/*global ajaxurl, woocommerce_term_ordering_params */
/* Modifided script from the simple-page-ordering plugin */
jQuery( function( $ ) {
var table_selector = 'table.wp-list-table',
item_selector = 'tbody tr:not(.inline-edit-row)',
term_id_selector = '.column-handle input[name="term_id"]',
column_handle = '
| ';
if ( 0 === $( table_selector ).find( '.column-handle' ).length ) {
$( table_selector ).find( 'tr:not(.inline-edit-row)' ).append( column_handle );
term_id_selector = '.check-column input';
// Stand-in wcTracks.recordEvent in case tracks is not available (for any reason).
window.wcTracks = window.wcTracks || {};
window.wcTracks.recordEvent = window.wcTracks.recordEvent || function() { };
$( table_selector ).find( '.column-handle' ).show();
$.wc_add_missing_sort_handles = function() {
var all_table_rows = $( table_selector ).find('tbody > tr');
var rows_with_handle = $( table_selector ).find('tbody > tr > td.column-handle').parent();
if ( all_table_rows.length !== rows_with_handle.length ) {
all_table_rows.each(function(index, elem){
if ( ! rows_with_handle.is( elem ) ) {
$( elem ).append( column_handle );
$( table_selector ).find( '.column-handle' ).show();
$( document ).ajaxComplete( function( event, request, options ) {
if (
request &&
4 === request.readyState &&
200 === request.status &&
options.data &&
( 0 <= options.data.indexOf( '_inline_edit' ) || 0 <= options.data.indexOf( 'add-tag' ) )
) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'init_tooltips' );
} );
$( table_selector ).sortable({
items: item_selector,
cursor: 'move',
handle: '.column-handle',
axis: 'y',
forcePlaceholderSize: true,
helper: 'clone',
opacity: 0.65,
placeholder: 'product-cat-placeholder',
scrollSensitivity: 40,
start: function( event, ui ) {
if ( ! ui.item.hasClass( 'alternate' ) ) {
ui.item.css( 'background-color', '#ffffff' );
ui.item.children( 'td, th' ).css( 'border-bottom-width', '0' );
ui.item.css( 'outline', '1px solid #aaa' );
stop: function( event, ui ) {
ui.item.removeAttr( 'style' );
ui.item.children( 'td, th' ).css( 'border-bottom-width', '1px' );
update: function( event, ui ) {
var termid = ui.item.find( term_id_selector ).val(); // this post id
var termparent = ui.item.find( '.parent' ).html(); // post parent
var prevtermid = ui.item.prev().find( term_id_selector ).val();
var nexttermid = ui.item.next().find( term_id_selector ).val();
// Can only sort in same tree
var prevtermparent, nexttermparent;
if ( prevtermid !== undefined ) {
prevtermparent = ui.item.prev().find( '.parent' ).html();
if ( prevtermparent !== termparent) {
prevtermid = undefined;
if ( nexttermid !== undefined ) {
nexttermparent = ui.item.next().find( '.parent' ).html();
if ( nexttermparent !== termparent) {
nexttermid = undefined;
// If previous and next not at same tree level, or next not at same tree level and
// the previous is the parent of the next, or just moved item beneath its own children.
if (
( prevtermid === undefined && nexttermid === undefined ) ||
( nexttermid === undefined && nexttermparent === prevtermid ) ||
( nexttermid !== undefined && prevtermparent === termid )
) {
$( table_selector ).sortable( 'cancel' );
window.wcTracks.recordEvent( 'product_attributes_ordering_term', {
woocommerce_term_ordering_params.taxonomy === 'product_cat'
? 'yes'
: 'no',
} );
// Show Spinner
ui.item.find( '.check-column input' ).hide();
.find( '.check-column' )
.append( '
' );
// Go do the sorting stuff via ajax.
action: 'woocommerce_term_ordering',
id: termid,
nextid: nexttermid,
thetaxonomy: woocommerce_term_ordering_params.taxonomy
function(response) {
if ( response === 'children' ) {
} else {
ui.item.find( '.check-column input' ).show();
ui.item.find( '.check-column' ).find( 'img' ).remove();
// Fix cell colors
$( 'table.widefat tbody tr' ).each( function() {
var i = jQuery( 'table.widefat tbody tr' ).index( this );
if ( i%2 === 0 ) {
jQuery( this ).addClass( 'alternate' );
} else {
jQuery( this ).removeClass( 'alternate' );