744 lines
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744 lines
27 KiB
/* global shippingZoneMethodsLocalizeScript, ajaxurl */
( function( $, data, wp, ajaxurl ) {
$( function() {
var $table = $( '.wc-shipping-zone-methods' ),
$tbody = $( '.wc-shipping-zone-method-rows' ),
$save_button = $( '.wc-shipping-zone-method-save' ),
$row_template = wp.template( 'wc-shipping-zone-method-row' ),
$blank_template = wp.template( 'wc-shipping-zone-method-row-blank' ),
// Backbone model
ShippingMethod = Backbone.Model.extend({
changes: {},
logChanges: function( changedRows ) {
var changes = this.changes || {};
_.each( changedRows.methods, function( row, id ) {
changes.methods = changes.methods || { methods : {} };
changes.methods[ id ] = _.extend( changes.methods[ id ] || { instance_id : id }, row );
} );
if ( typeof changedRows.zone_name !== 'undefined' ) {
changes.zone_name = changedRows.zone_name;
if ( typeof changedRows.zone_locations !== 'undefined' ) {
changes.zone_locations = changedRows.zone_locations;
if ( typeof changedRows.zone_postcodes !== 'undefined' ) {
changes.zone_postcodes = changedRows.zone_postcodes;
this.changes = changes;
this.trigger( 'change:methods' );
save: function() {
// Special handling for an empty 'zone_locations' array, which jQuery filters out during $.post().
var changes = _.clone( this.changes );
if ( _.has( changes, 'zone_locations' ) && _.isEmpty( changes.zone_locations ) ) {
changes.zone_locations = [''];
ajaxurl + ( ajaxurl.indexOf( '?' ) > 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + 'action=woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods_save_changes',
wc_shipping_zones_nonce : data.wc_shipping_zones_nonce,
changes : changes,
zone_id : data.zone_id
onSaveResponse: function( response, textStatus ) {
if ( 'success' === textStatus ) {
if ( response.success ) {
if ( response.data.zone_id !== data.zone_id ) {
data.zone_id = response.data.zone_id;
if ( window.history.pushState ) {
'admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=shipping&zone_id=' + response.data.zone_id
shippingMethod.set( 'methods', response.data.methods );
shippingMethod.trigger( 'change:methods' );
shippingMethod.changes = {};
shippingMethod.trigger( 'saved:methods' );
// Overrides the onbeforeunload callback added by settings.js.
window.onbeforeunload = null;
} else {
window.alert( data.strings.save_failed );
} ),
// Backbone view
ShippingMethodView = Backbone.View.extend({
rowTemplate: $row_template,
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo( this.model, 'change:methods', this.setUnloadConfirmation );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'saved:methods', this.clearUnloadConfirmation );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'saved:methods', this.render );
this.listenTo( this.model, 'rerender', this.render );
$tbody.on( 'change', { view: this }, this.updateModelOnChange );
$tbody.on( 'sortupdate', { view: this }, this.updateModelOnSort );
$( window ).on( 'beforeunload', { view: this }, this.unloadConfirmation );
$save_button.on( 'click', { view: this }, this.onSubmit );
$( document.body ).on(
'input change',
'#zone_name, #zone_locations, #zone_postcodes',
{ view: this },
$( document.body ).on( 'click', '.wc-shipping-zone-method-settings', { view: this }, this.onConfigureShippingMethod );
$( document.body ).on( 'click', '.wc-shipping-zone-add-method', { view: this }, this.onAddShippingMethod );
$( document.body ).on( 'wc_backbone_modal_response', this.onConfigureShippingMethodSubmitted );
$( document.body ).on( 'wc_region_picker_update', this.onUpdateZoneRegionPicker );
$( document.body ).on( 'wc_backbone_modal_next_response', this.onAddShippingMethodSubmitted );
$( document.body ).on( 'wc_backbone_modal_before_remove', this.onCloseConfigureShippingMethod );
$( document.body ).on( 'wc_backbone_modal_back_response', this.onConfigureShippingMethodBack );
$( document.body ).on( 'change', '.wc-shipping-zone-method-selector select', this.onChangeShippingMethodSelector );
$( document.body ).on( 'click', '.wc-shipping-zone-postcodes-toggle', this.onTogglePostcodes );
$( document.body ).on( 'wc_backbone_modal_validation', { view: this }, this.validateFormArguments );
$( document.body ).on( 'wc_backbone_modal_loaded', { view: this }, this.onModalLoaded );
onUpdateZoneRegionPicker: function( event ) {
var value = event.detail,
attribute = 'zone_locations',
changes = {};
changes[ attribute ] = value;
shippingMethodView.model.set( attribute, value );
shippingMethodView.model.logChanges( changes );
onUpdateZone: function( event ) {
var view = event.data.view,
model = view.model,
value = $( this ).val(),
$target = $( event.target ),
attribute = $target.data( 'attribute' ),
changes = {};
changes[ attribute ] = value;
model.set( attribute, value );
model.logChanges( changes );
block: function() {
$( this.el ).block({
message: null,
overlayCSS: {
background: '#fff',
opacity: 0.6
unblock: function() {
$( this.el ).unblock();
render: function() {
var methods = _.indexBy( this.model.get( 'methods' ), 'instance_id' ),
zone_name = this.model.get( 'zone_name' ),
view = this;
// Set name.
$('.wc-shipping-zone-name').text( zone_name ? zone_name : data.strings.default_zone_name );
// Blank out the contents.
if ( _.size( methods ) ) {
// Sort methods
methods = _.sortBy( methods, function( method ) {
return parseInt( method.method_order, 10 );
} );
// Populate $tbody with the current methods
$.each( methods, function( id, rowData ) {
if ( 'yes' === rowData.enabled ) {
rowData.enabled_icon = '<span class="woocommerce-input-toggle woocommerce-input-toggle--enabled">' +
data.strings.yes +
} else {
rowData.enabled_icon = '<span class="woocommerce-input-toggle woocommerce-input-toggle--disabled">' +
data.strings.no +
view.$el.append( view.rowTemplate( rowData ) );
var $tr = view.$el.find( 'tr[data-id="' + rowData.instance_id + '"]');
if ( ! rowData.has_settings ) {
.find( '.wc-shipping-zone-method-title > a' )
.replaceWith('<span>' + $tr.find( '.wc-shipping-zone-method-title > a' ).text() + '</span>' );
var $del = $tr.find( '.wc-shipping-zone-method-delete' );
$tr.find( '.wc-shipping-zone-method-title .row-actions' ).empty().html($del);
} );
// Make the rows function
this.$el.find( '.wc-shipping-zone-method-delete' ).on( 'click', { view: this }, this.onDeleteRow );
this.$el.find( '.wc-shipping-zone-method-enabled a').on( 'click', { view: this }, this.onToggleEnabled );
} else {
view.$el.append( $blank_template );
initTooltips: function() {
$( '#tiptip_holder' ).removeAttr( 'style' );
$( '#tiptip_arrow' ).removeAttr( 'style' );
$( '.tips' ).tipTip({ 'attribute': 'data-tip', 'fadeIn': 50, 'fadeOut': 50, 'delay': 50 });
onSubmit: function( event ) {
$save_button.addClass( 'is-busy' );
onDeleteRow: function( event ) {
var view = event.data.view,
model = view.model,
methods = _.indexBy( model.get( 'methods' ), 'instance_id' ),
changes = {},
instance_id = $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).data( 'id' );
if ( window.confirm( data.strings.delete_shipping_method_confirmation ) ) {
// Add method to zone via ajax call
$.post( {
url: ajaxurl + ( ajaxurl.indexOf( '?' ) > 0 ? '&' : '?') + 'action=woocommerce_shipping_zone_remove_method',
data: {
wc_shipping_zones_nonce: data.wc_shipping_zones_nonce,
instance_id: instance_id,
zone_id: data.zone_id,
success: function( { data } ) {
delete methods[instance_id];
changes.methods = changes.methods || data.methods;
model.set('methods', methods);
model.logChanges( changes );
error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
window.alert( data.strings.remove_method_failed );
dataType: 'json'
onToggleEnabled: function( event ) {
var view = event.data.view,
$target = $( event.target ),
model = view.model,
methods = _.indexBy( model.get( 'methods' ), 'instance_id' ),
instance_id = $target.closest( 'tr' ).data( 'id' ),
enabled = $target.closest( 'tr' ).data( 'enabled' ) === 'yes' ? 'no' : 'yes',
changes = {};
methods[ instance_id ].enabled = enabled;
changes.methods = changes.methods || { methods : {} };
changes.methods[ instance_id ] = _.extend( changes.methods[ instance_id ] || {}, { enabled : enabled } );
model.set( 'methods', methods );
model.logChanges( changes );
setUnloadConfirmation: function() {
this.needsUnloadConfirm = true;
$save_button.prop( 'disabled', false );
$save_button.removeClass( 'is-busy' );
clearUnloadConfirmation: function() {
this.needsUnloadConfirm = false;
$save_button.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
unloadConfirmation: function( event ) {
if ( event.data.view.needsUnloadConfirm ) {
event.returnValue = data.strings.unload_confirmation_msg;
window.event.returnValue = data.strings.unload_confirmation_msg;
return data.strings.unload_confirmation_msg;
updateModelOnChange: function( event ) {
var model = event.data.view.model,
$target = $( event.target ),
instance_id = $target.closest( 'tr' ).data( 'id' ),
attribute = $target.data( 'attribute' ),
value = $target.val(),
methods = _.indexBy( model.get( 'methods' ), 'instance_id' ),
changes = {};
if ( methods[ instance_id ][ attribute ] !== value ) {
changes.methods[ instance_id ] = {};
changes.methods[ instance_id ][ attribute ] = value;
methods[ instance_id ][ attribute ] = value;
model.logChanges( changes );
updateModelOnSort: function( event ) {
var view = event.data.view,
model = view.model,
methods = _.indexBy( model.get( 'methods' ), 'instance_id' ),
changes = {};
_.each( methods, function( method ) {
var old_position = parseInt( method.method_order, 10 );
var new_position = parseInt( $table.find( 'tr[data-id="' + method.instance_id + '"]').index() + 1, 10 );
if ( old_position !== new_position ) {
methods[ method.instance_id ].method_order = new_position;
changes.methods = changes.methods || { methods : {} };
changes.methods[ method.instance_id ] = _.extend(
changes.methods[ method.instance_id ] || {}, { method_order : new_position }
} );
if ( _.size( changes ) ) {
model.logChanges( changes );
onConfigureShippingMethod: function( event ) {
var instance_id = $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).data( 'id' ),
model = event.data.view.model,
methods = _.indexBy( model.get( 'methods' ), 'instance_id' ),
method = methods[ instance_id ];
// Only load modal if supported.
if ( ! method.settings_html ) {
return true;
method.settings_html = shippingMethodView.reformatSettingsHTML( method.settings_html );
$( this ).WCBackboneModal({
template : 'wc-modal-shipping-method-settings',
variable : {
instance_id : instance_id,
method : method,
status : 'existing'
data : {
instance_id : instance_id,
method : method,
status : 'existing'
shippingMethodView.highlightOnFocus( '.wc-shipping-modal-price' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'init_tooltips' );
onConfigureShippingMethodSubmitted: function( event, target, posted_data ) {
if ( 'wc-modal-shipping-method-settings' === target ) {
// Save method settings via ajax call
ajaxurl + ( ajaxurl.indexOf( '?' ) > 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + 'action=woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods_save_settings',
wc_shipping_zones_nonce : data.wc_shipping_zones_nonce,
instance_id : posted_data.instance_id,
data : posted_data
function( response, textStatus ) {
if ( 'success' === textStatus && response.success ) {
$( 'table.wc-shipping-zone-methods' ).parent().find( '#woocommerce_errors' ).remove();
// If there were errors, prepend the form.
if ( response.data.errors.length > 0 ) {
shippingMethodView.showErrors( response.data.errors );
// Method was saved. Re-render.
if ( _.size( shippingMethodView.model.changes ) ) {
} else {
shippingMethodView.model.onSaveResponse( response, textStatus );
} else {
window.alert( data.strings.save_failed );
onConfigureShippingMethodBack: function( event, target ) {
if ( 'wc-modal-shipping-method-settings' === target ) {
shippingMethodView.onAddShippingMethod( event );
showErrors: function( errors ) {
var error_html = '<div id="woocommerce_errors" class="error notice is-dismissible">';
$( errors ).each( function( index, value ) {
error_html = error_html + '<p>' + value + '</p>';
} );
error_html = error_html + '</div>';
$( 'table.wc-shipping-zone-methods' ).before( error_html );
highlightOnFocus: function( query ) {
const inputs = $( query );
inputs.focus( function() {
$( this ).select();
} );
onAddShippingMethod: function( event ) {
$( this ).WCBackboneModal({
template : 'wc-modal-add-shipping-method',
variable : {
zone_id : data.zone_id
$( '.wc-shipping-zone-method-selector select' ).trigger( 'change' );
$('.wc-shipping-zone-method-input input').change( function() {
const selected = $('.wc-shipping-zone-method-input input:checked');
const id = selected.attr( 'id' );
const description = $( `#${ id }-description` );
const descriptions = $( '.wc-shipping-zone-method-input-help-text' );
descriptions.css( 'display', 'none' );
description.css( 'display', 'block' );
* The settings HTML is controlled and built by the settings api, so in order to refactor the
* markup, it needs to be manipulated here.
reformatSettingsHTML: function( html ) {
const formattingFunctions = [
return formattingFunctions.reduce( ( formattedHTML, fn ) => {
return fn( formattedHTML );
}, html );
moveAdvancedCostsHelpTip: function( html ) {
const htmlContent = $( html );
const advancedCostsHelpTip = htmlContent.find( '#wc-shipping-advanced-costs-help-text' );
advancedCostsHelpTip.addClass( 'wc-shipping-zone-method-fields-help-text' );
const input = htmlContent.find( '#woocommerce_flat_rate_cost' );
const fieldset = input.closest( 'fieldset' );
advancedCostsHelpTip.appendTo( fieldset );
return htmlContent.prop( 'outerHTML' );
addCurrencySymbol: function( html ) {
if ( ! window.wc.ShippingCurrencyContext || ! window.wc.ShippingCurrencyNumberFormat ) {
return html;
const htmlContent = $( html );
const priceInputs = htmlContent.find( '.wc-shipping-modal-price' );
const config = window.wc.ShippingCurrencyContext.getCurrencyConfig();
const { symbol, symbolPosition } = config;
priceInputs.addClass( `wc-shipping-currency-size-${ symbol.length }` );
priceInputs.addClass( `wc-shipping-currency-position-${ symbolPosition }` );
`<div class="wc-shipping-zone-method-currency wc-shipping-currency-position-${ symbolPosition }">${ symbol }</div>`
priceInputs.each( ( i ) => {
const priceInput = $( priceInputs[ i ] );
const value = priceInput.attr( 'value' );
const formattedValue = window.wc.ShippingCurrencyNumberFormat( config, value );
priceInput.attr( 'value', formattedValue );
} );
return htmlContent.prop( 'outerHTML' );
moveHTMLHelpTips: function( html ) {
// These help tips aren't moved.
const helpTipsToRetain = [
const htmlContent = $( html );
const labels = htmlContent.find( 'label' );
labels.each( ( i ) => {
const label = $( labels[ i ] );
const helpTip = label.find( '.woocommerce-help-tip' );
if ( helpTip.length === 0 ) {
const id = label.attr( 'for' );
if ( helpTipsToRetain.some( ( tip ) => id.includes( tip ) ) ) {
const helpTip = htmlContent.find( `label[for=${ id }] span.woocommerce-help-tip` );
helpTip.addClass( 'wc-shipping-visible-help-text' );
// woocommerce_free_shipping_ignore_discounts gets a helpTip appended to its label.
// Otherwise, add the text as the last element in the fieldset.
if ( id === 'woocommerce_free_shipping_ignore_discounts' ) {
const input = htmlContent.find( `#${ id }` );
const fieldset = input.closest( 'fieldset' );
const inputLabel = fieldset.find( 'label' );
inputLabel.append( helpTip );
} else {
const text = helpTip.data( 'tip' );
const input = htmlContent.find( `#${ id }` );
const fieldset = input.closest( 'fieldset' );
if ( fieldset.length && fieldset.find( '.wc-shipping-zone-method-fields-help-text' ).length === 0 ) {
fieldset.append( `<div class="wc-shipping-zone-method-fields-help-text">${ text }</div>` );
// Coupon discounts doesn't get a title on Free Shipping.
if ( label.text().trim() === 'Coupons discounts' ) {
label.text( '' );
} );
return htmlContent.prop( 'outerHTML' );
replaceHTMLTables: function ( html ) {
// Wrap the html content in a div
const htmlContent = $( '<div>' + html + '</div>' );
// `<table class="form-table" />` elements added by the Settings API need to be removed.
// Modern browsers won't interpret other table elements like `td` not in a `table`, so
// Removing the `table` is sufficient.
const innerTables = htmlContent.find( 'table.form-table' );
innerTables.each( ( i ) => {
const table = $( innerTables[ i ] );
const div = $( '<div class="wc-shipping-zone-method-fields" />' );
div.html( table.html() );
table.replaceWith( div );
} );
return htmlContent.prop('outerHTML');
onAddShippingMethodSubmitted: function( event, target, posted_data, closeModal ) {
if ( 'wc-modal-add-shipping-method' === target ) {
$('#btn-next').addClass( 'is-busy' );
// Add method to zone via ajax call
$.post( ajaxurl + ( ajaxurl.indexOf( '?' ) > 0 ? '&' : '?' ) + 'action=woocommerce_shipping_zone_add_method', {
wc_shipping_zones_nonce : data.wc_shipping_zones_nonce,
method_id : posted_data.add_method_id,
zone_id : data.zone_id
}, function( response, textStatus ) {
if ( 'success' === textStatus && response.success ) {
if ( response.data.zone_id !== data.zone_id ) {
data.zone_id = response.data.zone_id;
if ( window.history.pushState ) {
'admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=shipping&zone_id=' + response.data.zone_id
// Avoid triggering a rerender here because we don't want to show the method
// in the table in case merchant doesn't finish flow.
shippingMethodView.model.set( 'methods', response.data.methods );
// Close original modal
var instance_id = response.data.instance_id,
method = response.data.methods[ instance_id ];
if ( method.settings_html ) {
method.settings_html = shippingMethodView.reformatSettingsHTML( method.settings_html );
// Pop up next modal
$( this ).WCBackboneModal({
template : 'wc-modal-shipping-method-settings',
variable : {
instance_id : instance_id,
method : method,
status : 'new'
data : {
instance_id : instance_id,
method : method,
status : 'new'
shippingMethodView.highlightOnFocus( '.wc-shipping-modal-price' );
} else {
shippingMethodView.model.trigger( 'change:methods' );
shippingMethodView.model.trigger( 'saved:methods' );
$( document.body ).trigger( 'init_tooltips' );
}, 'json' );
// Free Shipping has hidden field elements depending on data values.
possiblyHideFreeShippingRequirements: function( data ) {
if ( Object.keys( data ).includes( 'woocommerce_free_shipping_requires' ) ) {
const shouldHideRequirements = data.woocommerce_free_shipping_requires === null ||
data.woocommerce_free_shipping_requires === '' ||
data.woocommerce_free_shipping_requires === 'coupon';
const select = $( '#woocommerce_free_shipping_requires' );
const fieldset = select.closest( 'fieldset' );
const allOtherLabelElementsAfter = fieldset.nextAll( 'label' );
const allOtherFieldsetElementsAfter = fieldset.nextAll( 'fieldset' );
allOtherLabelElementsAfter.each( ( i ) => {
$( allOtherLabelElementsAfter[ i ] ).css( 'display', shouldHideRequirements ? 'none' : 'block' );
} );
allOtherFieldsetElementsAfter.each( ( i ) => {
$( allOtherFieldsetElementsAfter[ i ] ).css( 'display', shouldHideRequirements ? 'none' : 'block' );
} );
onModalLoaded: function( event, target ) {
if ( target === 'wc-modal-shipping-method-settings' ) {
const select = $( '#woocommerce_free_shipping_requires' );
if ( select.length > 0 ) {
event.data.view.possiblyHideFreeShippingRequirements( { woocommerce_free_shipping_requires: select.val() } );
event.data.view.possiblyAddShippingClassLink( event );
possiblyAddShippingClassLink: function( event ) {
const article = $( 'article.wc-modal-shipping-method-settings' );
const shippingClassesCount = article.data( 'shipping-classes-count' );
const status = article.data( 'status' );
const instance_id = article.data( 'id' );
const model = event.data.view.model;
const methods = _.indexBy( model.get( 'methods' ), 'instance_id' );
const method = methods[ instance_id ];
if ( method.id === 'flat_rate' && shippingClassesCount === 0 ) {
const link = article.find( '.wc-shipping-method-add-class-costs' );
link.css( 'display', 'block' );
validateFormArguments: function( event, target, data ) {
if ( target === 'wc-modal-add-shipping-method' ) {
if ( data.add_method_id ) {
const nextButton = document.getElementById( 'btn-next' );
nextButton.disabled = false;
nextButton.classList.remove( 'disabled' );
} else if ( target === 'wc-modal-shipping-method-settings' ) {
event.data.view.possiblyHideFreeShippingRequirements( data );
onCloseConfigureShippingMethod: function( event, target, post_data, addButtonCalled ) {
if ( target === 'wc-modal-shipping-method-settings' ) {
var btnData = $( '#btn-ok' ).data();
if ( ! addButtonCalled && btnData && btnData.status === 'new' ) {
var view = shippingMethodView,
model = view.model,
methods = _.indexBy( model.get( 'methods' ), 'instance_id' ),
changes = {},
instance_id = post_data.instance_id;
// Remove method to zone via ajax call
$.post( {
url: ajaxurl + ( ajaxurl.indexOf( '?' ) > 0 ? '&' : '?') + 'action=woocommerce_shipping_zone_remove_method',
data: {
wc_shipping_zones_nonce: data.wc_shipping_zones_nonce,
instance_id: instance_id,
zone_id: data.zone_id,
success: function( { data } ) {
delete methods[instance_id];
changes.methods = changes.methods || data.methods;
model.set('methods', methods);
model.logChanges( changes );
error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
window.alert( data.strings.remove_method_failed );
dataType: 'json'
onChangeShippingMethodSelector: function() {
var description = $( this ).find( 'option:selected' ).data( 'description' );
$( this ).parent().find( '.wc-shipping-zone-method-description' ).remove();
$( this ).after( '<div class="wc-shipping-zone-method-description">' + description + '</div>' );
onTogglePostcodes: function( event ) {
var $tr = $( this ).closest( 'tr');
$tr.find( '.wc-shipping-zone-postcodes' ).show();
$tr.find( '.wc-shipping-zone-postcodes-toggle' ).hide();
} ),
shippingMethod = new ShippingMethod({
methods: data.methods,
zone_name: data.zone_name
} ),
shippingMethodView = new ShippingMethodView({
model: shippingMethod,
el: $tbody
} );
items: 'tr',
cursor: 'move',
axis: 'y',
handle: 'td.wc-shipping-zone-method-sort',
scrollSensitivity: 40
})( jQuery, shippingZoneMethodsLocalizeScript, wp, ajaxurl );