urlPricing = GlobalsUC::URL_BUY;
$this->urlSupport = GlobalsUC::URL_SUPPORT;
$this->textActivate = esc_html__("Activate Blox Pro", "unlimited-elements-for-elementor");
$this->textGoPro = esc_html__("GO PRO", "unlimited-elements-for-elementor");
$this->textUnleash = esc_html__("Unleash access to +700 addons,", "unlimited-elements-for-elementor");
$this->textAndTemplates = esc_html__("+100 page templates and +50 section designs", "unlimited-elements-for-elementor");
$this->textPasteActivationKey = esc_html__("Paste your activation key here", "unlimited-elements-for-elementor");
$this->textPlaceholder = "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx";
$this->textLinkToBuy = esc_html__("View our pricing plans", "unlimited-elements-for-elementor");
$this->textDontHave = esc_html__("Don't have a pro activation key?", "unlimited-elements-for-elementor");
$this->textDontHaveLogin = esc_html__("If you already purchased, get the key from my account?", "unlimited-elements-for-elementor");
$this->textLinkToLogin = esc_html__("Go to My Account", "unlimited-elements-for-elementor");
$this->urlLogin = "http://my.unitecms.net";
$this->textActivationFailed = esc_html__("You probably got your activation code wrong", "unlimited-elements-for-elementor");
$this->textYourProAccountLifetime = esc_html__("Your pro account is activated lifetime for this site", "unlimited-elements-for-elementor");
* put pending activation html
public function putPendingHTML(){
You are using free version of Unlimited Elements. The pro version will be available for sale in codecanyon.net within 5 days.
Please follow the plugin updates, and the pro version activation will be revealed.
For any quesiton you can turn to: support@blox-builder.com
showCodeInput == true):?>