Unlimited Elements - API Access Test

post(GlobalsUC::URL_API, array( "action" => "get_addon_zip", "name" => "team_member_box_overlay", "cat" => "Team Members", "type" => "addons", "catalog_date" => "1563618449", "code" => "", )); $data = $response->body(); if(empty($data)) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Empty server response"); $len = strlen($data); dmp("api response OK, received string size: $len"); } /** * check zip file request */ function checkCatalogRequest(){ try{ dmp("requesting catalog check"); $response = UEHttp::make()->post(GlobalsUC::URL_API, array( "action" => "check_catalog", "catalog_date" => "1563618449", "include_pages" => false, "domain" => "localhost", "platform" => "wp", )); $data = $response->body(); if(empty($data)) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Empty server response"); $len = strlen($data); dmp("api response OK, received string size: $len"); }catch(Exception $e){ $message = $e->getMessage() . "\n
"; $message .= "The request to the catalog url has failed. \n
"; $message .= "Please contact your hosting provider and request to open firewall access to this address: \n
"; $message .= "http://api.unlimited-elements.com/"; UniteFunctionsUC::throwError($message); } } /** * various */ function checkVariousOptions(){ dmp("checking file get contents"); $urlAPI = GlobalsUC::URL_API; $response = file_get_contents($urlAPI); $len = strlen($response); dmp("file get contents OK, received string size: $len"); } /** * check and update catalog */ function checkUpdateCatalog(){ dmp("Trying to update the catalog from the api... Printing Debug..."); $webAPI = new UniteCreatorWebAPI(); $webAPI->checkUpdateCatalog(true); $arrDebug = $webAPI->getDebug(); dmp($arrDebug); //print option content $optionCatalog = UniteCreatorWebAPI::OPTION_CATALOG; dmp("Option catalog raw data: $optionCatalog"); $data = get_option($optionCatalog); dmp($data); } /** * check if catalog data is saved well */ function checkingCatalogData(){ $webAPI = new UniteCreatorWebAPI(); $data = $webAPI->getCatalogData(); dmp("Checking saved widgets catalog data"); if(empty($data)){ dmp("No catalog widgets data found!"); checkUpdateCatalog(); return(false); } if(is_array($data) == false) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Catalog data is not array"); $stamp = UniteFunctionsUC::getVal($data, "stamp"); $catalog = UniteFunctionsUC::getVal($data, "catalog"); if(empty($stamp)) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("No stamp found"); if(empty($catalog)) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Empty widgets catalog"); $date = UniteFunctionsUC::timestamp2Date($stamp); dmp("catalog data found OK from date: $date"); $showData = UniteFunctionsUC::getGetVar("showdata","", UniteFunctionsUC::SANITIZE_TEXT_FIELD); $showData = UniteFunctionsUC::strToBool($showData); if($showData == true) dmp($data); } try{ checkVariousOptions(); echo "

"; checkCatalogRequest(); echo "

"; checkZipFile(); echo "

"; checkingCatalogData(); }catch(Exception $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); }