409 lines
22 KiB
409 lines
22 KiB
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* Price calculation for single tour
* @since 1.0.0
class Tour_Price {
public $group;
public $wc_group;
public $sale_group;
public $wc_sale_group;
public $adult;
public $wc_adult;
public $sale_adult;
public $wc_sale_adult;
public $child;
public $wc_child;
public $sale_child;
public $wc_sale_child;
public $infant;
public $wc_infant;
public $sale_infant;
public $wc_sale_infant;
public $meta;
function __construct($meta) {
# Get tour type
$tour_type = !empty($meta['type']) ? $meta['type'] : 'continuous';
# Custom availability status
if($tour_type == 'continuous') {
$custom_avail = !empty($meta['custom_avail']) ? $meta['custom_avail'] : false;
# Get discounts
$discount_type = !empty($meta['discount_type']) ? $meta['discount_type'] : 'none';
$discounted_price = !empty($meta['discount_price']) ? $meta['discount_price'] : 0;
* Price calculation based on custom availability
* Custom availability has different pricing calculation
if($tour_type == 'continuous' && $custom_avail == true) {
# Get pricing rule person/group
$pricing_rule = !empty($meta['custom_pricing_by']) ? $meta['custom_pricing_by'] : 'person';
* Price calculation based on pricing rule
if($pricing_rule == 'group') {
if(!empty($meta['cont_custom_date']) && gettype($meta['cont_custom_date'])=="string"){
$tf_tour_cont_custom_date = preg_replace_callback ( '!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!', function($match) {
return ($match[1] == strlen($match[2])) ? $match[0] : 's:' . strlen($match[2]) . ':"' . $match[2] . '";';
}, $meta['cont_custom_date'] );
$tf_tour_custom_date = unserialize( $tf_tour_cont_custom_date );
$group_prices_array = array_column($tf_tour_custom_date, 'group_price');
# Get group price from all the arrays
$group_prices_array = is_array($meta['cont_custom_date']) ? array_column($meta['cont_custom_date'], 'group_price') : 0;
# Get minimum group price
$min_group_price = is_array($group_prices_array) ? min($group_prices_array) : 0;
# Get maximum group price
$max_group_price = is_array($group_prices_array) ? max($group_prices_array) : 0;
# Discount price calculation
if($discount_type == 'percent') {
$sale_min_group_price = number_format( $min_group_price - (( $min_group_price / 100 ) * $discounted_price) , 2, '.', '' );
$sale_max_group_price = number_format( $max_group_price - (( $max_group_price / 100 ) * $discounted_price) , 2, '.', '' );
} else if($discount_type == 'fixed') {
$sale_min_group_price = number_format( ( $min_group_price - $discounted_price ), 2, '.', '' );
$sale_max_group_price = number_format( ( $max_group_price - $discounted_price ), 2, '.', '' );
if($discount_type == 'percent' || $discount_type == 'fixed') {
# WooCommerce Regular Price
$wc_regular_min_group_price = wc_price($min_group_price );
$wc_regular_max_group_price = wc_price($max_group_price );
# Final output Regular (price range)
if(!empty($wc_regular_min_group_price) && !empty($wc_regular_max_group_price)) {
$price = ($wc_regular_min_group_price != $wc_regular_max_group_price) ? $wc_regular_min_group_price. '-' .$wc_regular_max_group_price : $wc_regular_min_group_price; // Discounted price range
if(!empty($wc_regular_min_group_price) && !empty($wc_regular_max_group_price)) {
$wc_price = ($wc_regular_min_group_price != $wc_regular_max_group_price) ? $wc_regular_min_group_price. '-' .$wc_regular_max_group_price : $wc_regular_min_group_price; // Discounted WooCommerce price range
# WooCommerce Price
$wc_min_group_price = wc_price( $sale_min_group_price );
$wc_max_group_price = wc_price( $sale_max_group_price );
# Final output (price range)
if(!empty($sale_min_group_price) && !empty($sale_max_group_price)) {
$sale_price = ($sale_min_group_price != $sale_max_group_price) ? $sale_min_group_price. '-' .$sale_max_group_price : $sale_min_group_price; // Discounted price range
if(!empty($wc_min_group_price) && !empty($wc_max_group_price)) {
$wc_sale_price = ($wc_min_group_price != $wc_max_group_price) ? $wc_min_group_price. '-' .$wc_max_group_price : $wc_min_group_price; // Discounted WooCommerce price range
} else {
# WooCommerce Price
$wc_min_group_price = wc_price($min_group_price);
$wc_max_group_price = wc_price($max_group_price);
# Final output (price range)
if(!empty($min_group_price) && !empty($max_group_price)) {
$price = ($min_group_price != $max_group_price) ? $min_group_price. '-' .$max_group_price : $min_group_price; // Price range
if(!empty($wc_min_group_price) && !empty($wc_max_group_price)) {
$wc_price = ($wc_min_group_price != $wc_max_group_price) ? $wc_min_group_price. '-' .$wc_max_group_price : $wc_min_group_price; // WooCommerce price range
} else if($pricing_rule == 'person') {
# Get adult, child, infant price from all the arrays
if(!empty($meta['cont_custom_date']) && gettype($meta['cont_custom_date'])=="string"){
$tf_tour_cont_custom_date = preg_replace_callback ( '!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!', function($match) {
return ($match[1] == strlen($match[2])) ? $match[0] : 's:' . strlen($match[2]) . ':"' . $match[2] . '";';
}, $meta['cont_custom_date'] );
$tf_tour_custom_date = unserialize( $tf_tour_cont_custom_date );
$adult_price_array = is_array($tf_tour_custom_date) ? array_column($tf_tour_custom_date, 'adult_price') : 0;
$child_price_array = is_array($tf_tour_custom_date) ? array_column($tf_tour_custom_date, 'child_price') : 0;
$infant_price_array = is_array($tf_tour_custom_date) ? array_column($tf_tour_custom_date, 'infant_price') : 0;
$adult_price_array = is_array($meta['cont_custom_date']) ? array_column($meta['cont_custom_date'], 'adult_price') : 0;
$child_price_array = is_array($meta['cont_custom_date']) ? array_column($meta['cont_custom_date'], 'child_price') : 0;
$infant_price_array = is_array($meta['cont_custom_date']) ? array_column($meta['cont_custom_date'], 'infant_price') : 0;
# Get minimum price of adult, child, infant
$min_adult_price = !empty($adult_price_array) ? min($adult_price_array) : 0;
$min_child_price = !empty($child_price_array) ? min($child_price_array) : 0;
$min_infant_price = !empty($infant_price_array) ? min($infant_price_array) : 0;
# Get maximum price of adult, child, infant
$max_adult_price = !empty($adult_price_array) ? max($adult_price_array) : 0;
$max_child_price = !empty($child_price_array) ? max($child_price_array) : 0;
$max_infant_price = !empty($infant_price_array) ? max($infant_price_array): 0;
# Discount price calculation
if($discount_type == 'percent') {
# Minimum discounted price
$sale_min_adult_price = !empty($min_adult_price) ? number_format( $min_adult_price - (( $min_adult_price / 100 ) * $discounted_price) , 2, '.', '' ) : '';
$sale_min_child_price = !empty($min_child_price) ? number_format( $min_child_price - (( $min_child_price / 100 ) * $discounted_price) , 2, '.', '' ) : '';
$sale_min_infant_price = !empty($min_infant_price) ? number_format( $min_infant_price - (( $min_infant_price / 100 ) * $discounted_price) , 2, '.', '' ) : '';
# Maximum discounted price
$sale_max_adult_price = !empty($max_adult_price) ? number_format( $max_adult_price - (( $max_adult_price / 100 ) * $discounted_price) , 2, '.', '' ) : '';
$sale_max_child_price = !empty($max_child_price) ? number_format( $max_child_price - (( $max_child_price / 100 ) * $discounted_price) , 2, '.', '' ) : '';
$sale_max_infant_price = !empty($max_infant_price) ? number_format( $max_infant_price - (( $max_infant_price / 100 ) * $discounted_price) , 2, '.', '' ) : '';
} else if($discount_type == 'fixed') {
# Minimum discounted price
$sale_min_adult_price = !empty($min_adult_price) ? number_format( ( $min_adult_price - $discounted_price ), 2, '.', '' ) : '';
$sale_min_child_price = !empty($min_child_price) ? number_format( ( $min_child_price - $discounted_price ), 2, '.', '' ) : '';
$sale_min_infant_price = !empty($min_infant_price) ? number_format( ( $min_infant_price - $discounted_price ), 2, '.', '' ) : '';
# Maximum discounted price
$sale_max_adult_price = !empty($max_adult_price) ? number_format( ( $max_adult_price - $discounted_price ), 2, '.', '' ) : '';
$sale_max_child_price = !empty($max_child_price) ? number_format( ( $max_child_price - $discounted_price ), 2, '.', '' ) : '';
$sale_max_infant_price = !empty($max_infant_price) ? number_format( ( $max_infant_price - $discounted_price ), 2, '.', '' ) : '';
if($discount_type == 'percent' || $discount_type == 'fixed') {
# WooCommerce Price
$wc_min_adult_price = wc_price($sale_min_adult_price);
$wc_min_child_price = wc_price($sale_min_child_price);
$wc_min_infant_price = wc_price($sale_min_infant_price);
$wc_max_adult_price = wc_price($sale_max_adult_price);
$wc_max_child_price = wc_price($sale_max_child_price);
$wc_max_infant_price = wc_price($sale_max_infant_price);
# Final output (price range)
if(!empty($sale_min_adult_price) && !empty($sale_max_adult_price)) {
$sale_adult_price = ($sale_min_adult_price != $sale_min_adult_price) ? $sale_min_adult_price. '-' .$sale_max_adult_price : $sale_min_adult_price; // Discounted price range
if(!empty($sale_min_child_price) && !empty($sale_max_child_price)) {
$sale_child_price = ($sale_min_child_price != $sale_max_child_price) ? $sale_min_child_price. '-' .$sale_max_child_price : $sale_min_child_price; // Discounted price range
if(!empty($sale_min_infant_price) && !empty($sale_max_infant_price)) {
$sale_infant_price = ($sale_min_infant_price != $sale_max_infant_price) ? $sale_min_infant_price. '-' .$sale_max_infant_price : $sale_min_infant_price; // Discounted price range
if(!empty($wc_min_adult_price) && !empty($wc_max_adult_price)) {
$wc_sale_adult_price = ($wc_min_adult_price != $wc_max_adult_price) ? $wc_min_adult_price. '-' .$wc_max_adult_price : $wc_min_adult_price; // Discounted WooCommerce price range
if(!empty($wc_min_child_price) && !empty($wc_max_child_price)) {
$wc_sale_child_price = ($wc_min_child_price != $wc_max_child_price) ? $wc_min_child_price. '-' .$wc_max_child_price : $wc_min_child_price; // Discounted WooCommerce price range
if(!empty($wc_min_infant_price) && !empty($wc_max_infant_price)) {
$wc_sale_infant_price = ($wc_min_infant_price != $wc_max_infant_price) ? $wc_min_infant_price. '-' .$wc_max_infant_price : $wc_min_infant_price; // Discounted WooCommerce price range
# WooCommerce Price
$wc_min_adult_price = wc_price($min_adult_price);
$wc_min_child_price = wc_price($min_child_price);
$wc_min_infant_price = wc_price($min_infant_price);
$wc_max_adult_price = wc_price($max_adult_price);
$wc_max_child_price = wc_price($max_child_price);
$wc_max_infant_price = wc_price($max_infant_price);
# Final output (price range)
if(!empty($min_adult_price) && !empty($max_adult_price)) {
$adult_price = ($min_adult_price != $max_adult_price) ? $min_adult_price. '-' .$max_adult_price : $min_adult_price; // Price range
if(!empty($min_child_price) && !empty($max_child_price)) {
$child_price = ($min_child_price != $max_child_price) ? $min_child_price. '-' .$max_child_price : $min_child_price; // Price range
if(!empty($min_infant_price) && !empty($max_infant_price)) {
$infant_price = ($min_infant_price != $min_infant_price) ? $min_infant_price. '-' .$max_infant_price : $min_infant_price; // Price range
if(!empty($wc_min_adult_price) && !empty($wc_max_adult_price)) {
$wc_adult_price = ($wc_min_adult_price != $wc_max_adult_price) ? $wc_min_adult_price. '-' .$wc_max_adult_price : $wc_min_adult_price; // WooCommerce price range
if(!empty($wc_min_child_price) && !empty($wc_max_child_price)) {
$wc_child_price = ($wc_min_child_price != $wc_max_child_price) ? $wc_min_child_price. '-' .$wc_max_child_price : $wc_min_child_price; // WooCommerce price range
if(!empty($wc_min_infant_price) && !empty($wc_max_infant_price)) {
$wc_infant_price = ($wc_min_infant_price != $wc_max_infant_price) ? $wc_min_infant_price. '-' .$wc_max_infant_price : $wc_min_infant_price; // WooCommerce price range
} else {
* Pricing for fixed/continuous
# Get pricing rule person/group
$pricing_rule = !empty($meta['pricing']) ? $meta['pricing'] : 'person';
* Price calculation based on pricing rule
if($pricing_rule == 'group') {
# Get group price. Default 0
$price = !empty($meta['group_price']) ? $meta['group_price'] : 0;
if($discount_type == 'percent') {
$sale_price = number_format( $price - (( $price / 100 ) * $discounted_price) , 2, '.', '' );
} else if($discount_type == 'fixed') {
$sale_price = number_format( ( $price - $discounted_price ), 2, '.', '' );
# WooCommerce Price
$wc_price = wc_price($price);
if($discount_type == 'percent' || $discount_type == 'fixed') {
$wc_sale_price = wc_price($sale_price);
} else if($pricing_rule == 'person') {
$adult_price = !empty($meta['adult_price']) ? $meta['adult_price'] : 0;
$child_price = !empty($meta['child_price']) ? $meta['child_price'] : 0;
$infant_price = !empty($meta['infant_price']) ? $meta['infant_price'] : 0;
if($discount_type == 'percent') {
$adult_price ? $sale_adult_price = number_format( $adult_price - (( $adult_price / 100 ) * $discounted_price) , 2, '.', '' ) : 0;
$child_price ? $sale_child_price = number_format( $child_price - (( $child_price / 100 ) * $discounted_price) , 2, '.', '' ) : 0;
$infant_price ? $sale_infant_price = number_format( $infant_price - (( $infant_price / 100 ) * $discounted_price) , 2, '.', '' ) : 0;
} else if($discount_type == 'fixed') {
$adult_price ? $sale_adult_price = number_format( ( $adult_price - $discounted_price ), 2, '.', '' ) : 0;
$child_price ? $sale_child_price = number_format( ( $child_price - $discounted_price ), 2, '.', '' ) : 0;
$infant_price ? $sale_infant_price = number_format( ( $infant_price - $discounted_price ), 2, '.', '' ) : 0;
# WooCommerce Price
$wc_adult_price = wc_price($adult_price);
$wc_child_price = wc_price($child_price);
$wc_infant_price = wc_price($infant_price);
if($discount_type == 'percent' || $discount_type == 'fixed') {
$wc_sale_adult_price = !empty($sale_adult_price) ? wc_price($sale_adult_price) : 0;
$wc_sale_child_price = !empty($sale_child_price) ? wc_price($sale_child_price) : 0;
$wc_sale_infant_price = !empty($sale_infant_price) ? wc_price($sale_infant_price) : 0;
$this->group = $price ?? null;
$this->wc_group = $wc_price ?? null;
$this->sale_group = $sale_price ?? null;
$this->wc_sale_group = $wc_sale_price ?? null;
$this->adult = $adult_price ?? null;
$this->wc_adult = $wc_adult_price ?? null;
$this->sale_adult = $sale_adult_price ?? null;
$this->wc_sale_adult = $wc_sale_adult_price ?? null;
$this->child = $child_price ?? null;
$this->wc_child = $wc_child_price ?? null;
$this->sale_child = $sale_child_price ?? null;
$this->wc_sale_child = $wc_sale_child_price ?? null;
$this->infant = $infant_price ?? null;
$this->wc_infant = $wc_infant_price ?? null;
$this->sale_infant = $sale_infant_price ?? null;
$this->wc_sale_infant = $wc_sale_infant_price ?? null;
# Group regular price
function group() {
return $this->group;
# Group WC regular price
function wc_group() {
return $this->wc_group;
# Group sale price
function sale_group() {
return $this->sale_group;
# Group WC sale price
function wc_sale_group() {
return $this->wc_sale_group;
# Adult regular price
function adult() {
return $this->adult;
# Adult WC regular price
function wc_adult() {
return $this->wc_adult;
# Adult sale price
function sale_adult() {
return $this->sale_adult;
# Adult WC sale price
function wc_sale_adult() {
return $this->wc_sale_adult;
# Child regular price
function child() {
return $this->child;
# Child WC regular price
function wc_child() {
return $this->wc_child;
# Child sale price
function sale_child() {
return $this->sale_child;
# Child WC sale price
function wc_sale_child() {
return $this->wc_sale_child;
# Infant regular price
function infant() {
return $this->infant;
# Infant WC regular price
function wc_infant() {
return $this->wc_infant;
# Infant sale price
function sale_infant() {
return $this->sale_infant;
# Infant WC sale price
function wc_sale_infant() {
return $this->wc_sale_infant;