prefix; self::$tablePrefix = $tablePrefix; GlobalsUC::$table_prefix = $tablePrefix; self::$tablePosts = $tablePrefix."posts"; self::$tablePostMeta = $tablePrefix."postmeta"; GlobalsUC::$table_addons = $tablePrefix.GlobalsUC::TABLE_ADDONS_NAME; GlobalsUC::$table_categories = $tablePrefix.GlobalsUC::TABLE_CATEGORIES_NAME; $pluginUrlAdminBase = GlobalsUC::PLUGIN_NAME; GlobalsUC::$pathPlugin = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)."/../")."/"; $pluginName = basename(GlobalsUC::$pathPlugin); GlobalsUC::$path_base = ABSPATH; GlobalsUC::$pathPlugin = UniteFunctionsUC::pathToUnix(GlobalsUC::$pathPlugin); GlobalsUC::$path_base = UniteFunctionsUC::pathToUnix(GlobalsUC::$path_base); //protection against wrong base path (happends at some hostings subdomain) if(strpos(GlobalsUC::$path_base, GlobalsUC::$pathPlugin) === false){ GlobalsUC::$path_base = realpath(GlobalsUC::$pathPlugin."../../../")."/"; GlobalsUC::$path_base = UniteFunctionsUC::pathToUnix(GlobalsUC::$path_base); } $arrUploadDir = wp_upload_dir(); $uploadPath = $arrUploadDir["basedir"]."/"; GlobalsUC::$path_images = $arrUploadDir["basedir"]."/"; //set cache folder try{ GlobalsUC::$path_cache = GlobalsUC::$path_images."unlimited_elements_cache/"; UniteFunctionsUC::mkdirValidate(GlobalsUC::$path_cache, "cache folder"); //create index.html UniteFunctionsUC::writeFile("", GlobalsUC::$path_cache."index.html"); }catch(Exception $e){ GlobalsUC::$path_cache = GlobalsUC::$pathPlugin."cache/"; } GlobalsUC::$url_base = site_url()."/"; GlobalsUC::$urlPlugin = plugins_url($pluginName)."/"; GlobalsUC::$url_component_admin = admin_url()."admin.php?page=$pluginUrlAdminBase"; GlobalsUC::$url_component_client = GlobalsUC::$url_component_admin; GlobalsUC::$url_component_admin_nowindow = GlobalsUC::$url_component_admin."&ucwindow=blank"; GlobalsUC::$url_images = $arrUploadDir["baseurl"]."/"; GlobalsUC::$url_ajax = admin_url("admin-ajax.php","relative"); GlobalsUC::$url_ajax_full = admin_url("admin-ajax.php"); GlobalsUC::$url_ajax_front = GlobalsUC::$url_ajax; GlobalsUC::$is_admin = self::isAdmin(); GlobalsUC::$url_provider = GlobalsUC::$urlPlugin."provider/"; GlobalsUC::$url_default_addon_icon = GlobalsUC::$url_provider."assets/images/icon_default_addon.png"; GlobalsUC::$is_ssl = is_ssl(); self::setAssetsPath(); GlobalsUC::$url_assets_libraries = GlobalsUC::$urlPlugin."assets_libraries/"; //GlobalsUC::$view_default set in admin class GlobalsUC::$url_assets_internal = GlobalsUC::$urlPlugin."assets_internal/"; GlobalsUC::$layoutShortcodeName = "blox_layout"; GlobalsUC::$enableWebCatalog = true; $window = UniteFunctionsUC::getGetVar("ucwindow","",UniteFunctionsUC::SANITIZE_KEY); if($window === "blank") GlobalsUC::$blankWindowMode = true; } /** * set assets path */ public static function setAssetsPath($dirAssets = null, $returnValues = false){ if(empty($dirAssets)) $dirAssets = "ac_assets"; $arrUploads = wp_upload_dir(); if(empty($arrUploads)) return(false); $uploadsBaseDir = UniteFunctionsUC::getVal($arrUploads, "basedir"); $uploadsBaseUrl = UniteFunctionsUC::getVal($arrUploads, "baseurl"); //convert to ssl if needed if(GlobalsUC::$is_ssl == true) $uploadsBaseUrl = str_replace("http://", "https://", $uploadsBaseUrl); $urlBase = null; if(is_dir($uploadsBaseDir)){ $pathBase = UniteFunctionsUC::addPathEndingSlash($uploadsBaseDir); $urlBase = UniteFunctionsUC::addPathEndingSlash($uploadsBaseUrl); } if(empty($pathBase)) return(false); //make base path $pathAssets = $pathBase.$dirAssets."/"; if(is_dir($pathAssets) == false) @mkdir($pathAssets); if(is_dir($pathAssets) == false) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Can't create folder: {$pathAssets}"); //--- make url assets $urlAssets = $urlBase.$dirAssets."/"; if(empty($pathAssets)) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Cannot set assets path"); if(empty($urlAssets)) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Cannot set assets url"); if($returnValues == true){ $arrReturn = array(); $arrReturn["path_assets"] = $pathAssets; $arrReturn["url_assets"] = $urlAssets; return($arrReturn); }else{ GlobalsUC::$pathAssets = $pathAssets; GlobalsUC::$url_assets = $urlAssets; } } /** * is admin function */ public static function isAdmin(){ $isAdmin = is_admin(); return($isAdmin); } public static function a________SCRIPTS_________(){} /** * add scripts and styles framework * $specialSettings - (nojqueryui) */ public static function addScriptsFramework($specialSettings = ""){ UniteFunctionsWPUC::addMediaUploadIncludes(); //add jquery self::addAdminJQueryInclude(); //add jquery ui wp_enqueue_script("jquery-ui-core"); wp_enqueue_script("jquery-ui-widget"); wp_enqueue_script("jquery-ui-dialog"); wp_enqueue_script("jquery-ui-resizable"); wp_enqueue_script("jquery-ui-draggable"); wp_enqueue_script("jquery-ui-droppable"); wp_enqueue_script("jquery-ui-position"); wp_enqueue_script("jquery-ui-selectable"); wp_enqueue_script("jquery-ui-sortable"); wp_enqueue_script("jquery-ui-autocomplete"); wp_enqueue_script("jquery-ui-slider"); //no jquery ui style if($specialSettings != "nojqueryui"){ HelperUC::addStyle("jquery-ui.structure.min","jui-smoothness-structure","css/jui/new"); HelperUC::addStyle("jquery-ui.theme.min","jui-smoothness-theme","css/jui/new"); } if(function_exists("wp_enqueue_media")) wp_enqueue_media(); } /** * add jquery include */ public static function addAdminJQueryInclude(){ wp_enqueue_script("jquery"); } /** * * register script */ public static function addScript($handle, $url, $inFooter = false, $deps = array()){ if(empty($url)) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("empty script url, handle: $handle"); $version = UNLIMITED_ELEMENTS_VERSION; if(GlobalsUC::$inDev == true) //add script $version = time(); wp_register_script($handle , $url, $deps, $version, $inFooter); wp_enqueue_script($handle); } /** * register script */ public static function addStyle($handle, $url, $deps = array()){ if(empty($url)) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("empty style url, handle: $handle"); $version = UNLIMITED_ELEMENTS_VERSION; if(GlobalsUC::$inDev == true) //add script $version = time(); wp_register_style($handle, $url, $deps, $version); wp_enqueue_style($handle); } /** * print some script at some place in the page * handle meanwhile inactive */ public static function printCustomScript($script, $hardCoded = false, $isModule = false, $handle = null, $isPutOnce = false){ self::$counterScripts++; if(empty($handle)) $handle = "script_".self::$counterScripts; if($isModule == true) $handle = "module_".$handle; if(isset(self::$arrScripts[$handle])){ if($isPutOnce === true) return(false); $handle .= "_". UniteFunctionsUC::getRandomString(5, true); } if($hardCoded == false) self::$arrScripts[$handle] = $script; else{ if($isModule == true) echo ""; else echo ""; } } /** * print custom style */ public static function printCustomStyle($style, $hardCoded = false){ if($hardCoded == false) self::$arrStyles[] = $style; else echo ""; } /** * get all custom scrips, delete the scripts array later */ public static function getCustomScripts(){ $arrScripts = self::$arrScripts; self::$arrScripts = array(); return($arrScripts); } /** * get custom styles, delete the styles later */ public static function getCustomStyles(){ $arrStyles = self::$arrStyles; self::$arrStyles = array(); return($arrStyles); } /** * get url jquery include */ public static function getUrlJQueryInclude(){ $url = GlobalsUC::$url_base."wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery".".js"; return($url); } /** * get jquery migrate url include */ public static function getUrlJQueryMigrateInclude(){ $url = GlobalsUC::$url_base."wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate".".js"; return($url); } public static function a_________SANITIZE________(){} /** * filter variable */ public static function sanitizeVar($var, $type){ switch($type){ case UniteFunctionsUC::SANITIZE_ID: if(is_array($var)) return(null); if(empty($var)) return(""); $var = (int)$var; $var = abs($var); if($var == 0) return(""); break; case UniteFunctionsUC::SANITIZE_KEY: if(is_array($var)) return(null); $var = sanitize_key($var); break; case UniteFunctionsUC::SANITIZE_TEXT_FIELD: $var = sanitize_text_field($var); break; case UniteFunctionsUC::SANITIZE_NOTHING: break; default: UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Wrong sanitize type: " . $type); break; } return($var); } /** * escape add html */ public static function escAddParam($html){ return($html); } /** * escape add html */ public static function escCombinedHtml($html){ return($html); } /** * escape html */ public static function escHtml($html){ $html = esc_html($html); return($html); } public static function a_________GENERAL_________(){} /** * get image url from image id */ public static function getImageUrlFromImageID($imageID, $size = UniteFunctionsWPUC::THUMB_FULL){ $urlImage = UniteFunctionsWPUC::getUrlAttachmentImage($imageID, $size); return $urlImage; } /** * get image url from image id */ public static function getThumbUrlFromImageID($imageID, $size = UniteFunctionsWPUC::THUMB_MEDIUM){ if(empty($imageID) === true) return ""; switch($size){ case GlobalsUC::THUMB_SIZE_NORMAL: $size = UniteFunctionsWPUC::THUMB_MEDIUM; break; case GlobalsUC::THUMB_SIZE_LARGE: $size = UniteFunctionsWPUC::THUMB_LARGE; break; } $urlThumb = UniteFunctionsWPUC::getUrlAttachmentImage($imageID, $size); return $urlThumb; } /** * get image id from url * if not, return null or 0 */ public static function getImageIDFromUrl($urlImage){ $imageID = UniteFunctionsWPUC::getAttachmentIDFromImageUrl($urlImage); return($imageID); } /** * strip slashes from ajax input data */ public static function normalizeAjaxInputData($arrData){ if(!is_array($arrData)) return($arrData); foreach($arrData as $key=>$item){ if(is_string($item)) $arrData[$key] = stripslashes($item); //second level if(is_array($item)){ foreach($item as $subkey=>$subitem){ if(is_string($subitem)) $arrData[$key][$subkey] = stripslashes($subitem); //third level if(is_array($subitem)){ foreach($subitem as $thirdkey=>$thirdItem){ if(is_string($thirdItem)) $arrData[$key][$subkey][$thirdkey] = stripslashes($thirdItem); } } } } } return($arrData); } /** * put footer text line */ public static function putFooterTextLine(){ ?> © , Unlimited Elements.    getActiveLanguage(); $data["uc_lang"] = $activeLanguage; }else{ $data["uc_lang"] = UniteFunctionsWPUC::getLanguage(); } $isInsideEditor = GlobalsProviderUC::$isInsideEditor; $isAdminUser = current_user_can('manage_options'); $data["uc_inside_editor"] = $isInsideEditor?"yes":"no"; $data["uc_admin_user"] = $isAdminUser?"yes":"no"; return($data); } /** * put addon view add html */ public static function putAddonViewAddHtml(){ //put nothing meanwhile } /** * get nonce (for protection) */ public static function getNonce(){ $nonceName = self::getNonceName(); $nonce = wp_create_nonce($nonceName); return($nonce); } /** * get nonce name */ public static function getNonceName(){ $userID = get_current_user_id(); if(empty($userID)) $userID = "none"; $name = GlobalsUC::PLUGIN_NAME."_actions_{$userID}"; return($name); } /** * veryfy nonce */ public static function verifyNonce($nonce){ if(function_exists("wp_verify_nonce") == false){ dmp("verify nonce function not found. some other plugin interrupting this call"); dmp("please find it in this trace by follow 'wp-content/plugins'"); UniteFunctionsUC::showTrace(); exit(); } $nonceName = self::getNonceName(); $verified = wp_verify_nonce($nonce, $nonceName); if($verified == false) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Action security failed, please refresh the page and try again."); } /** * put helper editor to help init other editors that has put by ajax */ public static function putInitHelperHtmlEditor($unhide = false){ $style = "display:none"; if($unhide == true) $style = ""; ?>
post_title; return($title); } private static function a_________OPTIONS_________(){} /** * get option */ public static function getOption($option, $default = false, $supportMultisite = false){ if($supportMultisite == true && is_multisite()) return(get_site_option($option, $default)); else return get_option($option, $default); } /** * get transient */ public static function getTransient($transient, $supportMultisite = false){ if($supportMultisite == true && is_multisite()) return get_site_transient($transient); else return get_transient($transient); } /** * set transient */ public static function setTransient($transient, $value, $expiration, $supportMultisite = false){ if($supportMultisite == true && is_multisite()){ set_site_transient($transient, $value, $expiration); }else set_transient($transient, $value, $expiration); } /** * remember transient */ public static function rememberTransient($transient, $expiration, $callback, $supportMultisite = false){ if($expiration <= 0){ $value = $callback(); return $value; } $value = self::getTransient($transient, $supportMultisite); if(empty($value)){ $value = $callback(); self::setTransient($transient, $value, $expiration, $supportMultisite); } return $value; } /** * delete option */ public static function deleteOption($option, $supportMultisite = false){ if($supportMultisite == true && is_multisite()){ delete_site_option($option); }else delete_option($option); } /** * update option */ public static function updateOption($option, $value, $supportMultisite = false,$autoload = null){ if($supportMultisite == true && is_multisite()){ update_site_option($option, $value); }else update_option($option, $value, $autoload); } private static function a_________UPDATE_PLUGIN________(){} /** * put update plugin button */ public static function putUpdatePluginHtml($pluginName, $pluginTitle = null){ $postMaxSize = ini_get( "post_max_size"); $maxUploadSize = ini_get( "upload_max_filesize"); if(empty($pluginTitle)) $pluginTitle = esc_html__("Unlimited Elements Plugin", "unlimited-elements-for-elementor"); else $pluginTitle .= " Plugin"; $nonce = self::getNonce(); ?>
" style="display:none;">


extract($filepathInner, $pathUpdate); } // --------- uploaded file code to message /** * * get message of upload file code */ private static function uploadFileCodeToMessage($code) { switch ($code) { case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: $message = "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini"; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $message = "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form"; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $message = "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $message = "No file was uploaded"; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: $message = "Missing a temporary folder"; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: $message = "Failed to write file to disk"; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: $message = "File upload stopped by extension"; break; default: $message = "Unknown upload error"; break; } return $message; } /** * * Update Plugin */ public static function updatePlugin(){ $linkBack = HelperUC::getViewUrl_Default(); $htmlLinkBack = HelperHtmlUC::getHtmlLink($linkBack, "Go Back"); try{ //verify nonce: $nonce = UniteFunctionsUC::getPostVariable("nonce","",UniteFunctionsUC::SANITIZE_NOTHING); self::verifyNonce($nonce); $linkBack = HelperUC::getViewUrl_Default("provider_action=run_after_update"); $htmlLinkBack = HelperHtmlUC::getHtmlLink($linkBack, "Go Back"); //check if zip exists $zip = new UniteZipUC(); if(function_exists("unzip_file") == false){ if( UniteZipUG::isZipExists() == false) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("The ZipArchive php extension not exists, can't extract the update file. Please turn it on in php ini."); } dmp("Update in progress..."); $arrFiles = UniteFunctionsUC::getVal($_FILES, "update_file"); if(empty($arrFiles)) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Update file don't found."); $error = UniteFunctionsUC::getVal($arrFiles, "error"); if(!empty($error)){ $message = self::uploadFileCodeToMessage($error); UniteFunctionsUC::throwError($message); } $filename = UniteFunctionsUC::getVal($arrFiles, "name"); if(empty($filename)) UniteFunctionsIG::throwError("Update filename not found."); $fileType = UniteFunctionsUC::getVal($arrFiles, "type"); $fileType = strtolower($fileType); $arrMimeTypes = array(); $arrMimeTypes[] = "application/zip"; $arrMimeTypes[] = "application/x-zip"; $arrMimeTypes[] = "application/x-zip-compressed"; $arrMimeTypes[] = "application/octet-stream"; $arrMimeTypes[] = "application/x-compress"; $arrMimeTypes[] = "application/x-compressed"; $arrMimeTypes[] = "multipart/x-zip"; if(in_array($fileType, $arrMimeTypes) == false) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("The file uploaded is not zip."); $filepathTemp = UniteFunctionsUC::getVal($arrFiles, "tmp_name"); if(file_exists($filepathTemp) == false) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Can't find the uploaded file."); //crate temp folder $pathTemp = GlobalsUC::$pathPlugin."temp/"; UniteFunctionsUC::checkCreateDir($pathTemp); //create the update folder $pathUpdate = $pathTemp."update_extract/"; UniteFunctionsUC::checkCreateDir($pathUpdate); if(!is_dir($pathUpdate)) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Could not create temp extract path"); //remove all files in the update folder $arrNotDeleted = UniteFunctionsUC::deleteDir($pathUpdate, false); if(!empty($arrNotDeleted)){ $strNotDeleted = print_r($arrNotDeleted,true); UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Could not delete those files from the update folder: $strNotDeleted"); } //copy the zip file. $filepathZip = $pathUpdate.$filename; $success = move_uploaded_file($filepathTemp, $filepathZip); if($success == false) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Can't move the uploaded file here: ".$filepathZip."."); //extract files: if(function_exists("unzip_file") == true){ WP_Filesystem(); $response = unzip_file($filepathZip, $pathUpdate); } else $zip->extract($filepathZip, $pathUpdate); //check for internal zip in case that cocecanyon original zip was uploaded self::updatePlugin_checkUnpackInnerZip($pathUpdate, $filename); //get extracted folder $arrFolders = UniteFunctionsUC::getDirList($pathUpdate); if(empty($arrFolders)) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("The update folder is not extracted"); //get product folder $productFolder = null; if(count($arrFolders) == 1) $productFolder = $arrFolders[0]; else{ foreach($arrFolders as $folder){ if($folder != "documentation") $productFolder = $folder; } } if(empty($productFolder)) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Wrong product folder."); $pathUpdateProduct = $pathUpdate.$productFolder."/"; //check some file in folder to validate it's the real one: $checkFilepath = $pathUpdateProduct."unitecreator_admin.php"; if(file_exists($checkFilepath) == false) UniteFunctionsUC::throwError("Wrong update extracted folder. The file: ".$checkFilepath." not found."); //copy the plugin without the captions file. $pathOriginalPlugin = GlobalsUC::$pathPlugin; $arrBlackList = array(); UniteFunctionsUC::copyDir($pathUpdateProduct, $pathOriginalPlugin,"",$arrBlackList); //delete the update UniteFunctionsUC::deleteDir($pathUpdate); dmp("Updated Successfully, redirecting..."); echo ""; }catch(Exception $e){ //remove all files in the update folder if(isset($pathUpdate) && !empty($pathUpdate)) UniteFunctionsUC::deleteDir($pathUpdate); $message = $e->getMessage(); $message .= "
Please update the plugin manually via the ftp"; echo "
Update Error: $message

"; echo UniteProviderFunctionsUC::escCombinedHtml($htmlLinkBack); exit(); } } public static function a________ACTIONS_FILTERS_______(){} /** * add filter */ public static function addFilter($tag, $function_to_add, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1 ){ add_filter($tag, $function_to_add, $priority, $accepted_args); } /** * wrap shortcode */ public static function wrapShortcode($shortcode){ $shortcode = "[".$shortcode."]"; return($shortcode); } /** * apply filters */ public static function applyFilters($func, $value){ $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array("apply_filters",$args); } /** * add action function */ public static function addAction($action, $func){ $args = func_get_args(); call_user_func_array("add_action", $args); } /** * convert url to new window */ public static function convertUrlToBlankWindow($url){ $params = "ucwindow=blank"; $url = UniteFunctionsUC::addUrlParams($url, $params); return($url); } /** * do action */ public static function doAction($tag){ $args = func_get_args(); call_user_func_array("do_action", $args); } } ?>