
var QueriesObserver = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Subscribable) {
(0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(QueriesObserver, _Subscribable);
function QueriesObserver(client, queries) {
var _this;
_this = _Subscribable.call(this) || this;
_this.client = client;
_this.queries = [];
_this.result = [];
_this.observers = [];
_this.observersMap = {};
if (queries) {
return _this;
var _proto = QueriesObserver.prototype;
_proto.onSubscribe = function onSubscribe() {
var _this2 = this;
if (this.listeners.length === 1) {
this.observers.forEach(function (observer) {
observer.subscribe(function (result) {
_this2.onUpdate(observer, result);
_proto.onUnsubscribe = function onUnsubscribe() {
if (!this.listeners.length) {
_proto.destroy = function destroy() {
this.listeners = [];
this.observers.forEach(function (observer) {
_proto.setQueries = function setQueries(queries, notifyOptions) {
this.queries = queries;
_proto.getCurrentResult = function getCurrentResult() {
return this.result;
_proto.getOptimisticResult = function getOptimisticResult(queries) {
return this.findMatchingObservers(queries).map(function (match) {
return match.observer.getOptimisticResult(match.defaultedQueryOptions);
_proto.findMatchingObservers = function findMatchingObservers(queries) {
var _this3 = this;
var prevObservers = this.observers;
var defaultedQueryOptions = queries.map(function (options) {
return _this3.client.defaultQueryObserverOptions(options);
var matchingObservers = defaultedQueryOptions.flatMap(function (defaultedOptions) {
var match = prevObservers.find(function (observer) {
return observer.options.queryHash === defaultedOptions.queryHash;
if (match != null) {
return [{
defaultedQueryOptions: defaultedOptions,
observer: match
return [];
var matchedQueryHashes = matchingObservers.map(function (match) {
return match.defaultedQueryOptions.queryHash;
var unmatchedQueries = defaultedQueryOptions.filter(function (defaultedOptions) {
return !matchedQueryHashes.includes(defaultedOptions.queryHash);
var unmatchedObservers = prevObservers.filter(function (prevObserver) {
return !matchingObservers.some(function (match) {
return match.observer === prevObserver;
var newOrReusedObservers = unmatchedQueries.map(function (options, index) {
if (options.keepPreviousData) {
// return previous data from one of the observers that no longer match
var previouslyUsedObserver = unmatchedObservers[index];
if (previouslyUsedObserver !== undefined) {
return {
defaultedQueryOptions: options,
observer: previouslyUsedObserver
return {
defaultedQueryOptions: options,
observer: _this3.getObserver(options)
var sortMatchesByOrderOfQueries = function sortMatchesByOrderOfQueries(a, b) {
return defaultedQueryOptions.indexOf(a.defaultedQueryOptions) - defaultedQueryOptions.indexOf(b.defaultedQueryOptions);
return matchingObservers.concat(newOrReusedObservers).sort(sortMatchesByOrderOfQueries);
_proto.getObserver = function getObserver(options) {
var defaultedOptions = this.client.defaultQueryObserverOptions(options);
var currentObserver = this.observersMap[defaultedOptions.queryHash];
return currentObserver != null ? currentObserver : new _queryObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.QueryObserver(this.client, defaultedOptions);
_proto.updateObservers = function updateObservers(notifyOptions) {
var _this4 = this;
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
var prevObservers = _this4.observers;
var newObserverMatches = _this4.findMatchingObservers(_this4.queries); // set options for the new observers to notify of changes
newObserverMatches.forEach(function (match) {
return match.observer.setOptions(match.defaultedQueryOptions, notifyOptions);
var newObservers = newObserverMatches.map(function (match) {
return match.observer;
var newObserversMap = Object.fromEntries(newObservers.map(function (observer) {
return [observer.options.queryHash, observer];
var newResult = newObservers.map(function (observer) {
return observer.getCurrentResult();
var hasIndexChange = newObservers.some(function (observer, index) {
return observer !== prevObservers[index];
if (prevObservers.length === newObservers.length && !hasIndexChange) {
_this4.observers = newObservers;
_this4.observersMap = newObserversMap;
_this4.result = newResult;
if (!_this4.hasListeners()) {
(0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.difference)(prevObservers, newObservers).forEach(function (observer) {
(0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.difference)(newObservers, prevObservers).forEach(function (observer) {
observer.subscribe(function (result) {
_this4.onUpdate(observer, result);
_proto.onUpdate = function onUpdate(observer, result) {
var index = this.observers.indexOf(observer);
if (index !== -1) {
this.result = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.replaceAt)(this.result, index, result);
_proto.notify = function notify() {
var _this5 = this;
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
_this5.listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
return QueriesObserver;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/query.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/query.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ Query: () => (/* binding */ Query)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
/* harmony import */ var _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./logger */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/logger.js");
/* harmony import */ var _retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./retryer */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/retryer.js");
var Query = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function Query(config) {
this.abortSignalConsumed = false;
this.hadObservers = false;
this.defaultOptions = config.defaultOptions;
this.observers = [];
this.cache = config.cache;
this.queryKey = config.queryKey;
this.queryHash = config.queryHash;
this.initialState = config.state || this.getDefaultState(this.options);
this.state = this.initialState;
this.meta = config.meta;
var _proto = Query.prototype;
_proto.setOptions = function setOptions(options) {
var _this$options$cacheTi;
this.options = (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, this.defaultOptions, options);
this.meta = options == null ? void 0 : options.meta; // Default to 5 minutes if not cache time is set
this.cacheTime = Math.max(this.cacheTime || 0, (_this$options$cacheTi = this.options.cacheTime) != null ? _this$options$cacheTi : 5 * 60 * 1000);
_proto.setDefaultOptions = function setDefaultOptions(options) {
this.defaultOptions = options;
_proto.scheduleGc = function scheduleGc() {
var _this = this;
if ((0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isValidTimeout)(this.cacheTime)) {
this.gcTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, this.cacheTime);
_proto.clearGcTimeout = function clearGcTimeout() {
if (this.gcTimeout) {
this.gcTimeout = undefined;
_proto.optionalRemove = function optionalRemove() {
if (!this.observers.length) {
if (this.state.isFetching) {
if (this.hadObservers) {
} else {
_proto.setData = function setData(updater, options) {
var _this$options$isDataE, _this$options;
var prevData = this.state.data; // Get the new data
var data = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.functionalUpdate)(updater, prevData); // Use prev data if an isDataEqual function is defined and returns `true`
if ((_this$options$isDataE = (_this$options = this.options).isDataEqual) == null ? void 0 : _this$options$isDataE.call(_this$options, prevData, data)) {
data = prevData;
} else if (this.options.structuralSharing !== false) {
// Structurally share data between prev and new data if needed
data = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.replaceEqualDeep)(prevData, data);
} // Set data and mark it as cached
data: data,
type: 'success',
dataUpdatedAt: options == null ? void 0 : options.updatedAt
return data;
_proto.setState = function setState(state, setStateOptions) {
type: 'setState',
state: state,
setStateOptions: setStateOptions
_proto.cancel = function cancel(options) {
var _this$retryer;
var promise = this.promise;
(_this$retryer = this.retryer) == null ? void 0 : _this$retryer.cancel(options);
return promise ? promise.then(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.noop).catch(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.noop) : Promise.resolve();
_proto.destroy = function destroy() {
silent: true
_proto.reset = function reset() {
_proto.isActive = function isActive() {
return this.observers.some(function (observer) {
return observer.options.enabled !== false;
_proto.isFetching = function isFetching() {
return this.state.isFetching;
_proto.isStale = function isStale() {
return this.state.isInvalidated || !this.state.dataUpdatedAt || this.observers.some(function (observer) {
return observer.getCurrentResult().isStale;
_proto.isStaleByTime = function isStaleByTime(staleTime) {
if (staleTime === void 0) {
staleTime = 0;
return this.state.isInvalidated || !this.state.dataUpdatedAt || !(0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.timeUntilStale)(this.state.dataUpdatedAt, staleTime);
_proto.onFocus = function onFocus() {
var _this$retryer2;
var observer = this.observers.find(function (x) {
return x.shouldFetchOnWindowFocus();
if (observer) {
} // Continue fetch if currently paused
(_this$retryer2 = this.retryer) == null ? void 0 : _this$retryer2.continue();
_proto.onOnline = function onOnline() {
var _this$retryer3;
var observer = this.observers.find(function (x) {
return x.shouldFetchOnReconnect();
if (observer) {
} // Continue fetch if currently paused
(_this$retryer3 = this.retryer) == null ? void 0 : _this$retryer3.continue();
_proto.addObserver = function addObserver(observer) {
if (this.observers.indexOf(observer) === -1) {
this.hadObservers = true; // Stop the query from being garbage collected
type: 'observerAdded',
query: this,
observer: observer
_proto.removeObserver = function removeObserver(observer) {
if (this.observers.indexOf(observer) !== -1) {
this.observers = this.observers.filter(function (x) {
return x !== observer;
if (!this.observers.length) {
// If the transport layer does not support cancellation
// we'll let the query continue so the result can be cached
if (this.retryer) {
if (this.retryer.isTransportCancelable || this.abortSignalConsumed) {
revert: true
} else {
if (this.cacheTime) {
} else {
type: 'observerRemoved',
query: this,
observer: observer
_proto.getObserversCount = function getObserversCount() {
return this.observers.length;
_proto.invalidate = function invalidate() {
if (!this.state.isInvalidated) {
type: 'invalidate'
_proto.fetch = function fetch(options, fetchOptions) {
var _this2 = this,
if (this.state.isFetching) {
if (this.state.dataUpdatedAt && (fetchOptions == null ? void 0 : fetchOptions.cancelRefetch)) {
// Silently cancel current fetch if the user wants to cancel refetches
silent: true
} else if (this.promise) {
var _this$retryer4;
// make sure that retries that were potentially cancelled due to unmounts can continue
(_this$retryer4 = this.retryer) == null ? void 0 : _this$retryer4.continueRetry(); // Return current promise if we are already fetching
return this.promise;
} // Update config if passed, otherwise the config from the last execution is used
if (options) {
} // Use the options from the first observer with a query function if no function is found.
// This can happen when the query is hydrated or created with setQueryData.
if (!this.options.queryFn) {
var observer = this.observers.find(function (x) {
return x.options.queryFn;
if (observer) {
var queryKey = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ensureQueryKeyArray)(this.queryKey);
var abortController = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getAbortController)(); // Create query function context
var queryFnContext = {
queryKey: queryKey,
pageParam: undefined,
meta: this.meta
Object.defineProperty(queryFnContext, 'signal', {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
if (abortController) {
_this2.abortSignalConsumed = true;
return abortController.signal;
return undefined;
}); // Create fetch function
var fetchFn = function fetchFn() {
if (!_this2.options.queryFn) {
return Promise.reject('Missing queryFn');
_this2.abortSignalConsumed = false;
return _this2.options.queryFn(queryFnContext);
}; // Trigger behavior hook
var context = {
fetchOptions: fetchOptions,
options: this.options,
queryKey: queryKey,
state: this.state,
fetchFn: fetchFn,
meta: this.meta
if ((_this$options$behavio = this.options.behavior) == null ? void 0 : _this$options$behavio.onFetch) {
var _this$options$behavio2;
(_this$options$behavio2 = this.options.behavior) == null ? void 0 : _this$options$behavio2.onFetch(context);
} // Store state in case the current fetch needs to be reverted
this.revertState = this.state; // Set to fetching state if not already in it
if (!this.state.isFetching || this.state.fetchMeta !== ((_context$fetchOptions = context.fetchOptions) == null ? void 0 : _context$fetchOptions.meta)) {
var _context$fetchOptions2;
type: 'fetch',
meta: (_context$fetchOptions2 = context.fetchOptions) == null ? void 0 : _context$fetchOptions2.meta
} // Try to fetch the data
this.retryer = new _retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Retryer({
fn: context.fetchFn,
abort: abortController == null ? void 0 : (_abortController$abor = abortController.abort) == null ? void 0 : _abortController$abor.bind(abortController),
onSuccess: function onSuccess(data) {
_this2.setData(data); // Notify cache callback
_this2.cache.config.onSuccess == null ? void 0 : _this2.cache.config.onSuccess(data, _this2); // Remove query after fetching if cache time is 0
if (_this2.cacheTime === 0) {
onError: function onError(error) {
// Optimistically update state if needed
if (!((0,_retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isCancelledError)(error) && error.silent)) {
type: 'error',
error: error
if (!(0,_retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isCancelledError)(error)) {
// Notify cache callback
_this2.cache.config.onError == null ? void 0 : _this2.cache.config.onError(error, _this2); // Log error
} // Remove query after fetching if cache time is 0
if (_this2.cacheTime === 0) {
onFail: function onFail() {
type: 'failed'
onPause: function onPause() {
type: 'pause'
onContinue: function onContinue() {
type: 'continue'
retry: context.options.retry,
retryDelay: context.options.retryDelay
this.promise = this.retryer.promise;
return this.promise;
_proto.dispatch = function dispatch(action) {
var _this3 = this;
this.state = this.reducer(this.state, action);
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
_this3.observers.forEach(function (observer) {
query: _this3,
type: 'queryUpdated',
action: action
_proto.getDefaultState = function getDefaultState(options) {
var data = typeof options.initialData === 'function' ? options.initialData() : options.initialData;
var hasInitialData = typeof options.initialData !== 'undefined';
var initialDataUpdatedAt = hasInitialData ? typeof options.initialDataUpdatedAt === 'function' ? options.initialDataUpdatedAt() : options.initialDataUpdatedAt : 0;
var hasData = typeof data !== 'undefined';
return {
data: data,
dataUpdateCount: 0,
dataUpdatedAt: hasData ? initialDataUpdatedAt != null ? initialDataUpdatedAt : Date.now() : 0,
error: null,
errorUpdateCount: 0,
errorUpdatedAt: 0,
fetchFailureCount: 0,
fetchMeta: null,
isFetching: false,
isInvalidated: false,
isPaused: false,
status: hasData ? 'success' : 'idle'
_proto.reducer = function reducer(state, action) {
var _action$meta, _action$dataUpdatedAt;
switch (action.type) {
case 'failed':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
fetchFailureCount: state.fetchFailureCount + 1
case 'pause':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
isPaused: true
case 'continue':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
isPaused: false
case 'fetch':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
fetchFailureCount: 0,
fetchMeta: (_action$meta = action.meta) != null ? _action$meta : null,
isFetching: true,
isPaused: false
}, !state.dataUpdatedAt && {
error: null,
status: 'loading'
case 'success':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
data: action.data,
dataUpdateCount: state.dataUpdateCount + 1,
dataUpdatedAt: (_action$dataUpdatedAt = action.dataUpdatedAt) != null ? _action$dataUpdatedAt : Date.now(),
error: null,
fetchFailureCount: 0,
isFetching: false,
isInvalidated: false,
isPaused: false,
status: 'success'
case 'error':
var error = action.error;
if ((0,_retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isCancelledError)(error) && error.revert && this.revertState) {
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, this.revertState);
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
error: error,
errorUpdateCount: state.errorUpdateCount + 1,
errorUpdatedAt: Date.now(),
fetchFailureCount: state.fetchFailureCount + 1,
isFetching: false,
isPaused: false,
status: 'error'
case 'invalidate':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, {
isInvalidated: true
case 'setState':
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, state, action.state);
return state;
return Query;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryCache.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryCache.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ QueryCache: () => (/* binding */ QueryCache)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
/* harmony import */ var _query__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./query */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/query.js");
/* harmony import */ var _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _subscribable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./subscribable */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/subscribable.js");
var QueryCache = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Subscribable) {
(0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(QueryCache, _Subscribable);
function QueryCache(config) {
var _this;
_this = _Subscribable.call(this) || this;
_this.config = config || {};
_this.queries = [];
_this.queriesMap = {};
return _this;
var _proto = QueryCache.prototype;
_proto.build = function build(client, options, state) {
var _options$queryHash;
var queryKey = options.queryKey;
var queryHash = (_options$queryHash = options.queryHash) != null ? _options$queryHash : (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.hashQueryKeyByOptions)(queryKey, options);
var query = this.get(queryHash);
if (!query) {
query = new _query__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Query({
cache: this,
queryKey: queryKey,
queryHash: queryHash,
options: client.defaultQueryOptions(options),
state: state,
defaultOptions: client.getQueryDefaults(queryKey),
meta: options.meta
return query;
_proto.add = function add(query) {
if (!this.queriesMap[query.queryHash]) {
this.queriesMap[query.queryHash] = query;
type: 'queryAdded',
query: query
_proto.remove = function remove(query) {
var queryInMap = this.queriesMap[query.queryHash];
if (queryInMap) {
this.queries = this.queries.filter(function (x) {
return x !== query;
if (queryInMap === query) {
delete this.queriesMap[query.queryHash];
type: 'queryRemoved',
query: query
_proto.clear = function clear() {
var _this2 = this;
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
_this2.queries.forEach(function (query) {
_proto.get = function get(queryHash) {
return this.queriesMap[queryHash];
_proto.getAll = function getAll() {
return this.queries;
_proto.find = function find(arg1, arg2) {
var _parseFilterArgs = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseFilterArgs)(arg1, arg2),
filters = _parseFilterArgs[0];
if (typeof filters.exact === 'undefined') {
filters.exact = true;
return this.queries.find(function (query) {
return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.matchQuery)(filters, query);
_proto.findAll = function findAll(arg1, arg2) {
var _parseFilterArgs2 = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseFilterArgs)(arg1, arg2),
filters = _parseFilterArgs2[0];
return Object.keys(filters).length > 0 ? this.queries.filter(function (query) {
return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.matchQuery)(filters, query);
}) : this.queries;
_proto.notify = function notify(event) {
var _this3 = this;
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
_this3.listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
_proto.onFocus = function onFocus() {
var _this4 = this;
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
_this4.queries.forEach(function (query) {
_proto.onOnline = function onOnline() {
var _this5 = this;
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
_this5.queries.forEach(function (query) {
return QueryCache;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryClient.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryClient.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ QueryClient: () => (/* binding */ QueryClient)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
/* harmony import */ var _queryCache__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./queryCache */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryCache.js");
/* harmony import */ var _mutationCache__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./mutationCache */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/mutationCache.js");
/* harmony import */ var _focusManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./focusManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/focusManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _onlineManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./onlineManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/onlineManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _infiniteQueryBehavior__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./infiniteQueryBehavior */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/infiniteQueryBehavior.js");
var QueryClient = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function QueryClient(config) {
if (config === void 0) {
config = {};
this.queryCache = config.queryCache || new _queryCache__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.QueryCache();
this.mutationCache = config.mutationCache || new _mutationCache__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.MutationCache();
this.defaultOptions = config.defaultOptions || {};
this.queryDefaults = [];
this.mutationDefaults = [];
var _proto = QueryClient.prototype;
_proto.mount = function mount() {
var _this = this;
this.unsubscribeFocus = _focusManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.focusManager.subscribe(function () {
if (_focusManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.focusManager.isFocused() && _onlineManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.onlineManager.isOnline()) {
this.unsubscribeOnline = _onlineManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.onlineManager.subscribe(function () {
if (_focusManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.focusManager.isFocused() && _onlineManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.onlineManager.isOnline()) {
_proto.unmount = function unmount() {
var _this$unsubscribeFocu, _this$unsubscribeOnli;
(_this$unsubscribeFocu = this.unsubscribeFocus) == null ? void 0 : _this$unsubscribeFocu.call(this);
(_this$unsubscribeOnli = this.unsubscribeOnline) == null ? void 0 : _this$unsubscribeOnli.call(this);
_proto.isFetching = function isFetching(arg1, arg2) {
var _parseFilterArgs = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.parseFilterArgs)(arg1, arg2),
filters = _parseFilterArgs[0];
filters.fetching = true;
return this.queryCache.findAll(filters).length;
_proto.isMutating = function isMutating(filters) {
return this.mutationCache.findAll((0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, filters, {
fetching: true
_proto.getQueryData = function getQueryData(queryKey, filters) {
var _this$queryCache$find;
return (_this$queryCache$find = this.queryCache.find(queryKey, filters)) == null ? void 0 : _this$queryCache$find.state.data;
_proto.getQueriesData = function getQueriesData(queryKeyOrFilters) {
return this.getQueryCache().findAll(queryKeyOrFilters).map(function (_ref) {
var queryKey = _ref.queryKey,
state = _ref.state;
var data = state.data;
return [queryKey, data];
_proto.setQueryData = function setQueryData(queryKey, updater, options) {
var parsedOptions = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.parseQueryArgs)(queryKey);
var defaultedOptions = this.defaultQueryOptions(parsedOptions);
return this.queryCache.build(this, defaultedOptions).setData(updater, options);
_proto.setQueriesData = function setQueriesData(queryKeyOrFilters, updater, options) {
var _this2 = this;
return _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
return _this2.getQueryCache().findAll(queryKeyOrFilters).map(function (_ref2) {
var queryKey = _ref2.queryKey;
return [queryKey, _this2.setQueryData(queryKey, updater, options)];
_proto.getQueryState = function getQueryState(queryKey, filters) {
var _this$queryCache$find2;
return (_this$queryCache$find2 = this.queryCache.find(queryKey, filters)) == null ? void 0 : _this$queryCache$find2.state;
_proto.removeQueries = function removeQueries(arg1, arg2) {
var _parseFilterArgs2 = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.parseFilterArgs)(arg1, arg2),
filters = _parseFilterArgs2[0];
var queryCache = this.queryCache;
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
queryCache.findAll(filters).forEach(function (query) {
_proto.resetQueries = function resetQueries(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var _this3 = this;
var _parseFilterArgs3 = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.parseFilterArgs)(arg1, arg2, arg3),
filters = _parseFilterArgs3[0],
options = _parseFilterArgs3[1];
var queryCache = this.queryCache;
var refetchFilters = (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, filters, {
active: true
return _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
queryCache.findAll(filters).forEach(function (query) {
return _this3.refetchQueries(refetchFilters, options);
_proto.cancelQueries = function cancelQueries(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var _this4 = this;
var _parseFilterArgs4 = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.parseFilterArgs)(arg1, arg2, arg3),
filters = _parseFilterArgs4[0],
_parseFilterArgs4$ = _parseFilterArgs4[1],
cancelOptions = _parseFilterArgs4$ === void 0 ? {} : _parseFilterArgs4$;
if (typeof cancelOptions.revert === 'undefined') {
cancelOptions.revert = true;
var promises = _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
return _this4.queryCache.findAll(filters).map(function (query) {
return query.cancel(cancelOptions);
return Promise.all(promises).then(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.noop).catch(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.noop);
_proto.invalidateQueries = function invalidateQueries(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var _ref3,
_this5 = this;
var _parseFilterArgs5 = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.parseFilterArgs)(arg1, arg2, arg3),
filters = _parseFilterArgs5[0],
options = _parseFilterArgs5[1];
var refetchFilters = (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, filters, {
// if filters.refetchActive is not provided and filters.active is explicitly false,
// e.g. invalidateQueries({ active: false }), we don't want to refetch active queries
active: (_ref3 = (_filters$refetchActiv = filters.refetchActive) != null ? _filters$refetchActiv : filters.active) != null ? _ref3 : true,
inactive: (_filters$refetchInact = filters.refetchInactive) != null ? _filters$refetchInact : false
return _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
_this5.queryCache.findAll(filters).forEach(function (query) {
return _this5.refetchQueries(refetchFilters, options);
_proto.refetchQueries = function refetchQueries(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var _this6 = this;
var _parseFilterArgs6 = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.parseFilterArgs)(arg1, arg2, arg3),
filters = _parseFilterArgs6[0],
options = _parseFilterArgs6[1];
var promises = _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
return _this6.queryCache.findAll(filters).map(function (query) {
return query.fetch(undefined, (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, options, {
meta: {
refetchPage: filters == null ? void 0 : filters.refetchPage
var promise = Promise.all(promises).then(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.noop);
if (!(options == null ? void 0 : options.throwOnError)) {
promise = promise.catch(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.noop);
return promise;
_proto.fetchQuery = function fetchQuery(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var parsedOptions = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.parseQueryArgs)(arg1, arg2, arg3);
var defaultedOptions = this.defaultQueryOptions(parsedOptions); // https://github.com/tannerlinsley/react-query/issues/652
if (typeof defaultedOptions.retry === 'undefined') {
defaultedOptions.retry = false;
var query = this.queryCache.build(this, defaultedOptions);
return query.isStaleByTime(defaultedOptions.staleTime) ? query.fetch(defaultedOptions) : Promise.resolve(query.state.data);
_proto.prefetchQuery = function prefetchQuery(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
return this.fetchQuery(arg1, arg2, arg3).then(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.noop).catch(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.noop);
_proto.fetchInfiniteQuery = function fetchInfiniteQuery(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var parsedOptions = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.parseQueryArgs)(arg1, arg2, arg3);
parsedOptions.behavior = (0,_infiniteQueryBehavior__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.infiniteQueryBehavior)();
return this.fetchQuery(parsedOptions);
_proto.prefetchInfiniteQuery = function prefetchInfiniteQuery(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
return this.fetchInfiniteQuery(arg1, arg2, arg3).then(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.noop).catch(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.noop);
_proto.cancelMutations = function cancelMutations() {
var _this7 = this;
var promises = _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
return _this7.mutationCache.getAll().map(function (mutation) {
return mutation.cancel();
return Promise.all(promises).then(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.noop).catch(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.noop);
_proto.resumePausedMutations = function resumePausedMutations() {
return this.getMutationCache().resumePausedMutations();
_proto.executeMutation = function executeMutation(options) {
return this.mutationCache.build(this, options).execute();
_proto.getQueryCache = function getQueryCache() {
return this.queryCache;
_proto.getMutationCache = function getMutationCache() {
return this.mutationCache;
_proto.getDefaultOptions = function getDefaultOptions() {
return this.defaultOptions;
_proto.setDefaultOptions = function setDefaultOptions(options) {
this.defaultOptions = options;
_proto.setQueryDefaults = function setQueryDefaults(queryKey, options) {
var result = this.queryDefaults.find(function (x) {
return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.hashQueryKey)(queryKey) === (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.hashQueryKey)(x.queryKey);
if (result) {
result.defaultOptions = options;
} else {
queryKey: queryKey,
defaultOptions: options
_proto.getQueryDefaults = function getQueryDefaults(queryKey) {
var _this$queryDefaults$f;
return queryKey ? (_this$queryDefaults$f = this.queryDefaults.find(function (x) {
return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.partialMatchKey)(queryKey, x.queryKey);
})) == null ? void 0 : _this$queryDefaults$f.defaultOptions : undefined;
_proto.setMutationDefaults = function setMutationDefaults(mutationKey, options) {
var result = this.mutationDefaults.find(function (x) {
return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.hashQueryKey)(mutationKey) === (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.hashQueryKey)(x.mutationKey);
if (result) {
result.defaultOptions = options;
} else {
mutationKey: mutationKey,
defaultOptions: options
_proto.getMutationDefaults = function getMutationDefaults(mutationKey) {
var _this$mutationDefault;
return mutationKey ? (_this$mutationDefault = this.mutationDefaults.find(function (x) {
return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.partialMatchKey)(mutationKey, x.mutationKey);
})) == null ? void 0 : _this$mutationDefault.defaultOptions : undefined;
_proto.defaultQueryOptions = function defaultQueryOptions(options) {
if (options == null ? void 0 : options._defaulted) {
return options;
var defaultedOptions = (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, this.defaultOptions.queries, this.getQueryDefaults(options == null ? void 0 : options.queryKey), options, {
_defaulted: true
if (!defaultedOptions.queryHash && defaultedOptions.queryKey) {
defaultedOptions.queryHash = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.hashQueryKeyByOptions)(defaultedOptions.queryKey, defaultedOptions);
return defaultedOptions;
_proto.defaultQueryObserverOptions = function defaultQueryObserverOptions(options) {
return this.defaultQueryOptions(options);
_proto.defaultMutationOptions = function defaultMutationOptions(options) {
if (options == null ? void 0 : options._defaulted) {
return options;
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, this.defaultOptions.mutations, this.getMutationDefaults(options == null ? void 0 : options.mutationKey), options, {
_defaulted: true
_proto.clear = function clear() {
return QueryClient;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryObserver.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryObserver.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ QueryObserver: () => (/* binding */ QueryObserver)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
/* harmony import */ var _notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _focusManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./focusManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/focusManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _subscribable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./subscribable */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/subscribable.js");
/* harmony import */ var _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./logger */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/logger.js");
/* harmony import */ var _retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./retryer */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/retryer.js");
var QueryObserver = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Subscribable) {
(0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_inheritsLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(QueryObserver, _Subscribable);
function QueryObserver(client, options) {
var _this;
_this = _Subscribable.call(this) || this;
_this.client = client;
_this.options = options;
_this.trackedProps = [];
_this.selectError = null;
return _this;
var _proto = QueryObserver.prototype;
_proto.bindMethods = function bindMethods() {
this.remove = this.remove.bind(this);
this.refetch = this.refetch.bind(this);
_proto.onSubscribe = function onSubscribe() {
if (this.listeners.length === 1) {
if (shouldFetchOnMount(this.currentQuery, this.options)) {
_proto.onUnsubscribe = function onUnsubscribe() {
if (!this.listeners.length) {
_proto.shouldFetchOnReconnect = function shouldFetchOnReconnect() {
return shouldFetchOn(this.currentQuery, this.options, this.options.refetchOnReconnect);
_proto.shouldFetchOnWindowFocus = function shouldFetchOnWindowFocus() {
return shouldFetchOn(this.currentQuery, this.options, this.options.refetchOnWindowFocus);
_proto.destroy = function destroy() {
this.listeners = [];
_proto.setOptions = function setOptions(options, notifyOptions) {
var prevOptions = this.options;
var prevQuery = this.currentQuery;
this.options = this.client.defaultQueryObserverOptions(options);
if (typeof this.options.enabled !== 'undefined' && typeof this.options.enabled !== 'boolean') {
throw new Error('Expected enabled to be a boolean');
} // Keep previous query key if the user does not supply one
if (!this.options.queryKey) {
this.options.queryKey = prevOptions.queryKey;
var mounted = this.hasListeners(); // Fetch if there are subscribers
if (mounted && shouldFetchOptionally(this.currentQuery, prevQuery, this.options, prevOptions)) {
} // Update result
this.updateResult(notifyOptions); // Update stale interval if needed
if (mounted && (this.currentQuery !== prevQuery || this.options.enabled !== prevOptions.enabled || this.options.staleTime !== prevOptions.staleTime)) {
var nextRefetchInterval = this.computeRefetchInterval(); // Update refetch interval if needed
if (mounted && (this.currentQuery !== prevQuery || this.options.enabled !== prevOptions.enabled || nextRefetchInterval !== this.currentRefetchInterval)) {
_proto.getOptimisticResult = function getOptimisticResult(options) {
var defaultedOptions = this.client.defaultQueryObserverOptions(options);
var query = this.client.getQueryCache().build(this.client, defaultedOptions);
return this.createResult(query, defaultedOptions);
_proto.getCurrentResult = function getCurrentResult() {
return this.currentResult;
_proto.trackResult = function trackResult(result, defaultedOptions) {
var _this2 = this;
var trackedResult = {};
var trackProp = function trackProp(key) {
if (!_this2.trackedProps.includes(key)) {
Object.keys(result).forEach(function (key) {
Object.defineProperty(trackedResult, key, {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return result[key];
if (defaultedOptions.useErrorBoundary || defaultedOptions.suspense) {
return trackedResult;
_proto.getNextResult = function getNextResult(options) {
var _this3 = this;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var unsubscribe = _this3.subscribe(function (result) {
if (!result.isFetching) {
if (result.isError && (options == null ? void 0 : options.throwOnError)) {
} else {
_proto.getCurrentQuery = function getCurrentQuery() {
return this.currentQuery;
_proto.remove = function remove() {
_proto.refetch = function refetch(options) {
return this.fetch((0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, options, {
meta: {
refetchPage: options == null ? void 0 : options.refetchPage
_proto.fetchOptimistic = function fetchOptimistic(options) {
var _this4 = this;
var defaultedOptions = this.client.defaultQueryObserverOptions(options);
var query = this.client.getQueryCache().build(this.client, defaultedOptions);
return query.fetch().then(function () {
return _this4.createResult(query, defaultedOptions);
_proto.fetch = function fetch(fetchOptions) {
var _this5 = this;
return this.executeFetch(fetchOptions).then(function () {
return _this5.currentResult;
_proto.executeFetch = function executeFetch(fetchOptions) {
// Make sure we reference the latest query as the current one might have been removed
this.updateQuery(); // Fetch
var promise = this.currentQuery.fetch(this.options, fetchOptions);
if (!(fetchOptions == null ? void 0 : fetchOptions.throwOnError)) {
promise = promise.catch(_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.noop);
return promise;
_proto.updateStaleTimeout = function updateStaleTimeout() {
var _this6 = this;
if (_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isServer || this.currentResult.isStale || !(0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isValidTimeout)(this.options.staleTime)) {
var time = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.timeUntilStale)(this.currentResult.dataUpdatedAt, this.options.staleTime); // The timeout is sometimes triggered 1 ms before the stale time expiration.
// To mitigate this issue we always add 1 ms to the timeout.
var timeout = time + 1;
this.staleTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
if (!_this6.currentResult.isStale) {
}, timeout);
_proto.computeRefetchInterval = function computeRefetchInterval() {
var _this$options$refetch;
return typeof this.options.refetchInterval === 'function' ? this.options.refetchInterval(this.currentResult.data, this.currentQuery) : (_this$options$refetch = this.options.refetchInterval) != null ? _this$options$refetch : false;
_proto.updateRefetchInterval = function updateRefetchInterval(nextInterval) {
var _this7 = this;
this.currentRefetchInterval = nextInterval;
if (_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isServer || this.options.enabled === false || !(0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.isValidTimeout)(this.currentRefetchInterval) || this.currentRefetchInterval === 0) {
this.refetchIntervalId = setInterval(function () {
if (_this7.options.refetchIntervalInBackground || _focusManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.focusManager.isFocused()) {
}, this.currentRefetchInterval);
_proto.updateTimers = function updateTimers() {
_proto.clearTimers = function clearTimers() {
_proto.clearStaleTimeout = function clearStaleTimeout() {
if (this.staleTimeoutId) {
this.staleTimeoutId = undefined;
_proto.clearRefetchInterval = function clearRefetchInterval() {
if (this.refetchIntervalId) {
this.refetchIntervalId = undefined;
_proto.createResult = function createResult(query, options) {
var prevQuery = this.currentQuery;
var prevOptions = this.options;
var prevResult = this.currentResult;
var prevResultState = this.currentResultState;
var prevResultOptions = this.currentResultOptions;
var queryChange = query !== prevQuery;
var queryInitialState = queryChange ? query.state : this.currentQueryInitialState;
var prevQueryResult = queryChange ? this.currentResult : this.previousQueryResult;
var state = query.state;
var dataUpdatedAt = state.dataUpdatedAt,
error = state.error,
errorUpdatedAt = state.errorUpdatedAt,
isFetching = state.isFetching,
status = state.status;
var isPreviousData = false;
var isPlaceholderData = false;
var data; // Optimistically set result in fetching state if needed
if (options.optimisticResults) {
var mounted = this.hasListeners();
var fetchOnMount = !mounted && shouldFetchOnMount(query, options);
var fetchOptionally = mounted && shouldFetchOptionally(query, prevQuery, options, prevOptions);
if (fetchOnMount || fetchOptionally) {
isFetching = true;
if (!dataUpdatedAt) {
status = 'loading';
} // Keep previous data if needed
if (options.keepPreviousData && !state.dataUpdateCount && (prevQueryResult == null ? void 0 : prevQueryResult.isSuccess) && status !== 'error') {
data = prevQueryResult.data;
dataUpdatedAt = prevQueryResult.dataUpdatedAt;
status = prevQueryResult.status;
isPreviousData = true;
} // Select data if needed
else if (options.select && typeof state.data !== 'undefined') {
// Memoize select result
if (prevResult && state.data === (prevResultState == null ? void 0 : prevResultState.data) && options.select === this.selectFn) {
data = this.selectResult;
} else {
try {
this.selectFn = options.select;
data = options.select(state.data);
if (options.structuralSharing !== false) {
data = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.replaceEqualDeep)(prevResult == null ? void 0 : prevResult.data, data);
this.selectResult = data;
this.selectError = null;
} catch (selectError) {
this.selectError = selectError;
} // Use query data
else {
data = state.data;
} // Show placeholder data if needed
if (typeof options.placeholderData !== 'undefined' && typeof data === 'undefined' && (status === 'loading' || status === 'idle')) {
var placeholderData; // Memoize placeholder data
if ((prevResult == null ? void 0 : prevResult.isPlaceholderData) && options.placeholderData === (prevResultOptions == null ? void 0 : prevResultOptions.placeholderData)) {
placeholderData = prevResult.data;
} else {
placeholderData = typeof options.placeholderData === 'function' ? options.placeholderData() : options.placeholderData;
if (options.select && typeof placeholderData !== 'undefined') {
try {
placeholderData = options.select(placeholderData);
if (options.structuralSharing !== false) {
placeholderData = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.replaceEqualDeep)(prevResult == null ? void 0 : prevResult.data, placeholderData);
this.selectError = null;
} catch (selectError) {
this.selectError = selectError;
if (typeof placeholderData !== 'undefined') {
status = 'success';
data = placeholderData;
isPlaceholderData = true;
if (this.selectError) {
error = this.selectError;
data = this.selectResult;
errorUpdatedAt = Date.now();
status = 'error';
var result = {
status: status,
isLoading: status === 'loading',
isSuccess: status === 'success',
isError: status === 'error',
isIdle: status === 'idle',
data: data,
dataUpdatedAt: dataUpdatedAt,
error: error,
errorUpdatedAt: errorUpdatedAt,
failureCount: state.fetchFailureCount,
errorUpdateCount: state.errorUpdateCount,
isFetched: state.dataUpdateCount > 0 || state.errorUpdateCount > 0,
isFetchedAfterMount: state.dataUpdateCount > queryInitialState.dataUpdateCount || state.errorUpdateCount > queryInitialState.errorUpdateCount,
isFetching: isFetching,
isRefetching: isFetching && status !== 'loading',
isLoadingError: status === 'error' && state.dataUpdatedAt === 0,
isPlaceholderData: isPlaceholderData,
isPreviousData: isPreviousData,
isRefetchError: status === 'error' && state.dataUpdatedAt !== 0,
isStale: isStale(query, options),
refetch: this.refetch,
remove: this.remove
return result;
_proto.shouldNotifyListeners = function shouldNotifyListeners(result, prevResult) {
if (!prevResult) {
return true;
var _this$options = this.options,
notifyOnChangeProps = _this$options.notifyOnChangeProps,
notifyOnChangePropsExclusions = _this$options.notifyOnChangePropsExclusions;
if (!notifyOnChangeProps && !notifyOnChangePropsExclusions) {
return true;
if (notifyOnChangeProps === 'tracked' && !this.trackedProps.length) {
return true;
var includedProps = notifyOnChangeProps === 'tracked' ? this.trackedProps : notifyOnChangeProps;
return Object.keys(result).some(function (key) {
var typedKey = key;
var changed = result[typedKey] !== prevResult[typedKey];
var isIncluded = includedProps == null ? void 0 : includedProps.some(function (x) {
return x === key;
var isExcluded = notifyOnChangePropsExclusions == null ? void 0 : notifyOnChangePropsExclusions.some(function (x) {
return x === key;
return changed && !isExcluded && (!includedProps || isIncluded);
_proto.updateResult = function updateResult(notifyOptions) {
var prevResult = this.currentResult;
this.currentResult = this.createResult(this.currentQuery, this.options);
this.currentResultState = this.currentQuery.state;
this.currentResultOptions = this.options; // Only notify if something has changed
if ((0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.shallowEqualObjects)(this.currentResult, prevResult)) {
} // Determine which callbacks to trigger
var defaultNotifyOptions = {
cache: true
if ((notifyOptions == null ? void 0 : notifyOptions.listeners) !== false && this.shouldNotifyListeners(this.currentResult, prevResult)) {
defaultNotifyOptions.listeners = true;
this.notify((0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, defaultNotifyOptions, notifyOptions));
_proto.updateQuery = function updateQuery() {
var query = this.client.getQueryCache().build(this.client, this.options);
if (query === this.currentQuery) {
var prevQuery = this.currentQuery;
this.currentQuery = query;
this.currentQueryInitialState = query.state;
this.previousQueryResult = this.currentResult;
if (this.hasListeners()) {
prevQuery == null ? void 0 : prevQuery.removeObserver(this);
_proto.onQueryUpdate = function onQueryUpdate(action) {
var notifyOptions = {};
if (action.type === 'success') {
notifyOptions.onSuccess = true;
} else if (action.type === 'error' && !(0,_retryer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.isCancelledError)(action.error)) {
notifyOptions.onError = true;
if (this.hasListeners()) {
_proto.notify = function notify(notifyOptions) {
var _this8 = this;
_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.notifyManager.batch(function () {
// First trigger the configuration callbacks
if (notifyOptions.onSuccess) {
_this8.options.onSuccess == null ? void 0 : _this8.options.onSuccess(_this8.currentResult.data);
_this8.options.onSettled == null ? void 0 : _this8.options.onSettled(_this8.currentResult.data, null);
} else if (notifyOptions.onError) {
_this8.options.onError == null ? void 0 : _this8.options.onError(_this8.currentResult.error);
_this8.options.onSettled == null ? void 0 : _this8.options.onSettled(undefined, _this8.currentResult.error);
} // Then trigger the listeners
if (notifyOptions.listeners) {
_this8.listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
} // Then the cache listeners
if (notifyOptions.cache) {
query: _this8.currentQuery,
type: 'observerResultsUpdated'
return QueryObserver;
function shouldLoadOnMount(query, options) {
return options.enabled !== false && !query.state.dataUpdatedAt && !(query.state.status === 'error' && options.retryOnMount === false);
function shouldFetchOnMount(query, options) {
return shouldLoadOnMount(query, options) || query.state.dataUpdatedAt > 0 && shouldFetchOn(query, options, options.refetchOnMount);
function shouldFetchOn(query, options, field) {
if (options.enabled !== false) {
var value = typeof field === 'function' ? field(query) : field;
return value === 'always' || value !== false && isStale(query, options);
return false;
function shouldFetchOptionally(query, prevQuery, options, prevOptions) {
return options.enabled !== false && (query !== prevQuery || prevOptions.enabled === false) && (!options.suspense || query.state.status !== 'error') && isStale(query, options);
function isStale(query, options) {
return query.isStaleByTime(options.staleTime);
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/retryer.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/retryer.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ CancelledError: () => (/* binding */ CancelledError),
/* harmony export */ Retryer: () => (/* binding */ Retryer),
/* harmony export */ isCancelable: () => (/* binding */ isCancelable),
/* harmony export */ isCancelledError: () => (/* binding */ isCancelledError)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _focusManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./focusManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/focusManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _onlineManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./onlineManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/onlineManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
function defaultRetryDelay(failureCount) {
return Math.min(1000 * Math.pow(2, failureCount), 30000);
function isCancelable(value) {
return typeof (value == null ? void 0 : value.cancel) === 'function';
var CancelledError = function CancelledError(options) {
this.revert = options == null ? void 0 : options.revert;
this.silent = options == null ? void 0 : options.silent;
function isCancelledError(value) {
return value instanceof CancelledError;
} // CLASS
var Retryer = function Retryer(config) {
var _this = this;
var cancelRetry = false;
var cancelFn;
var continueFn;
var promiseResolve;
var promiseReject;
this.abort = config.abort;
this.cancel = function (cancelOptions) {
return cancelFn == null ? void 0 : cancelFn(cancelOptions);
this.cancelRetry = function () {
cancelRetry = true;
this.continueRetry = function () {
cancelRetry = false;
this.continue = function () {
return continueFn == null ? void 0 : continueFn();
this.failureCount = 0;
this.isPaused = false;
this.isResolved = false;
this.isTransportCancelable = false;
this.promise = new Promise(function (outerResolve, outerReject) {
promiseResolve = outerResolve;
promiseReject = outerReject;
var resolve = function resolve(value) {
if (!_this.isResolved) {
_this.isResolved = true;
config.onSuccess == null ? void 0 : config.onSuccess(value);
continueFn == null ? void 0 : continueFn();
var reject = function reject(value) {
if (!_this.isResolved) {
_this.isResolved = true;
config.onError == null ? void 0 : config.onError(value);
continueFn == null ? void 0 : continueFn();
var pause = function pause() {
return new Promise(function (continueResolve) {
continueFn = continueResolve;
_this.isPaused = true;
config.onPause == null ? void 0 : config.onPause();
}).then(function () {
continueFn = undefined;
_this.isPaused = false;
config.onContinue == null ? void 0 : config.onContinue();
}; // Create loop function
var run = function run() {
// Do nothing if already resolved
if (_this.isResolved) {
var promiseOrValue; // Execute query
try {
promiseOrValue = config.fn();
} catch (error) {
promiseOrValue = Promise.reject(error);
} // Create callback to cancel this fetch
cancelFn = function cancelFn(cancelOptions) {
if (!_this.isResolved) {
reject(new CancelledError(cancelOptions));
_this.abort == null ? void 0 : _this.abort(); // Cancel transport if supported
if (isCancelable(promiseOrValue)) {
try {
} catch (_unused) {}
}; // Check if the transport layer support cancellation
_this.isTransportCancelable = isCancelable(promiseOrValue);
Promise.resolve(promiseOrValue).then(resolve).catch(function (error) {
var _config$retry, _config$retryDelay;
// Stop if the fetch is already resolved
if (_this.isResolved) {
} // Do we need to retry the request?
var retry = (_config$retry = config.retry) != null ? _config$retry : 3;
var retryDelay = (_config$retryDelay = config.retryDelay) != null ? _config$retryDelay : defaultRetryDelay;
var delay = typeof retryDelay === 'function' ? retryDelay(_this.failureCount, error) : retryDelay;
var shouldRetry = retry === true || typeof retry === 'number' && _this.failureCount < retry || typeof retry === 'function' && retry(_this.failureCount, error);
if (cancelRetry || !shouldRetry) {
// We are done if the query does not need to be retried
_this.failureCount++; // Notify on fail
config.onFail == null ? void 0 : config.onFail(_this.failureCount, error); // Delay
(0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.sleep)(delay) // Pause if the document is not visible or when the device is offline
.then(function () {
if (!_focusManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.focusManager.isFocused() || !_onlineManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.onlineManager.isOnline()) {
return pause();
}).then(function () {
if (cancelRetry) {
} else {
}; // Start loop
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/subscribable.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/subscribable.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ Subscribable: () => (/* binding */ Subscribable)
/* harmony export */ });
var Subscribable = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function Subscribable() {
this.listeners = [];
var _proto = Subscribable.prototype;
_proto.subscribe = function subscribe(listener) {
var _this = this;
var callback = listener || function () {
return undefined;
return function () {
_this.listeners = _this.listeners.filter(function (x) {
return x !== callback;
_proto.hasListeners = function hasListeners() {
return this.listeners.length > 0;
_proto.onSubscribe = function onSubscribe() {// Do nothing
_proto.onUnsubscribe = function onUnsubscribe() {// Do nothing
return Subscribable;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/types.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/types.js ***!
/***/ (() => {
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ difference: () => (/* binding */ difference),
/* harmony export */ ensureQueryKeyArray: () => (/* binding */ ensureQueryKeyArray),
/* harmony export */ functionalUpdate: () => (/* binding */ functionalUpdate),
/* harmony export */ getAbortController: () => (/* binding */ getAbortController),
/* harmony export */ hashQueryKey: () => (/* binding */ hashQueryKey),
/* harmony export */ hashQueryKeyByOptions: () => (/* binding */ hashQueryKeyByOptions),
/* harmony export */ isError: () => (/* binding */ isError),
/* harmony export */ isPlainObject: () => (/* binding */ isPlainObject),
/* harmony export */ isQueryKey: () => (/* binding */ isQueryKey),
/* harmony export */ isServer: () => (/* binding */ isServer),
/* harmony export */ isValidTimeout: () => (/* binding */ isValidTimeout),
/* harmony export */ mapQueryStatusFilter: () => (/* binding */ mapQueryStatusFilter),
/* harmony export */ matchMutation: () => (/* binding */ matchMutation),
/* harmony export */ matchQuery: () => (/* binding */ matchQuery),
/* harmony export */ noop: () => (/* binding */ noop),
/* harmony export */ parseFilterArgs: () => (/* binding */ parseFilterArgs),
/* harmony export */ parseMutationArgs: () => (/* binding */ parseMutationArgs),
/* harmony export */ parseMutationFilterArgs: () => (/* binding */ parseMutationFilterArgs),
/* harmony export */ parseQueryArgs: () => (/* binding */ parseQueryArgs),
/* harmony export */ partialDeepEqual: () => (/* binding */ partialDeepEqual),
/* harmony export */ partialMatchKey: () => (/* binding */ partialMatchKey),
/* harmony export */ replaceAt: () => (/* binding */ replaceAt),
/* harmony export */ replaceEqualDeep: () => (/* binding */ replaceEqualDeep),
/* harmony export */ scheduleMicrotask: () => (/* binding */ scheduleMicrotask),
/* harmony export */ shallowEqualObjects: () => (/* binding */ shallowEqualObjects),
/* harmony export */ sleep: () => (/* binding */ sleep),
/* harmony export */ stableValueHash: () => (/* binding */ stableValueHash),
/* harmony export */ timeUntilStale: () => (/* binding */ timeUntilStale)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
var isServer = typeof window === 'undefined';
function noop() {
return undefined;
function functionalUpdate(updater, input) {
return typeof updater === 'function' ? updater(input) : updater;
function isValidTimeout(value) {
return typeof value === 'number' && value >= 0 && value !== Infinity;
function ensureQueryKeyArray(value) {
return Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
function difference(array1, array2) {
return array1.filter(function (x) {
return array2.indexOf(x) === -1;
function replaceAt(array, index, value) {
var copy = array.slice(0);
copy[index] = value;
return copy;
function timeUntilStale(updatedAt, staleTime) {
return Math.max(updatedAt + (staleTime || 0) - Date.now(), 0);
function parseQueryArgs(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
if (!isQueryKey(arg1)) {
return arg1;
if (typeof arg2 === 'function') {
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, arg3, {
queryKey: arg1,
queryFn: arg2
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, arg2, {
queryKey: arg1
function parseMutationArgs(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
if (isQueryKey(arg1)) {
if (typeof arg2 === 'function') {
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, arg3, {
mutationKey: arg1,
mutationFn: arg2
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, arg2, {
mutationKey: arg1
if (typeof arg1 === 'function') {
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, arg2, {
mutationFn: arg1
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, arg1);
function parseFilterArgs(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
return isQueryKey(arg1) ? [(0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, arg2, {
queryKey: arg1
}), arg3] : [arg1 || {}, arg2];
function parseMutationFilterArgs(arg1, arg2) {
return isQueryKey(arg1) ? (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, arg2, {
mutationKey: arg1
}) : arg1;
function mapQueryStatusFilter(active, inactive) {
if (active === true && inactive === true || active == null && inactive == null) {
return 'all';
} else if (active === false && inactive === false) {
return 'none';
} else {
// At this point, active|inactive can only be true|false or false|true
// so, when only one value is provided, the missing one has to be the negated value
var isActive = active != null ? active : !inactive;
return isActive ? 'active' : 'inactive';
function matchQuery(filters, query) {
var active = filters.active,
exact = filters.exact,
fetching = filters.fetching,
inactive = filters.inactive,
predicate = filters.predicate,
queryKey = filters.queryKey,
stale = filters.stale;
if (isQueryKey(queryKey)) {
if (exact) {
if (query.queryHash !== hashQueryKeyByOptions(queryKey, query.options)) {
return false;
} else if (!partialMatchKey(query.queryKey, queryKey)) {
return false;
var queryStatusFilter = mapQueryStatusFilter(active, inactive);
if (queryStatusFilter === 'none') {
return false;
} else if (queryStatusFilter !== 'all') {
var isActive = query.isActive();
if (queryStatusFilter === 'active' && !isActive) {
return false;
if (queryStatusFilter === 'inactive' && isActive) {
return false;
if (typeof stale === 'boolean' && query.isStale() !== stale) {
return false;
if (typeof fetching === 'boolean' && query.isFetching() !== fetching) {
return false;
if (predicate && !predicate(query)) {
return false;
return true;
function matchMutation(filters, mutation) {
var exact = filters.exact,
fetching = filters.fetching,
predicate = filters.predicate,
mutationKey = filters.mutationKey;
if (isQueryKey(mutationKey)) {
if (!mutation.options.mutationKey) {
return false;
if (exact) {
if (hashQueryKey(mutation.options.mutationKey) !== hashQueryKey(mutationKey)) {
return false;
} else if (!partialMatchKey(mutation.options.mutationKey, mutationKey)) {
return false;
if (typeof fetching === 'boolean' && mutation.state.status === 'loading' !== fetching) {
return false;
if (predicate && !predicate(mutation)) {
return false;
return true;
function hashQueryKeyByOptions(queryKey, options) {
var hashFn = (options == null ? void 0 : options.queryKeyHashFn) || hashQueryKey;
return hashFn(queryKey);
* Default query keys hash function.
function hashQueryKey(queryKey) {
var asArray = ensureQueryKeyArray(queryKey);
return stableValueHash(asArray);
* Hashes the value into a stable hash.
function stableValueHash(value) {
return JSON.stringify(value, function (_, val) {
return isPlainObject(val) ? Object.keys(val).sort().reduce(function (result, key) {
result[key] = val[key];
return result;
}, {}) : val;
* Checks if key `b` partially matches with key `a`.
function partialMatchKey(a, b) {
return partialDeepEqual(ensureQueryKeyArray(a), ensureQueryKeyArray(b));
* Checks if `b` partially matches with `a`.
function partialDeepEqual(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return true;
if (typeof a !== typeof b) {
return false;
if (a && b && typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object') {
return !Object.keys(b).some(function (key) {
return !partialDeepEqual(a[key], b[key]);
return false;
* This function returns `a` if `b` is deeply equal.
* If not, it will replace any deeply equal children of `b` with those of `a`.
* This can be used for structural sharing between JSON values for example.
function replaceEqualDeep(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return a;
var array = Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b);
if (array || isPlainObject(a) && isPlainObject(b)) {
var aSize = array ? a.length : Object.keys(a).length;
var bItems = array ? b : Object.keys(b);
var bSize = bItems.length;
var copy = array ? [] : {};
var equalItems = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < bSize; i++) {
var key = array ? i : bItems[i];
copy[key] = replaceEqualDeep(a[key], b[key]);
if (copy[key] === a[key]) {
return aSize === bSize && equalItems === aSize ? a : copy;
return b;
* Shallow compare objects. Only works with objects that always have the same properties.
function shallowEqualObjects(a, b) {
if (a && !b || b && !a) {
return false;
for (var key in a) {
if (a[key] !== b[key]) {
return false;
return true;
} // Copied from: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-plain-object
function isPlainObject(o) {
if (!hasObjectPrototype(o)) {
return false;
} // If has modified constructor
var ctor = o.constructor;
if (typeof ctor === 'undefined') {
return true;
} // If has modified prototype
var prot = ctor.prototype;
if (!hasObjectPrototype(prot)) {
return false;
} // If constructor does not have an Object-specific method
if (!prot.hasOwnProperty('isPrototypeOf')) {
return false;
} // Most likely a plain Object
return true;
function hasObjectPrototype(o) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Object]';
function isQueryKey(value) {
return typeof value === 'string' || Array.isArray(value);
function isError(value) {
return value instanceof Error;
function sleep(timeout) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
setTimeout(resolve, timeout);
* Schedules a microtask.
* This can be useful to schedule state updates after rendering.
function scheduleMicrotask(callback) {
Promise.resolve().then(callback).catch(function (error) {
return setTimeout(function () {
throw error;
function getAbortController() {
if (typeof AbortController === 'function') {
return new AbortController();
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/Explorer.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/Explorer.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ DefaultRenderer: () => (/* binding */ DefaultRenderer),
/* harmony export */ Entry: () => (/* binding */ Entry),
/* harmony export */ ExpandButton: () => (/* binding */ ExpandButton),
/* harmony export */ Expander: () => (/* binding */ Expander),
/* harmony export */ Info: () => (/* binding */ Info),
/* harmony export */ Label: () => (/* binding */ Label),
/* harmony export */ LabelButton: () => (/* binding */ LabelButton),
/* harmony export */ SubEntries: () => (/* binding */ SubEntries),
/* harmony export */ Value: () => (/* binding */ Value),
/* harmony export */ chunkArray: () => (/* binding */ chunkArray),
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ Explorer)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_objectWithoutPropertiesLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js");
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__);
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/utils.js");
var Entry = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.styled)('div', {
fontFamily: 'Menlo, monospace',
fontSize: '1em',
lineHeight: '1.7',
outline: 'none',
wordBreak: 'break-word'
var Label = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.styled)('span', {
color: 'white'
var LabelButton = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.styled)('button', {
cursor: 'pointer',
color: 'white'
var ExpandButton = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.styled)('button', {
cursor: 'pointer',
color: 'inherit',
font: 'inherit',
outline: 'inherit',
background: 'transparent',
border: 'none',
padding: 0
var Value = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.styled)('span', function (_props, theme) {
return {
color: theme.danger
var SubEntries = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.styled)('div', {
marginLeft: '.1em',
paddingLeft: '1em',
borderLeft: '2px solid rgba(0,0,0,.15)'
var Info = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.styled)('span', {
color: 'grey',
fontSize: '.7em'
var Expander = function Expander(_ref) {
var expanded = _ref.expanded,
_ref$style = _ref.style,
style = _ref$style === void 0 ? {} : _ref$style;
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("span", {
style: (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])({
display: 'inline-block',
transition: 'all .1s ease',
transform: "rotate(" + (expanded ? 90 : 0) + "deg) " + (style.transform || '')
}, style)
}, "\u25B6");
* Chunk elements in the array by size
* when the array cannot be chunked evenly by size, the last chunk will be
* filled with the remaining elements
* @example
* chunkArray(['a','b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], 2) // returns [['a','b'], ['c', 'd'], ['e']]
function chunkArray(array, size) {
if (size < 1) return [];
var i = 0;
var result = [];
while (i < array.length) {
result.push(array.slice(i, i + size));
i = i + size;
return result;
var DefaultRenderer = function DefaultRenderer(_ref2) {
var HandleEntry = _ref2.HandleEntry,
label = _ref2.label,
value = _ref2.value,
_ref2$subEntries = _ref2.subEntries,
subEntries = _ref2$subEntries === void 0 ? [] : _ref2$subEntries,
_ref2$subEntryPages = _ref2.subEntryPages,
subEntryPages = _ref2$subEntryPages === void 0 ? [] : _ref2$subEntryPages,
type = _ref2.type,
_ref2$expanded = _ref2.expanded,
expanded = _ref2$expanded === void 0 ? false : _ref2$expanded,
toggleExpanded = _ref2.toggleExpanded,
pageSize = _ref2.pageSize;
var _React$useState = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().useState([]),
expandedPages = _React$useState[0],
setExpandedPages = _React$useState[1];
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(Entry, {
key: label
}, (subEntryPages == null ? void 0 : subEntryPages.length) ? /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement((react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().Fragment), null, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(ExpandButton, {
onClick: function onClick() {
return toggleExpanded();
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(Expander, {
expanded: expanded
}), " ", label, ' ', /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(Info, null, String(type).toLowerCase() === 'iterable' ? '(Iterable) ' : '', subEntries.length, " ", subEntries.length > 1 ? "items" : "item")), expanded ? subEntryPages.length === 1 ? /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(SubEntries, null, subEntries.map(function (entry) {
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(HandleEntry, {
key: entry.label,
entry: entry
})) : /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(SubEntries, null, subEntryPages.map(function (entries, index) {
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
key: index
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(Entry, null, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(LabelButton, {
onClick: function onClick() {
return setExpandedPages(function (old) {
return old.includes(index) ? old.filter(function (d) {
return d !== index;
}) : [].concat(old, [index]);
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(Expander, {
expanded: expanded
}), " [", index * pageSize, " ...", ' ', index * pageSize + pageSize - 1, "]"), expandedPages.includes(index) ? /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(SubEntries, null, entries.map(function (entry) {
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(HandleEntry, {
key: entry.label,
entry: entry
})) : null));
})) : null) : /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement((react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().Fragment), null, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(Label, null, label, ":"), " ", /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(Value, null, (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.displayValue)(value))));
function isIterable(x) {
return Symbol.iterator in x;
function Explorer(_ref3) {
var value = _ref3.value,
defaultExpanded = _ref3.defaultExpanded,
_ref3$renderer = _ref3.renderer,
renderer = _ref3$renderer === void 0 ? DefaultRenderer : _ref3$renderer,
_ref3$pageSize = _ref3.pageSize,
pageSize = _ref3$pageSize === void 0 ? 100 : _ref3$pageSize,
rest = (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_objectWithoutPropertiesLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(_ref3, ["value", "defaultExpanded", "renderer", "pageSize"]);
var _React$useState2 = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().useState(Boolean(defaultExpanded)),
expanded = _React$useState2[0],
setExpanded = _React$useState2[1];
var toggleExpanded = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().useCallback(function () {
return setExpanded(function (old) {
return !old;
}, []);
var type = typeof value;
var subEntries = [];
var makeProperty = function makeProperty(sub) {
var _ref4;
var subDefaultExpanded = defaultExpanded === true ? (_ref4 = {}, _ref4[sub.label] = true, _ref4) : defaultExpanded == null ? void 0 : defaultExpanded[sub.label];
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])({}, sub, {
defaultExpanded: subDefaultExpanded
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
type = 'array';
subEntries = value.map(function (d, i) {
return makeProperty({
label: i.toString(),
value: d
} else if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object' && isIterable(value) && typeof value[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') {
type = 'Iterable';
subEntries = Array.from(value, function (val, i) {
return makeProperty({
label: i.toString(),
value: val
} else if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
type = 'object';
subEntries = Object.entries(value).map(function (_ref5) {
var key = _ref5[0],
val = _ref5[1];
return makeProperty({
label: key,
value: val
var subEntryPages = chunkArray(subEntries, pageSize);
return renderer((0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])({
HandleEntry: function HandleEntry(_ref6) {
var entry = _ref6.entry;
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(Explorer, (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])({
value: value,
renderer: renderer
}, rest, entry));
type: type,
subEntries: subEntries,
subEntryPages: subEntryPages,
value: value,
expanded: expanded,
toggleExpanded: toggleExpanded,
pageSize: pageSize
}, rest));
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/Logo.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/Logo.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ Logo)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
function Logo(props) {
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement("svg", (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({
width: "40px",
height: "40px",
viewBox: "0 0 190 190",
version: "1.1"
}, props), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.createElement("g", {
stroke: "none",
strokeWidth: "1",
fill: "none",
fillRule: "evenodd"
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border: 0,
padding: 0,
position: 'fixed',
zIndex: 99999,
display: 'inline-flex',
fontSize: '1.5em',
margin: '.5em',
cursor: 'pointer',
width: 'fit-content'
}, position === 'top-right' ? {
top: '0',
right: '0'
} : position === 'top-left' ? {
top: '0',
left: '0'
} : position === 'bottom-right' ? {
bottom: '0',
right: '0'
} : {
bottom: '0',
left: '0'
}, toggleButtonStyle)
}), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_Logo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["default"], {
"aria-hidden": true
})) : null);
var getStatusRank = function getStatusRank(q) {
return q.state.isFetching ? 0 : !q.getObserversCount() ? 3 : q.isStale() ? 2 : 1;
var sortFns = {
'Status > Last Updated': function StatusLastUpdated(a, b) {
var _sortFns$LastUpdated;
return getStatusRank(a) === getStatusRank(b) ? (_sortFns$LastUpdated = sortFns['Last Updated']) == null ? void 0 : _sortFns$LastUpdated.call(sortFns, a, b) : getStatusRank(a) > getStatusRank(b) ? 1 : -1;
'Query Hash': function QueryHash(a, b) {
return a.queryHash > b.queryHash ? 1 : -1;
'Last Updated': function LastUpdated(a, b) {
return a.state.dataUpdatedAt < b.state.dataUpdatedAt ? 1 : -1;
var ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel = /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().forwardRef(function ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel(props, ref) {
var _activeQuery$state;
var _props$isOpen = props.isOpen,
isOpen = _props$isOpen === void 0 ? true : _props$isOpen,
styleNonce = props.styleNonce,
setIsOpen = props.setIsOpen,
handleDragStart = props.handleDragStart,
panelProps = (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_objectWithoutPropertiesLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(props, ["isOpen", "styleNonce", "setIsOpen", "handleDragStart"]);
var queryClient = (0,react_query__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.useQueryClient)();
var queryCache = queryClient.getQueryCache();
var _useLocalStorage3 = (0,_useLocalStorage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])('reactQueryDevtoolsSortFn', Object.keys(sortFns)[0]),
sort = _useLocalStorage3[0],
setSort = _useLocalStorage3[1];
var _useLocalStorage4 = (0,_useLocalStorage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])('reactQueryDevtoolsFilter', ''),
filter = _useLocalStorage4[0],
setFilter = _useLocalStorage4[1];
var _useLocalStorage5 = (0,_useLocalStorage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])('reactQueryDevtoolsSortDesc', false),
sortDesc = _useLocalStorage5[0],
setSortDesc = _useLocalStorage5[1];
var sortFn = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().useMemo(function () {
return sortFns[sort];
}, [sort]);
(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default())[isServer ? 'useEffect' : 'useLayoutEffect'](function () {
if (!sortFn) {
}, [setSort, sortFn]);
var _useSafeState3 = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.useSafeState)(Object.values(queryCache.findAll())),
unsortedQueries = _useSafeState3[0],
setUnsortedQueries = _useSafeState3[1];
var _useLocalStorage6 = (0,_useLocalStorage__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__["default"])('reactQueryDevtoolsActiveQueryHash', ''),
activeQueryHash = _useLocalStorage6[0],
setActiveQueryHash = _useLocalStorage6[1];
var queries = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().useMemo(function () {
var sorted = [].concat(unsortedQueries).sort(sortFn);
if (sortDesc) {
if (!filter) {
return sorted;
return (0,match_sorter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.matchSorter)(sorted, filter, {
keys: ['queryHash']
}).filter(function (d) {
return d.queryHash;
}, [sortDesc, sortFn, unsortedQueries, filter]);
var activeQuery = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().useMemo(function () {
return queries.find(function (query) {
return query.queryHash === activeQueryHash;
}, [activeQueryHash, queries]);
var hasFresh = queries.filter(function (q) {
return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.getQueryStatusLabel)(q) === 'fresh';
var hasFetching = queries.filter(function (q) {
return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.getQueryStatusLabel)(q) === 'fetching';
var hasStale = queries.filter(function (q) {
return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.getQueryStatusLabel)(q) === 'stale';
var hasInactive = queries.filter(function (q) {
return (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.getQueryStatusLabel)(q) === 'inactive';
react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().useEffect(function () {
if (isOpen) {
var unsubscribe = queryCache.subscribe(function () {
}); // re-subscribing after the panel is closed and re-opened won't trigger the callback,
// So we'll manually populate our state
return unsubscribe;
return undefined;
}, [isOpen, sort, sortFn, sortDesc, setUnsortedQueries, queryCache]);
var handleRefetch = function handleRefetch() {
var promise = activeQuery == null ? void 0 : activeQuery.fetch();
promise == null ? void 0 : promise.catch(_core_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.noop);
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.ThemeProvider, {
theme: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Panel, (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({
ref: ref,
className: "ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel",
"aria-label": "React Query Devtools Panel",
id: "ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel"
}, panelProps), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("style", {
nonce: styleNonce,
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
__html: "\n .ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel * {\n scrollbar-color: " + _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.backgroundAlt + " " + _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.gray + ";\n }\n\n .ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel *::-webkit-scrollbar, .ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel scrollbar {\n width: 1em;\n height: 1em;\n }\n\n .ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel *::-webkit-scrollbar-track, .ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel scrollbar-track {\n background: " + _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.backgroundAlt + ";\n }\n\n .ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel *::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, .ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel scrollbar-thumb {\n background: " + _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.gray + ";\n border-radius: .5em;\n border: 3px solid " + _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.backgroundAlt + ";\n }\n "
}), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
top: 0,
width: '100%',
height: '4px',
marginBottom: '-4px',
cursor: 'row-resize',
zIndex: 100000
onMouseDown: handleDragStart
}), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
flex: '1 1 500px',
minHeight: '40%',
maxHeight: '100%',
overflow: 'auto',
borderRight: "1px solid " + _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.grayAlt,
display: isOpen ? 'flex' : 'none',
flexDirection: 'column'
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
padding: '.5em',
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.backgroundAlt,
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
alignItems: 'center'
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("button", {
type: "button",
"aria-label": "Close React Query Devtools",
"aria-controls": "ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel",
"aria-haspopup": "true",
"aria-expanded": "true",
onClick: function onClick() {
return setIsOpen(false);
style: {
display: 'inline-flex',
background: 'none',
border: 0,
padding: 0,
marginRight: '.5em',
cursor: 'pointer'
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_Logo__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__["default"], {
"aria-hidden": true
})), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column'
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.QueryKeys, {
style: {
marginBottom: '.5em'
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.QueryKey, {
style: {
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.success,
opacity: hasFresh ? 1 : 0.3
}, "fresh ", /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Code, null, "(", hasFresh, ")")), ' ', /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.QueryKey, {
style: {
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.active,
opacity: hasFetching ? 1 : 0.3
}, "fetching ", /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Code, null, "(", hasFetching, ")")), ' ', /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.QueryKey, {
style: {
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.warning,
color: 'black',
textShadow: '0',
opacity: hasStale ? 1 : 0.3
}, "stale ", /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Code, null, "(", hasStale, ")")), ' ', /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.QueryKey, {
style: {
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.gray,
opacity: hasInactive ? 1 : 0.3
}, "inactive ", /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Code, null, "(", hasInactive, ")"))), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center'
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Input, {
placeholder: "Filter",
"aria-label": "Filter by queryhash",
value: filter != null ? filter : '',
onChange: function onChange(e) {
return setFilter(e.target.value);
onKeyDown: function onKeyDown(e) {
if (e.key === 'Escape') setFilter('');
style: {
flex: '1',
marginRight: '.5em',
width: '100%'
}), !filter ? /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement((react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().Fragment), null, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Select, {
"aria-label": "Sort queries",
value: sort,
onChange: function onChange(e) {
return setSort(e.target.value);
style: {
flex: '1',
minWidth: 75,
marginRight: '.5em'
}, Object.keys(sortFns).map(function (key) {
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("option", {
key: key,
value: key
}, "Sort by ", key);
})), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Button, {
type: "button",
onClick: function onClick() {
return setSortDesc(function (old) {
return !old;
style: {
padding: '.3em .4em'
}, sortDesc ? '⬇ Desc' : '⬆ Asc')) : null))), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
overflowY: 'auto',
flex: '1'
}, queries.map(function (query, i) {
var isDisabled = query.getObserversCount() > 0 && !query.isActive();
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
key: query.queryHash || i,
role: "button",
"aria-label": "Open query details for " + query.queryHash,
onClick: function onClick() {
return setActiveQueryHash(activeQueryHash === query.queryHash ? '' : query.queryHash);
style: {
display: 'flex',
borderBottom: "solid 1px " + _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.grayAlt,
cursor: 'pointer',
background: query === activeQuery ? 'rgba(255,255,255,.1)' : undefined
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
flex: '0 0 auto',
width: '2em',
height: '2em',
background: (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.getQueryStatusColor)(query, _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme),
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
fontWeight: 'bold',
textShadow: (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.getQueryStatusLabel)(query) === 'stale' ? '0' : '0 0 10px black',
color: (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.getQueryStatusLabel)(query) === 'stale' ? 'black' : 'white'
}, query.getObserversCount()), isDisabled ? /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
flex: '0 0 auto',
height: '2em',
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.gray,
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
fontWeight: 'bold',
padding: '0 0.5em'
}, "disabled") : null, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Code, {
style: {
padding: '.5em'
}, "" + query.queryHash));
}))), activeQuery ? /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.ActiveQueryPanel, null, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
padding: '.5em',
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.backgroundAlt,
position: 'sticky',
top: 0,
zIndex: 1
}, "Query Details"), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
padding: '.5em'
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
marginBottom: '.5em',
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'start',
justifyContent: 'space-between'
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Code, {
style: {
lineHeight: '1.8em'
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("pre", {
style: {
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
overflow: 'auto'
}, JSON.stringify(activeQuery.queryKey, null, 2))), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("span", {
style: {
padding: '0.3em .6em',
borderRadius: '0.4em',
fontWeight: 'bold',
textShadow: '0 2px 10px black',
background: (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.getQueryStatusColor)(activeQuery, _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme),
flexShrink: 0
}, (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.getQueryStatusLabel)(activeQuery))), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
marginBottom: '.5em',
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'space-between'
}, "Observers: ", /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Code, null, activeQuery.getObserversCount())), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'space-between'
}, "Last Updated:", ' ', /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Code, null, new Date(activeQuery.state.dataUpdatedAt).toLocaleTimeString()))), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.backgroundAlt,
padding: '.5em',
position: 'sticky',
top: 0,
zIndex: 1
}, "Actions"), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
padding: '0.5em'
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Button, {
type: "button",
onClick: handleRefetch,
disabled: activeQuery.state.isFetching,
style: {
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.active
}, "Refetch"), ' ', /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Button, {
type: "button",
onClick: function onClick() {
return queryClient.invalidateQueries(activeQuery);
style: {
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.warning,
color: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.inputTextColor
}, "Invalidate"), ' ', /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Button, {
type: "button",
onClick: function onClick() {
return queryClient.resetQueries(activeQuery);
style: {
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.gray
}, "Reset"), ' ', /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_styledComponents__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.Button, {
type: "button",
onClick: function onClick() {
return queryClient.removeQueries(activeQuery);
style: {
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.danger
}, "Remove")), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.backgroundAlt,
padding: '.5em',
position: 'sticky',
top: 0,
zIndex: 1
}, "Data Explorer"), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
padding: '.5em'
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_Explorer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["default"], {
label: "Data",
value: activeQuery == null ? void 0 : (_activeQuery$state = activeQuery.state) == null ? void 0 : _activeQuery$state.data,
defaultExpanded: {}
})), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
background: _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.defaultTheme.backgroundAlt,
padding: '.5em',
position: 'sticky',
top: 0,
zIndex: 1
}, "Query Explorer"), /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement("div", {
style: {
padding: '.5em'
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(_Explorer__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__["default"], {
label: "Query",
value: activeQuery,
defaultExpanded: {
queryKey: true
}))) : null));
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/index.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ ReactQueryDevtools: () => (/* reexport safe */ _devtools__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ReactQueryDevtools),
/* harmony export */ ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel: () => (/* reexport safe */ _devtools__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ReactQueryDevtoolsPanel)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _devtools__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./devtools */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/devtools.js");
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/styledComponents.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/styledComponents.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ ActiveQueryPanel: () => (/* binding */ ActiveQueryPanel),
/* harmony export */ Button: () => (/* binding */ Button),
/* harmony export */ Code: () => (/* binding */ Code),
/* harmony export */ Input: () => (/* binding */ Input),
/* harmony export */ Panel: () => (/* binding */ Panel),
/* harmony export */ QueryKey: () => (/* binding */ QueryKey),
/* harmony export */ QueryKeys: () => (/* binding */ QueryKeys),
/* harmony export */ Select: () => (/* binding */ Select)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/utils.js");
var Panel = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.styled)('div', function (_props, theme) {
return {
fontSize: 'clamp(12px, 1.5vw, 14px)',
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
display: 'flex',
backgroundColor: theme.background,
color: theme.foreground
}, {
'(max-width: 700px)': {
flexDirection: 'column'
'(max-width: 600px)': {
fontSize: '.9em' // flexDirection: 'column',
var ActiveQueryPanel = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.styled)('div', function () {
return {
flex: '1 1 500px',
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
overflow: 'auto',
height: '100%'
}, {
'(max-width: 700px)': function maxWidth700px(_props, theme) {
return {
borderTop: "2px solid " + theme.gray
var Button = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.styled)('button', function (props, theme) {
return {
appearance: 'none',
fontSize: '.9em',
fontWeight: 'bold',
background: theme.gray,
border: '0',
borderRadius: '.3em',
color: 'white',
padding: '.5em',
opacity: props.disabled ? '.5' : undefined,
cursor: 'pointer'
var QueryKeys = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.styled)('span', {
display: 'inline-block',
fontSize: '0.9em'
var QueryKey = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.styled)('span', {
display: 'inline-flex',
alignItems: 'center',
padding: '.2em .4em',
fontWeight: 'bold',
textShadow: '0 0 10px black',
borderRadius: '.2em'
var Code = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.styled)('code', {
fontSize: '.9em',
color: 'inherit',
background: 'inherit'
var Input = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.styled)('input', function (_props, theme) {
return {
backgroundColor: theme.inputBackgroundColor,
border: 0,
borderRadius: '.2em',
color: theme.inputTextColor,
fontSize: '.9em',
lineHeight: "1.3",
padding: '.3em .4em'
var Select = (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.styled)('select', function (_props, theme) {
return {
display: "inline-block",
fontSize: ".9em",
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
fontWeight: 'normal',
lineHeight: "1.3",
padding: ".3em 1.5em .3em .5em",
height: 'auto',
border: 0,
borderRadius: ".2em",
appearance: "none",
WebkitAppearance: 'none',
backgroundColor: theme.inputBackgroundColor,
backgroundImage: "url(\"data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='100' height='100' fill='%23444444'><polygon points='0,25 100,25 50,75'/></svg>\")",
backgroundRepeat: "no-repeat",
backgroundPosition: "right .55em center",
backgroundSize: ".65em auto, 100%",
color: theme.inputTextColor
}, {
'(max-width: 500px)': {
display: 'none'
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/theme.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/theme.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ ThemeProvider: () => (/* binding */ ThemeProvider),
/* harmony export */ defaultTheme: () => (/* binding */ defaultTheme),
/* harmony export */ useTheme: () => (/* binding */ useTheme)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_objectWithoutPropertiesLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__);
var defaultTheme = {
background: '#0b1521',
backgroundAlt: '#132337',
foreground: 'white',
gray: '#3f4e60',
grayAlt: '#222e3e',
inputBackgroundColor: '#fff',
inputTextColor: '#000',
success: '#00ab52',
danger: '#ff0085',
active: '#006bff',
warning: '#ffb200'
var ThemeContext = /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createContext(defaultTheme);
function ThemeProvider(_ref) {
var theme = _ref.theme,
rest = (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_objectWithoutPropertiesLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(_ref, ["theme"]);
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(ThemeContext.Provider, (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({
value: theme
}, rest));
function useTheme() {
return react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().useContext(ThemeContext);
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/useLocalStorage.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/useLocalStorage.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ useLocalStorage)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
var getItem = function getItem(key) {
try {
var itemValue = localStorage.getItem(key);
if (typeof itemValue === 'string') {
return JSON.parse(itemValue);
return undefined;
} catch (_unused) {
return undefined;
function useLocalStorage(key, defaultValue) {
var _React$useState = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useState(),
value = _React$useState[0],
setValue = _React$useState[1];
react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useEffect(function () {
var initialValue = getItem(key);
if (typeof initialValue === 'undefined' || initialValue === null) {
setValue(typeof defaultValue === 'function' ? defaultValue() : defaultValue);
} else {
}, [defaultValue, key]);
var setter = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useCallback(function (updater) {
setValue(function (old) {
var newVal = updater;
if (typeof updater == 'function') {
newVal = updater(old);
try {
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(newVal));
} catch (_unused2) {}
return newVal;
}, [key]);
return [value, setter];
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/useMediaQuery.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/useMediaQuery.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ useMediaQuery)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
function useMediaQuery(query) {
// Keep track of the preference in state, start with the current match
var _React$useState = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useState(function () {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
return window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia(query).matches;
isMatch = _React$useState[0],
setIsMatch = _React$useState[1]; // Watch for changes
react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useEffect(function () {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
if (!window.matchMedia) {
} // Create a matcher
var matcher = window.matchMedia(query); // Create our handler
var onChange = function onChange(_ref) {
var matches = _ref.matches;
return setIsMatch(matches);
}; // Listen for changes
return function () {
// Stop listening for changes
}, [isMatch, query, setIsMatch]);
return isMatch;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/utils.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/utils.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ displayValue: () => (/* binding */ displayValue),
/* harmony export */ getQueryStatusColor: () => (/* binding */ getQueryStatusColor),
/* harmony export */ getQueryStatusLabel: () => (/* binding */ getQueryStatusLabel),
/* harmony export */ isServer: () => (/* binding */ isServer),
/* harmony export */ styled: () => (/* binding */ styled),
/* harmony export */ useIsMounted: () => (/* binding */ useIsMounted),
/* harmony export */ useSafeState: () => (/* binding */ useSafeState)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_objectWithoutPropertiesLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__);
/* harmony import */ var _theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./theme */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/theme.js");
/* harmony import */ var _useMediaQuery__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./useMediaQuery */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/devtools/useMediaQuery.js");
var isServer = typeof window === 'undefined';
function getQueryStatusColor(query, theme) {
return query.state.isFetching ? theme.active : !query.getObserversCount() ? theme.gray : query.isStale() ? theme.warning : theme.success;
function getQueryStatusLabel(query) {
return query.state.isFetching ? 'fetching' : !query.getObserversCount() ? 'inactive' : query.isStale() ? 'stale' : 'fresh';
function styled(type, newStyles, queries) {
if (queries === void 0) {
queries = {};
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().forwardRef(function (_ref, ref) {
var style = _ref.style,
rest = (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_objectWithoutPropertiesLoose__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(_ref, ["style"]);
var theme = (0,_theme__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.useTheme)();
var mediaStyles = Object.entries(queries).reduce(function (current, _ref2) {
var key = _ref2[0],
value = _ref2[1];
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
return (0,_useMediaQuery__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__["default"])(key) ? (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, current, typeof value === 'function' ? value(rest, theme) : value) : current;
}, {});
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().createElement(type, (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, rest, {
style: (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, typeof newStyles === 'function' ? newStyles(rest, theme) : newStyles, style, mediaStyles),
ref: ref
function useIsMounted() {
var mountedRef = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().useRef(false);
var isMounted = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().useCallback(function () {
return mountedRef.current;
}, []);
(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default())[isServer ? 'useEffect' : 'useLayoutEffect'](function () {
mountedRef.current = true;
return function () {
mountedRef.current = false;
}, []);
return isMounted;
* This hook is a safe useState version which schedules state updates in microtasks
* to prevent updating a component state while React is rendering different components
* or when the component is not mounted anymore.
function useSafeState(initialState) {
var isMounted = useIsMounted();
var _React$useState = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().useState(initialState),
state = _React$useState[0],
setState = _React$useState[1];
var safeSetState = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default().useCallback(function (value) {
scheduleMicrotask(function () {
if (isMounted()) {
}, [isMounted]);
return [state, safeSetState];
* Displays a string regardless the type of the data
* @param {unknown} value Value to be stringified
var displayValue = function displayValue(value) {
var name = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object(value));
var newValue = typeof value === 'bigint' ? value.toString() + "n" : value;
return JSON.stringify(newValue, name);
* Schedules a microtask.
* This can be useful to schedule state updates after rendering.
function scheduleMicrotask(callback) {
Promise.resolve().then(callback).catch(function (error) {
return setTimeout(function () {
throw error;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/index.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var _core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./core */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/index.js");
/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ var __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__ = {};
/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ for(const __WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__ in _core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__) if(__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__ !== "default") __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__[__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__] = () => _core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__]
/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__);
/* harmony import */ var _react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./react */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/index.js");
/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ var __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__ = {};
/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ for(const __WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__ in _react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__) if(["default","CancelledError","QueryCache","QueryClient","QueryObserver","QueriesObserver","InfiniteQueryObserver","MutationCache","MutationObserver","setLogger","notifyManager","focusManager","onlineManager","hashQueryKey","isError","isCancelledError","dehydrate","hydrate"].indexOf(__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__) < 0) __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__[__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__] = () => _react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__]
/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__);
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/Hydrate.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/Hydrate.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ Hydrate: () => (/* binding */ Hydrate),
/* harmony export */ useHydrate: () => (/* binding */ useHydrate)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/hydration.js");
/* harmony import */ var _QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./QueryClientProvider */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryClientProvider.js");
function useHydrate(state, options) {
var queryClient = (0,_QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.useQueryClient)();
var optionsRef = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useRef(options);
optionsRef.current = options; // Running hydrate again with the same queries is safe,
// it wont overwrite or initialize existing queries,
// relying on useMemo here is only a performance optimization.
// hydrate can and should be run *during* render here for SSR to work properly
react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useMemo(function () {
if (state) {
(0,_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.hydrate)(queryClient, state, optionsRef.current);
}, [queryClient, state]);
var Hydrate = function Hydrate(_ref) {
var children = _ref.children,
options = _ref.options,
state = _ref.state;
useHydrate(state, options);
return children;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryClientProvider.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryClientProvider.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ QueryClientProvider: () => (/* binding */ QueryClientProvider),
/* harmony export */ useQueryClient: () => (/* binding */ useQueryClient)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
var defaultContext = /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().createContext(undefined);
var QueryClientSharingContext = /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().createContext(false); // if contextSharing is on, we share the first and at least one
// instance of the context across the window
// to ensure that if React Query is used across
// different bundles or microfrontends they will
// all use the same **instance** of context, regardless
// of module scoping.
function getQueryClientContext(contextSharing) {
if (contextSharing && typeof window !== 'undefined') {
if (!window.ReactQueryClientContext) {
window.ReactQueryClientContext = defaultContext;
return window.ReactQueryClientContext;
return defaultContext;
var useQueryClient = function useQueryClient() {
var queryClient = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useContext(getQueryClientContext(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useContext(QueryClientSharingContext)));
if (!queryClient) {
throw new Error('No QueryClient set, use QueryClientProvider to set one');
return queryClient;
var QueryClientProvider = function QueryClientProvider(_ref) {
var client = _ref.client,
_ref$contextSharing = _ref.contextSharing,
contextSharing = _ref$contextSharing === void 0 ? false : _ref$contextSharing,
children = _ref.children;
react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useEffect(function () {
return function () {
}, [client]);
var Context = getQueryClientContext(contextSharing);
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().createElement(QueryClientSharingContext.Provider, {
value: contextSharing
}, /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().createElement(Context.Provider, {
value: client
}, children));
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryErrorResetBoundary.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryErrorResetBoundary.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ QueryErrorResetBoundary: () => (/* binding */ QueryErrorResetBoundary),
/* harmony export */ useQueryErrorResetBoundary: () => (/* binding */ useQueryErrorResetBoundary)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
function createValue() {
var _isReset = false;
return {
clearReset: function clearReset() {
_isReset = false;
reset: function reset() {
_isReset = true;
isReset: function isReset() {
return _isReset;
var QueryErrorResetBoundaryContext = /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().createContext(createValue()); // HOOK
var useQueryErrorResetBoundary = function useQueryErrorResetBoundary() {
return react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useContext(QueryErrorResetBoundaryContext);
var QueryErrorResetBoundary = function QueryErrorResetBoundary(_ref) {
var children = _ref.children;
var value = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useMemo(function () {
return createValue();
}, []);
return /*#__PURE__*/react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().createElement(QueryErrorResetBoundaryContext.Provider, {
value: value
}, typeof children === 'function' ? children(value) : children);
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/index.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/index.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ Hydrate: () => (/* reexport safe */ _Hydrate__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.Hydrate),
/* harmony export */ QueryClientProvider: () => (/* reexport safe */ _QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.QueryClientProvider),
/* harmony export */ QueryErrorResetBoundary: () => (/* reexport safe */ _QueryErrorResetBoundary__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.QueryErrorResetBoundary),
/* harmony export */ useHydrate: () => (/* reexport safe */ _Hydrate__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__.useHydrate),
/* harmony export */ useInfiniteQuery: () => (/* reexport safe */ _useInfiniteQuery__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.useInfiniteQuery),
/* harmony export */ useIsFetching: () => (/* reexport safe */ _useIsFetching__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.useIsFetching),
/* harmony export */ useIsMutating: () => (/* reexport safe */ _useIsMutating__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.useIsMutating),
/* harmony export */ useMutation: () => (/* reexport safe */ _useMutation__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.useMutation),
/* harmony export */ useQueries: () => (/* reexport safe */ _useQueries__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__.useQueries),
/* harmony export */ useQuery: () => (/* reexport safe */ _useQuery__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.useQuery),
/* harmony export */ useQueryClient: () => (/* reexport safe */ _QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.useQueryClient),
/* harmony export */ useQueryErrorResetBoundary: () => (/* reexport safe */ _QueryErrorResetBoundary__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.useQueryErrorResetBoundary)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _setBatchUpdatesFn__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./setBatchUpdatesFn */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/setBatchUpdatesFn.js");
/* harmony import */ var _setLogger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./setLogger */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/setLogger.js");
/* harmony import */ var _QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./QueryClientProvider */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryClientProvider.js");
/* harmony import */ var _QueryErrorResetBoundary__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./QueryErrorResetBoundary */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryErrorResetBoundary.js");
/* harmony import */ var _useIsFetching__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./useIsFetching */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useIsFetching.js");
/* harmony import */ var _useIsMutating__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./useIsMutating */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useIsMutating.js");
/* harmony import */ var _useMutation__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./useMutation */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useMutation.js");
/* harmony import */ var _useQuery__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./useQuery */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useQuery.js");
/* harmony import */ var _useQueries__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./useQueries */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useQueries.js");
/* harmony import */ var _useInfiniteQuery__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./useInfiniteQuery */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useInfiniteQuery.js");
/* harmony import */ var _Hydrate__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./Hydrate */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/Hydrate.js");
/* harmony import */ var _types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./types */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/types.js");
/* harmony import */ var _types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__);
/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ var __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__ = {};
/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ for(const __WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__ in _types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__) if(["default","QueryClientProvider","useQueryClient","QueryErrorResetBoundary","useQueryErrorResetBoundary","useIsFetching","useIsMutating","useMutation","useQuery","useQueries","useInfiniteQuery","useHydrate","Hydrate"].indexOf(__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__) < 0) __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__[__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__] = () => _types__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_11__[__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__]
/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, __WEBPACK_REEXPORT_OBJECT__);
// Side effects
// Types
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/logger.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/logger.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ logger: () => (/* binding */ logger)
/* harmony export */ });
var logger = console;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/reactBatchedUpdates.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/reactBatchedUpdates.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ unstable_batchedUpdates: () => (/* binding */ unstable_batchedUpdates)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var react_dom__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react-dom */ "react-dom");
/* harmony import */ var react_dom__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react_dom__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
var unstable_batchedUpdates = (react_dom__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().unstable_batchedUpdates);
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/setBatchUpdatesFn.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/setBatchUpdatesFn.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var _core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _reactBatchedUpdates__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./reactBatchedUpdates */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/reactBatchedUpdates.js");
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/setLogger.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/setLogger.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var _core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/logger.js");
/* harmony import */ var _logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./logger */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/logger.js");
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/types.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/types.js ***!
/***/ (() => {
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useBaseQuery.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useBaseQuery.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ useBaseQuery: () => (/* binding */ useBaseQuery)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _QueryErrorResetBoundary__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./QueryErrorResetBoundary */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryErrorResetBoundary.js");
/* harmony import */ var _QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./QueryClientProvider */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryClientProvider.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/utils.js");
function useBaseQuery(options, Observer) {
var mountedRef = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useRef(false);
var _React$useState = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useState(0),
forceUpdate = _React$useState[1];
var queryClient = (0,_QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.useQueryClient)();
var errorResetBoundary = (0,_QueryErrorResetBoundary__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.useQueryErrorResetBoundary)();
var defaultedOptions = queryClient.defaultQueryObserverOptions(options); // Make sure results are optimistically set in fetching state before subscribing or updating options
defaultedOptions.optimisticResults = true; // Include callbacks in batch renders
if (defaultedOptions.onError) {
defaultedOptions.onError = _core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.notifyManager.batchCalls(defaultedOptions.onError);
if (defaultedOptions.onSuccess) {
defaultedOptions.onSuccess = _core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.notifyManager.batchCalls(defaultedOptions.onSuccess);
if (defaultedOptions.onSettled) {
defaultedOptions.onSettled = _core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.notifyManager.batchCalls(defaultedOptions.onSettled);
if (defaultedOptions.suspense) {
// Always set stale time when using suspense to prevent
// fetching again when directly mounting after suspending
if (typeof defaultedOptions.staleTime !== 'number') {
defaultedOptions.staleTime = 1000;
} // Set cache time to 1 if the option has been set to 0
// when using suspense to prevent infinite loop of fetches
if (defaultedOptions.cacheTime === 0) {
defaultedOptions.cacheTime = 1;
if (defaultedOptions.suspense || defaultedOptions.useErrorBoundary) {
// Prevent retrying failed query if the error boundary has not been reset yet
if (!errorResetBoundary.isReset()) {
defaultedOptions.retryOnMount = false;
var _React$useState2 = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useState(function () {
return new Observer(queryClient, defaultedOptions);
observer = _React$useState2[0];
var result = observer.getOptimisticResult(defaultedOptions);
react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useEffect(function () {
mountedRef.current = true;
var unsubscribe = observer.subscribe(_core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.notifyManager.batchCalls(function () {
if (mountedRef.current) {
forceUpdate(function (x) {
return x + 1;
})); // Update result to make sure we did not miss any query updates
// between creating the observer and subscribing to it.
return function () {
mountedRef.current = false;
}, [errorResetBoundary, observer]);
react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useEffect(function () {
// Do not notify on updates because of changes in the options because
// these changes should already be reflected in the optimistic result.
observer.setOptions(defaultedOptions, {
listeners: false
}, [defaultedOptions, observer]); // Handle suspense
if (defaultedOptions.suspense && result.isLoading) {
throw observer.fetchOptimistic(defaultedOptions).then(function (_ref) {
var data = _ref.data;
defaultedOptions.onSuccess == null ? void 0 : defaultedOptions.onSuccess(data);
defaultedOptions.onSettled == null ? void 0 : defaultedOptions.onSettled(data, null);
}).catch(function (error) {
defaultedOptions.onError == null ? void 0 : defaultedOptions.onError(error);
defaultedOptions.onSettled == null ? void 0 : defaultedOptions.onSettled(undefined, error);
} // Handle error boundary
if (result.isError && !errorResetBoundary.isReset() && !result.isFetching && (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.shouldThrowError)(defaultedOptions.suspense, defaultedOptions.useErrorBoundary, [result.error, observer.getCurrentQuery()])) {
throw result.error;
} // Handle result property usage tracking
if (defaultedOptions.notifyOnChangeProps === 'tracked') {
result = observer.trackResult(result, defaultedOptions);
return result;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useInfiniteQuery.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useInfiniteQuery.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ useInfiniteQuery: () => (/* binding */ useInfiniteQuery)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _core_infiniteQueryObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/infiniteQueryObserver */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/infiniteQueryObserver.js");
/* harmony import */ var _core_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
/* harmony import */ var _useBaseQuery__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./useBaseQuery */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useBaseQuery.js");
function useInfiniteQuery(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var options = (0,_core_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.parseQueryArgs)(arg1, arg2, arg3);
return (0,_useBaseQuery__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.useBaseQuery)(options, _core_infiniteQueryObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.InfiniteQueryObserver);
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useIsFetching.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useIsFetching.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ useIsFetching: () => (/* binding */ useIsFetching)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _core_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
/* harmony import */ var _QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./QueryClientProvider */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryClientProvider.js");
var checkIsFetching = function checkIsFetching(queryClient, filters, isFetching, setIsFetching) {
var newIsFetching = queryClient.isFetching(filters);
if (isFetching !== newIsFetching) {
function useIsFetching(arg1, arg2) {
var mountedRef = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useRef(false);
var queryClient = (0,_QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.useQueryClient)();
var _parseFilterArgs = (0,_core_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.parseFilterArgs)(arg1, arg2),
filters = _parseFilterArgs[0];
var _React$useState = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useState(queryClient.isFetching(filters)),
isFetching = _React$useState[0],
setIsFetching = _React$useState[1];
var filtersRef = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useRef(filters);
filtersRef.current = filters;
var isFetchingRef = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useRef(isFetching);
isFetchingRef.current = isFetching;
react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useEffect(function () {
mountedRef.current = true;
checkIsFetching(queryClient, filtersRef.current, isFetchingRef.current, setIsFetching);
var unsubscribe = queryClient.getQueryCache().subscribe(_core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.notifyManager.batchCalls(function () {
if (mountedRef.current) {
checkIsFetching(queryClient, filtersRef.current, isFetchingRef.current, setIsFetching);
return function () {
mountedRef.current = false;
}, [queryClient]);
return isFetching;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useIsMutating.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useIsMutating.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ useIsMutating: () => (/* binding */ useIsMutating)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _core_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
/* harmony import */ var _QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./QueryClientProvider */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryClientProvider.js");
function useIsMutating(arg1, arg2) {
var mountedRef = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useRef(false);
var filters = (0,_core_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.parseMutationFilterArgs)(arg1, arg2);
var queryClient = (0,_QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.useQueryClient)();
var _React$useState = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useState(queryClient.isMutating(filters)),
isMutating = _React$useState[0],
setIsMutating = _React$useState[1];
var filtersRef = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useRef(filters);
filtersRef.current = filters;
var isMutatingRef = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useRef(isMutating);
isMutatingRef.current = isMutating;
react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useEffect(function () {
mountedRef.current = true;
var unsubscribe = queryClient.getMutationCache().subscribe(_core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.notifyManager.batchCalls(function () {
if (mountedRef.current) {
var newIsMutating = queryClient.isMutating(filtersRef.current);
if (isMutatingRef.current !== newIsMutating) {
return function () {
mountedRef.current = false;
}, [queryClient]);
return isMutating;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useMutation.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useMutation.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ useMutation: () => (/* binding */ useMutation)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
/* harmony import */ var _core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _core_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
/* harmony import */ var _core_mutationObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/mutationObserver */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/mutationObserver.js");
/* harmony import */ var _QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./QueryClientProvider */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryClientProvider.js");
/* harmony import */ var _utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/utils.js");
function useMutation(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var mountedRef = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default().useRef(false);
var _React$useState = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default().useState(0),
forceUpdate = _React$useState[1];
var options = (0,_core_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.parseMutationArgs)(arg1, arg2, arg3);
var queryClient = (0,_QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.useQueryClient)();
var obsRef = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default().useRef();
if (!obsRef.current) {
obsRef.current = new _core_mutationObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.MutationObserver(queryClient, options);
} else {
var currentResult = obsRef.current.getCurrentResult();
react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default().useEffect(function () {
mountedRef.current = true;
var unsubscribe = obsRef.current.subscribe(_core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.notifyManager.batchCalls(function () {
if (mountedRef.current) {
forceUpdate(function (x) {
return x + 1;
return function () {
mountedRef.current = false;
}, []);
var mutate = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default().useCallback(function (variables, mutateOptions) {
obsRef.current.mutate(variables, mutateOptions).catch(_core_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.noop);
}, []);
if (currentResult.error && (0,_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.shouldThrowError)(undefined, obsRef.current.options.useErrorBoundary, [currentResult.error])) {
throw currentResult.error;
return (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_esm_extends__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])({}, currentResult, {
mutate: mutate,
mutateAsync: currentResult.mutate
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useQueries.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useQueries.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ useQueries: () => (/* binding */ useQueries)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! react */ "react");
/* harmony import */ var react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/notifyManager */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/notifyManager.js");
/* harmony import */ var _core_queriesObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/queriesObserver */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queriesObserver.js");
/* harmony import */ var _QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./QueryClientProvider */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/QueryClientProvider.js");
function useQueries(queries) {
var mountedRef = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useRef(false);
var _React$useState = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useState(0),
forceUpdate = _React$useState[1];
var queryClient = (0,_QueryClientProvider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.useQueryClient)();
var defaultedQueries = (0,react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.useMemo)(function () {
return queries.map(function (options) {
var defaultedOptions = queryClient.defaultQueryObserverOptions(options); // Make sure the results are already in fetching state before subscribing or updating options
defaultedOptions.optimisticResults = true;
return defaultedOptions;
}, [queries, queryClient]);
var _React$useState2 = react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useState(function () {
return new _core_queriesObserver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.QueriesObserver(queryClient, defaultedQueries);
observer = _React$useState2[0];
var result = observer.getOptimisticResult(defaultedQueries);
react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useEffect(function () {
mountedRef.current = true;
var unsubscribe = observer.subscribe(_core_notifyManager__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.notifyManager.batchCalls(function () {
if (mountedRef.current) {
forceUpdate(function (x) {
return x + 1;
return function () {
mountedRef.current = false;
}, [observer]);
react__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default().useEffect(function () {
// Do not notify on updates because of changes in the options because
// these changes should already be reflected in the optimistic result.
observer.setQueries(defaultedQueries, {
listeners: false
}, [defaultedQueries, observer]);
return result;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useQuery.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useQuery.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ useQuery: () => (/* binding */ useQuery)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/queryObserver.js");
/* harmony import */ var _core_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../core/utils */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/core/utils.js");
/* harmony import */ var _useBaseQuery__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./useBaseQuery */ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/useBaseQuery.js");
function useQuery(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var parsedOptions = (0,_core_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.parseQueryArgs)(arg1, arg2, arg3);
return (0,_useBaseQuery__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.useBaseQuery)(parsedOptions, _core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.QueryObserver);
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/react-query/es/react/utils.js":
!*** ../node_modules/react-query/es/react/utils.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ shouldThrowError: () => (/* binding */ shouldThrowError)
/* harmony export */ });
function shouldThrowError(suspense, _useErrorBoundary, params) {
// Allow useErrorBoundary function to override throwing behavior on a per-error basis
if (typeof _useErrorBoundary === 'function') {
return _useErrorBoundary.apply(void 0, params);
} // Allow useErrorBoundary to override suspense's throwing behavior
if (typeof _useErrorBoundary === 'boolean') return _useErrorBoundary; // If suspense is enabled default to throwing errors
return !!suspense;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js":
!*** ../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ _extends)
/* harmony export */ });
function _extends() {
_extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
return _extends.apply(this, arguments);
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose.js":
!*** ../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ _inheritsLoose)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _setPrototypeOf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./setPrototypeOf.js */ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/setPrototypeOf.js");
function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
(0,_setPrototypeOf_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(subClass, superClass);
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js":
!*** ../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose)
/* harmony export */ });
function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) {
if (source == null) return {};
var target = {};
var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
var key, i;
for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) {
key = sourceKeys[i];
if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
/***/ }),
/***/ "../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/setPrototypeOf.js":
!*** ../node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/setPrototypeOf.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ _setPrototypeOf)
/* harmony export */ });
function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
o.__proto__ = p;
return o;
return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
/***/ })
//# sourceMappingURL=a730ee9caa710006b307.bundle.js.map