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2024-05-06 11:04:37 +07:00
namespace ElementorPro\License;
use Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Connect\Module as ConnectModule;
use ElementorPro\Plugin;
use ElementorPro\Modules\Tiers\Module as Tiers;
use Elementor\Api as Core_API;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly
class API {
const PRODUCT_NAME = 'Elementor Pro';
* @deprecated 3.8.0
const STORE_URL = '';
const BASE_URL = '';
const RENEW_URL = '';
// License Statuses
const STATUS_EXPIRED = 'expired';
const STATUS_SITE_INACTIVE = 'site_inactive';
const STATUS_CANCELLED = 'cancelled';
const STATUS_REQUEST_LOCKED = 'request_locked';
const STATUS_MISSING = 'missing';
const STATUS_HTTP_ERROR = 'http_error';
* @deprecated 3.8.0
const STATUS_VALID = 'valid';
* @deprecated 3.8.0
const STATUS_INVALID = 'invalid';
* @deprecated 3.8.0
const STATUS_DISABLED = 'disabled';
* @deprecated 3.8.0
const STATUS_REVOKED = 'revoked';
// Features
const FEATURE_PRO_TRIAL = 'pro_trial';
// Requests lock config.
const REQUEST_LOCK_OPTION_NAME = '_elementor_pro_api_requests_lock';
const TRANSIENT_KEY_PREFIX = 'elementor_pro_remote_info_api_data_';
const LICENCE_TIER_KEY = 'tier';
const LICENCE_GENERATION_KEY = 'generation';
// Tiers.
const TIER_ESSENENTIAL = 'essential';
const TIER_ADVANCED = 'advanced';
const TIER_EXPERT = 'expert';
const TIER_AGENCY = 'agency';
// Generations.
const GENERATION_ESSENTIAL_OCT2023 = 'essential-oct2023';
const GENERATION_EMPTY = 'empty';
const BC_VALIDATION_CALLBACK = 'should_allow_all_features';
protected static $transient_data = [];
private static function remote_post( $endpoint, $body_args = [] ) {
$use_home_url = true;
* The license API uses `home_url()` function to retrieve the URL. This hook allows
* developers to use `get_site_url()` instead of `home_url()` to set the URL.
* When set to `true` (default) it uses `home_url()`.
* When set to `false` it uses `get_site_url()`.
* @param boolean $use_home_url Whether to use `home_url()` or `get_site_url()`.
$use_home_url = apply_filters( 'elementor_pro/license/api/use_home_url', $use_home_url );
$body_args = wp_parse_args(
'api_version' => ELEMENTOR_PRO_VERSION,
'item_name' => self::PRODUCT_NAME,
'site_lang' => get_bloginfo( 'language' ),
'url' => $use_home_url ? home_url() : get_site_url(),
$response = wp_remote_post( self::BASE_URL . $endpoint, [
'timeout' => 40,
'body' => $body_args,
] );
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
return $response;
$data = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true );
if ( empty( $data ) || ! is_array( $data ) ) {
return new \WP_Error( 'no_json', esc_html__( 'An error occurred, please try again', 'elementor-pro' ) );
return $data;
public static function activate_license( $license_key ) {
$body_args = [
'license' => $license_key,
$license_data = self::remote_post( 'license/activate', $body_args );
return $license_data;
public static function deactivate_license() {
$body_args = [
'license' => '',
$license_data = self::remote_post( 'license/deactivate', $body_args );
return $license_data;
public static function set_transient( $cache_key, $value, $expiration = '+12 hours' ) {
$data = [
'timeout' => strtotime( $expiration, current_time( 'timestamp' ) ),
'value' => json_encode( $value ),
$updated = update_option( $cache_key, $data, false );
if ( false === $updated ) {
self::$transient_data[ $cache_key ] = $data;
private static function get_transient( $cache_key ) {
$cache = self::$transient_data[ $cache_key ] ?? get_option( $cache_key );
if ( empty( $cache['timeout'] ) ) {
return false;
if ( current_time( 'timestamp' ) > $cache['timeout'] && is_user_logged_in() ) {
return false;
return json_decode( $cache['value'], true );
public static function set_license_data( $license_data, $expiration = null ) {
if ( null === $expiration ) {
$expiration = '+12 hours';
self::set_transient( Admin::LICENSE_DATA_FALLBACK_OPTION_NAME, $license_data, '+24 hours' );
self::set_transient( Admin::LICENSE_DATA_OPTION_NAME, $license_data, $expiration );
* Check if another request is in progress.
* @param string $name Request name
* @return bool
public static function is_request_running( $name ) {
$requests_lock = get_option( self::REQUEST_LOCK_OPTION_NAME, [] );
if ( isset( $requests_lock[ $name ] ) ) {
if ( $requests_lock[ $name ] > time() - self::REQUEST_LOCK_TTL ) {
return true;
$requests_lock[ $name ] = time();
update_option( self::REQUEST_LOCK_OPTION_NAME, $requests_lock );
return false;
public static function get_license_data( $force_request = false ) {
$license_data_error = [
'success' => false,
'error' => static::STATUS_HTTP_ERROR,
'payment_id' => '0',
'license_limit' => '0',
'site_count' => '0',
'activations_left' => '0',
$license_key = Admin::get_license_key();
if ( empty( $license_key ) ) {
$license_data_error['error'] = static::STATUS_MISSING;
return $license_data_error;
$license_data = self::get_transient( Admin::LICENSE_DATA_OPTION_NAME );
if ( false === $license_data || $force_request ) {
$body_args = [
'license' => $license_key,
if ( self::is_request_running( 'get_license_data' ) ) {
if ( false !== $license_data ) {
return $license_data;
$license_data_error['error'] = static::STATUS_REQUEST_LOCKED;
return $license_data_error;
$license_data = self::remote_post( 'license/validate', $body_args );
if ( is_wp_error( $license_data ) || ! isset( $license_data['success'] ) ) {
$license_data = self::get_transient( Admin::LICENSE_DATA_FALLBACK_OPTION_NAME );
if ( false === $license_data ) {
$license_data = $license_data_error;
self::set_license_data( $license_data, '+30 minutes' );
} else {
self::set_license_data( $license_data );
return $license_data;
public static function get_version( $force_update = true ) {
$info_data = self::get_transient( $cache_key );
if ( $force_update || false === $info_data ) {
if ( self::is_request_running( 'get_version' ) ) {
if ( false !== $info_data ) {
return $info_data;
return new \WP_Error( esc_html__( 'Another check is in progress.', 'elementor-pro' ) );
$updater = Plugin::instance()->updater;
$translations = wp_get_installed_translations( 'plugins' );
$plugin_translations = [];
if ( isset( $translations[ $updater->plugin_slug ] ) ) {
$plugin_translations = $translations[ $updater->plugin_slug ];
$locales = array_values( get_available_languages() );
$body_args = [
'name' => $updater->plugin_name,
'slug' => $updater->plugin_slug,
'version' => $updater->plugin_version,
'license' => Admin::get_license_key(),
'translations' => wp_json_encode( $plugin_translations ),
'locales' => wp_json_encode( $locales ),
'beta' => 'yes' === get_option( 'elementor_beta', 'no' ),
$info_data = self::remote_post( 'pro/info', $body_args );
if ( is_wp_error( $info_data ) || empty( $info_data['new_version'] ) ) {
return new \WP_Error( esc_html__( 'HTTP Error', 'elementor-pro' ) );
self::set_transient( $cache_key, $info_data );
return $info_data;
public static function get_plugin_package_url( $version ) {
$url = '';
$body_args = [
'item_name' => self::PRODUCT_NAME,
'version' => $version,
'license' => Admin::get_license_key(),
'url' => home_url(),
$response = wp_remote_post( $url, [
'timeout' => 40,
'body' => $body_args,
] );
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
return $response;
$response_code = (int) wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );
$data = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true );
if ( 401 === $response_code ) {
return new \WP_Error( $response_code, $data['message'] );
if ( 200 !== $response_code ) {
return new \WP_Error( $response_code, esc_html__( 'HTTP Error', 'elementor-pro' ) );
$data = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true );
if ( empty( $data ) || ! is_array( $data ) ) {
return new \WP_Error( 'no_json', esc_html__( 'An error occurred, please try again', 'elementor-pro' ) );
return $data['package_url'];
public static function get_previous_versions() {
$url = '';
$body_args = [
'license' => Admin::get_license_key(),
'url' => home_url(),
$response = wp_remote_get( $url, [
'timeout' => 40,
'body' => $body_args,
] );
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
return $response;
$response_code = (int) wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );
$data = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true );
if ( 401 === $response_code ) {
return new \WP_Error( $response_code, $data['message'] );
if ( 200 !== $response_code ) {
return new \WP_Error( $response_code, esc_html__( 'HTTP Error', 'elementor-pro' ) );
$data = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true );
if ( empty( $data ) || ! is_array( $data ) ) {
return new \WP_Error( 'no_json', esc_html__( 'An error occurred, please try again', 'elementor-pro' ) );
return $data['versions'];
public static function get_errors() {
return [
'no_activations_left' => sprintf(
/* translators: 1: Bold text opening tag, 2: Bold text closing tag, 3: Link opening tag, 4: Link closing tag. */
esc_html__( '%1$sYou have no more activations left.%2$s %3$sPlease upgrade to a more advanced license%4$s (you\'ll only need to cover the difference).', 'elementor-pro' ),
'<a href="" target="_blank">',
'expired' => sprintf(
/* translators: 1: Bold text opening tag, 2: Bold text closing tag, 3: Link opening tag, 4: Link closing tag. */
esc_html__( '%1$sYour Elementor Pro license has expired.%2$s Want to keep creating secure and high-performing websites? Renew your subscription to regain access to all of the Elementor Pro widgets, templates, updates & more. %3$sRenew now%4$s', 'elementor-pro' ),
'<a href="" target="_blank">',
'missing' => esc_html__( 'Your license is missing. Please check your key again.', 'elementor-pro' ),
'cancelled' => sprintf(
/* translators: 1: Bold text opening tag, 2: Bold text closing tag. */
esc_html__( '%1$sYour license key has been cancelled%2$s (most likely due to a refund request). Please consider acquiring a new license.', 'elementor-pro' ),
'key_mismatch' => esc_html__( 'Your license is invalid for this domain. Please check your key again.', 'elementor-pro' ),
public static function get_error_message( $error ) {
$errors = self::get_errors();
if ( isset( $errors[ $error ] ) ) {
$error_msg = $errors[ $error ];
} else {
$error_msg = esc_html__( 'An error occurred. Please check your internet connection and try again. If the problem persists, contact our support.', 'elementor-pro' ) . ' (' . $error . ')';
return $error_msg;
public static function is_license_active() {
$license_data = self::get_license_data();
return (bool) $license_data['success'];
public static function is_license_expired() {
$license_data = self::get_license_data();
return ! empty( $license_data['error'] ) && self::STATUS_EXPIRED === $license_data['error'];
public static function is_licence_pro_trial() {
return self::is_licence_has_feature( self::FEATURE_PRO_TRIAL );
public static function is_licence_has_feature( $feature_name, $license_check_validator = null ) {
$license_data = self::get_license_data();
if ( self::custom_licence_validator_passed( $license_check_validator ) ) {
return true;
return ! empty( $license_data['features'] )
&& in_array( $feature_name, $license_data['features'], true );
private static function custom_licence_validator_passed( $license_check_validator ) {
return null !== $license_check_validator &&
is_callable( [ __CLASS__, $license_check_validator ] ) &&
private static function should_allow_all_features() {
return ! self::licence_supports_tiers() || self::is_frontend();
private static function is_frontend() {
return ! is_admin() && ! Plugin::elementor()->preview->is_preview_mode();
* We can consider removing this function and it's usages at a future point if
* we feel confident that all user's Licence Caches has been refreshed
* and should definitely contain a tier and generation.
private static function licence_supports_tiers() {
$license_data = self::get_license_data();
return ! empty( $license_data[ static::LICENCE_TIER_KEY ] ) && ! empty( $license_data[ static::LICENCE_GENERATION_KEY ] );
public static function is_need_to_show_upgrade_promotion() {
if ( ! self::licence_supports_tiers() ) {
return false;
return self::is_licence_tier( static::TIER_ESSENENTIAL ) && self::is_licence_generation( static::GENERATION_EMPTY );
private static function is_licence_tier( $tier ) {
if ( ! self::licence_supports_tiers() ) {
return false;
return self::get_license_data()[ static::LICENCE_TIER_KEY ] === $tier;
private static function is_licence_generation( $generation ) {
if ( ! self::licence_supports_tiers() ) {
return false;
return self::get_license_data()[ static::LICENCE_GENERATION_KEY ] === $generation;
public static function filter_active_features( $features ) {
if ( self::should_allow_all_features() ) {
return array_values( $features );
$license_data = self::get_license_data();
$filtered_values = [];
if ( ! is_array( $license_data['features'] ) ) {
$license_data['features'] = [];
foreach ( $license_data['features'] as $key ) {
if ( ! array_key_exists( $key, $features ) ) {
$filtered_values[] = $features[ $key ];
return $filtered_values;
public static function get_promotion_widgets() {
$promotions = Core_API::get_promotion_widgets();
$license_data = self::get_license_data();
if ( ! self::licence_supports_tiers() ) {
return [];
if ( ! is_array( $license_data['features'] ) ) {
$license_data['features'] = [];
foreach ( $promotions as $key => $promotion ) {
if ( ! in_array( $promotion['name'], $license_data['features'] ) ) {
unset( $promotions[ $key ] );
return array_values( $promotions );
* Check if the Licence is not Expired and also has a Feature.
* Needed because even Expired Licences keep the features array for BC.
public static function active_licence_has_feature( $feature_name ) {
return ! self::is_license_expired() && self::is_licence_has_feature( $feature_name, static::BC_VALIDATION_CALLBACK );
public static function is_license_about_to_expire() {
$license_data = self::get_license_data();
if ( ! empty( $license_data['recurring'] ) ) {
return false;
if ( 'lifetime' === $license_data['expires'] ) {
return false;
return time() > strtotime( '-28 days', strtotime( $license_data['expires'] ) );
* @param string $library_type
* @return int
public static function get_library_access_level( $library_type = 'template' ) {
$license_data = static::get_license_data();
$access_level = ConnectModule::ACCESS_LEVEL_CORE;
if ( static::is_license_active() ) {
$access_level = ConnectModule::ACCESS_LEVEL_PRO;
// For BC: making sure that it returns the correct access_level even if "features" is not defined in the license data.
if ( ! isset( $license_data['features'] ) || ! is_array( $license_data['features'] ) ) {
return $access_level;
$library_access_level_prefix = "{$library_type}_access_level_";
foreach ( $license_data['features'] as $feature ) {
if ( strpos( $feature, $library_access_level_prefix ) !== 0 ) {
$access_level = (int) str_replace( $library_access_level_prefix, '', $feature );
return $access_level;
* The license API uses "tiers" and "generations".
* Because we don't use the same logic, and have a flat list of prioritized tiers & generations,
* we take the generation if exists and fallback to the tier otherwise.
* For example:
* [ 'tier' => 'essential', 'generation' => 'essential-oct2023' ] => 'essential-oct2023'
* [ 'tier' => 'essential', 'generation' => 'empty' ] => 'essential'
* [ 'tier' => '', 'generation' => '' ] => 'essential-oct2023'
* [] => 'essential-oct2023'
* @return string
public static function get_access_tier() {
if ( ! static::is_license_active() ) {
return 'free';
$license_data = static::get_license_data();
$tier = $license_data['tier'] ?? null;
$generation = $license_data['generation'] ?? null;
// Fallback to legacy license when the API returns empty values.
$is_legacy_api = empty( $tier ) || empty( $generation );
if ( $is_legacy_api ) {
return 'essential-oct2023';
// The license API returns "empty" instead of empty string.
$has_generation = 'empty' !== $generation;
if ( $has_generation ) {
return $generation;
return $tier;